Earlier, when I posted about what Erik feels when Jamie trance channels him, I forgot to share what the experience is like from my perspective. Watching Jamie trance channel Erik is nothing less than awe-inspiring. As Erik enters her body, you can see a flash of light alongside the curve of her neck, usually on the right side. Often when this occurs, the lights in the ceiling above her flicker. Once Erik is inside her body, you can hear a change in her voice. It’s more masculine.
As his mother, I witness all of those things I’ve come to recognize and love during the 20 years I was blessed to have him with me here in the physical: the way he jiggles his foot; how he messes with his fingers; and the way he musses his hair (poor Jamie). I also recognize the way he sits: legs apart, elbows propped on his knees, body leaning forward as he speaks to the group. Most amazing is what happens when he first catches my eye. He leans forward and quickens his pace as though he were about to break into a run toward me, head bowed and tilted slightly to the side. Then he hugs me. And that hug. Wow. Jamie’s body no longer has that soft, mushy, girlie feel; it’s hard and muscular feeling.
The first time Jamie trance channeled Erik, he was a bit naughty. He liked being in a curvaceous female body and couldn’t stop himself from grabbing her breasts. Once Jamie “came to” and found out what Erik had done, he was in the doghouse for months. Appropriately scolded, the next time Jamie trance channeled him, he informed the audience, as he passed his hands from her neck to her knees, that he was told that that section was off limits. In essence, he said Jamie had put up an electric fence there. We quickly discovered he was kidding when he said, “But she didn’t say I couldn’t do this,” and peeked down her blouse. Sigh. Since then, he usually only messes with her by putting her hair up with a rubber band. He does this so clumsily and so badly that it takes Jamie all day to fix her hair to the way it was before. Still, that’s progress.
We’re going to change directions now and talk about connecting to our loved ones. I try to practice every day. Okay, every other day. And it does get easier. Erik gave me some advice that I hope will help you, too.
Me: Hey, Erik. I’ve been practicing listening to your voice in my head, and it seems like it’s been helping me to do that exercise you talk me to match my vibration to the Earth’s. So, I ask you to say a very short phrase like, “I love you.” At first, I have some trouble, because I flip back and forth hearing my voice and yours in my head. I mean it’s kind of difficult to capture your voice. Like tuning the dial of an FM radio. Actually, sometimes I visualize myself doing just that—tuning a radio dial until I hear your voice. That kind of helps. It’s really easy for me to hear Grace’s voice, because it’s so obvious being an English accent an all. Anyway, for some reason, I have a hard time connecting with your voice. Why is that?
Erik: Because you get so amped up and nervous. That’s all it is, and once you get past that little bit, it’s you and me all the way.
Me: And maybe it’s also because there’s so much emotional charge wrapped up around it and because I remember so many of your voices from babyhood on up. That makes it hard to capture just one of your voices.