Best of Erik: Enlightenment

Me: Okay, now. Erik, does the term “enlightenment” have a different meaning when applied to the physical existence here and when it’s applied to the spirit realm where you are? In other words, does the physical experience of enlightenment differ from the spiritual experience of enlightenment?

Erik: Yes, Mom, and what a great question! Yes. The physical enlightenment is really to be human but not to be bound by it.

Me: Okay.

Erik: Most people feel like the human enlightenment is more about trying to get out of the body, away from the body and get into this spiritual living. But c’mo, you still gotta body! How’re you gonna get around that?

Me: Um hmm!

Erik: Then you’re living a life full of disappointment, because you can’t achieve what you think you should be achieving because you have a body.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: Why do people hate their bodies!!

I chuckle.

Erik: Well, I’m one to talk. I didn’t like mine when I was there.

Me (sadly):Aww. Erik.


Me: It’s so limiting, I guess.

Erik: It is limiting. It is. But it should be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be squandered away into believing that enlightenment is dissing the earthbound joys, going for something almost destructive.


Me: And what about the spiritual experience of enlightenment?

Erik: Ah! That deals more with pure openness, about being able to obtain all information without getting in the way.

Me: Hm.

Jamie: Can I ask, Erik, what do you mean by “all information?”

Erik: From other galaxies, from other places, other dimensions, other universes. You’re not as separate from the collective so you tap into all of the information that collective consciousness provides. You can access anything you want and that you can based on your vibrational level.

Me: So you don’t sense that separateness as much the more spiritually enlightened you are?

Erik: Right.

Me: Okay. So can you give me a recap? And please try to dumb it down a little for your ol’ mom, Sweetie.

Erik (chuckling): Okay, so the more spiritually enlightened a person is, the more connected his or her feels with the whole. That illusion of separation becomes weaker and weaker. And the more you sense that oneness, the more information you can recive from the collective consciousness that  you’re a part of. It’s so funny how the so-called boundaries of that separation illusion can just totally wall you off. It’s all a matter of perception and perspective. Now physical enlightenment has to do with embracing the joys of being human, of being in a human body, of living the human experience.

Me: Ah, I’m beginning to get it. Thanks, Baby Boy.

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Elisa Medhus

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