Before we start with today’s illuminating post, I’d like to clarify something. I have seen on various websites comments about spirits using profanity. In fact, one in particular said that if a spirit curses, it’s evidence that he or she remains in the lower dimensions and hasn’t yet “crossed over.” There is cursing and then there is cursing. Sure, if a spirit uses profanity attached to negative intent and emotions, it’s likely that he or she remains in the lower dimensions, but if those negativities aren’t attach, that isn’t the case. Erik curses because he wants us to know it is he who speaks, and more important, he wants us to know he’s “one of us.” Approachable. Not all high and mighty. It seems to work. I just wanted to make sure everyone understands. Okay, ready to rock and roll!
Me: How can we, in our physical bodies, be more aware of our eternal nature, and is the word “death” the best we can do to describe this glorious experience?
Erik: Well, it’s the only one we have, so yeah.
Me: “Transition” I think would better. I guess it’s semantics. Is reemergence into the nonphysical a delightful experience for everyone?
Erik: No. You have to fight your own demons. You have to ask yourself what kind of demons did you create for yourself in life.
Me: So, if you believe in Hell or having to fight demons to get into Heaven, etc., you’re going to not have a very pleasant experience.
Erik: Yeah, you’re not going to have a great time!
Jamie chuckles.
Me: That’s awful! Can you expand on that, please?
Erik: Like what?
Me: Well, here’s another question that goes along with it. What’s the one thing that those who have recently transitioned want us to know and feel in those immediate moments? In other words, how can we comfort ourselves?
Erik: Talking about death, that’s the only term we have now. Transition wouldn’t be good, Mom. I like the term rebirth, because that’s exactly what it is, but that’s not the term humans use. You birth and you rebirth. It’s just done in different ways. You birth out.
Jamie giggles.
Erik: Now, what the fuck do you want me to talk about?
Jamie (to Erik, laughing): Oh, you just got lost!
Me: Ah oh! Well, let me tell you all the questions that are around this nature. What’s the one thing that those who have recently transitioned want us to know and feel in those moments that would comfort us and also, when loved ones are ready to make their transition, what can we do to help ourselves prepare for this? Let’s just start with those.
Erik: Well, that’s going to be so different for everybody.
Damn. That again.
Erik: Everybody has different needs for what they need to hear or feel to feel secure in their belief structure. So there’s not going to be one button you can push each time you cross that bridge to make everyone you leave behind feel great about it. That’s personalized.
Me: I can imagine, yeah. What about the second question? And what can they do to prepare for their own transition?
Erik: Thank you. That last one is a much better question, because I was about to start saying, you know, this shit’s not about you. You’re not the one dying. You don’t gotta prepare for shit.
I beg to differ, but…
Erik: You don’t need to be in the moment, be honest and be there, willing to give what your mom, friend, person who’s dying what they need, you know?
Me: Yeah.
Erik: That’d be pretty cool.
Jamie (chuckling): “Pretty cool”!
Jamie: He’s talking about the part where you—he’s talking kind of quick. He just lost me. (To Erik) That’s two different things, right? Yeah, he’s separating the “What can you do as a person who’s left behind to help the person transition” and “What can the person who has recently died do to help themselves transition.”
Me: Okay.
Erik: The one that’s left behind—stop talking shit. That’s what you can do to help your family member or whoever it was that died pass over. Stop talking shit. “Why did you leave me?” I know in the moment of hard grief, that shit is a valid question, but as soon as you snap out of it and you know, why don’t you let yourself, like my mom did, go look for the answers. Don’t sit in it. If you have things that are unresolved, go resolve them, because if you are unresolved with the person who died, trust me, that person has some unresolved issues with you too. They’ll want to meet and make a resolution so that everyone is happy. Ignoring it doesn’t make anybody happy.
Me: Yeah, really.
Jamie: He’s talking about what a person can do after they die.
Erik: If you don’t believe in anything—in God, in an afterlife, if you don’t have a belief structure in place, please, all I would say is ask for help. That is the key word. That is the saving grace for anything or anywhere you will find yourself in the afterlife: I need help. I would like help. Can someone help me? Any of that. You will be so, ah! You will be so fucking surprised by what shows up.
Me: Ah, good. Okay.
If you’d like to sign up for Jamie’s upcoming Group Phone Reading on June 5th, CLICK HERE!
Sign up for the Griever’s Channeling Call June 7th if you want to talk to your loved ones on the other side. I can’t tell you how comforting it is for both you and your loved one. CLICK HERE
Dear Reader,
The journey on which you’re about to embark will take you through stories that are deeply personal and involves a relationship between a mother and her son.
As a physician raised by two atheists, I had no personal belief system about life after death. In a word, I was a confirmed skeptic. As my journey progressed, my mind opened. It is my sincerest hope that yours will open as well and that you will have a greater understanding of your own life and what’s to come ahead.
Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my book is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources for help when you find yourself considering taking your own life. Know that they are readily available when you feel that hopelessness and despair that many of us feel from time to time in our lives.
I refuse all donations and ad revenue on the blog. It is my dream to one day establish a nonprofit organization that delivers a variety of spiritual services for those who have lost loved ones to suicide and cannot afford that assistance on their own. It’s a mission of love, sacrifice, and dedication.
Love and light,