I had a dream about my best friend, soulmate, the person I was in love with and he loved me but it was never the right time. The dream, he came to me and I could tell he was upset, it was like a warning and in my dream I noticed that right off. When I woke I was worried and upset. I had to work that day. Shortly after I arrived to work my friend called to tell me he had passed away. The dream I had about him the night or day of the phone call about his passing has me believing he came to warn me about his passing.
Is it possible for this to happen? Please help I have been struggling with this for over 16 years.
Hi Monica!
Thanks for writing in! Erik brought me to your message and suggested that we post it on the blog, as there are others who will benefit from your situation.
Dreams can create confusion, especially if we don’t fully understand what it means. Erik says that Spirit often speaks in metaphor in our dreams, some can be prophetic in nature as well. It doesn’t always mean what we may think. Erik said that many have experienced a premonition visit from a family member , friend or someone of special meaning, regardless of how long it has been since we have seen them. They are coming to you through their higher-self to let you know they are transitioning. For you Monica, Seeing your Soulmate upset, is signifying the love that was never fully fulfilled in this lifetime due to timing and circumstances. Certainly the love has always been there. The visit was like an opportunity to say goodbye for now. This is also a great sign that your Soulmate is wanting to communicate. Reach out with that love within you. Erik says if you are reading this and looking for a sign that your loved one hears you, and wants to communicate…This IS your sign!!!