Blog member, Hiral Mehta, would like me to reach out to all of you who need help healing. She practices Theta Healing. I’m sure many of you know what that is. I don’t know much about it other than the fact that it’s very powerful and Hiral has the love and passion to do it well. She asks that I publish her email address:, so that you can contact her for healing. Be sure to send a picture of yourself too, because visualization is an important requisite to the process. Thanks, Hiral!
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay now. Caylee Anthony. Let’s talk about her. Is her mom guilty?
Erik: Hell, yeah, Mom.
Me: Oh, how sad. I figured as much, though. Was it premeditated or unintentional?
Erik: It was all emotional. All of it.
Me: (sadly): Aw. Why? What happened?
Erik: Well, the reason it was triggered is that she couldn’t handle the 24/7 of being a mom.
Me: Um hm.
Erik: She likes to be the one others take care of. So, she got sick of not taking breaks for herself, and she always just wished, “I wish you weren’t here. I wish you were dead.”
Me: Oh no.
Erik: Like, “Just go away.” And so when the moment came, Caylee did. She went away.
Me: Oh, my gosh. So, was it premeditated?
Erik: No. I know she looked up some shit, but it wasn’t like she plotted this out step by step. You know how a person can just think about it and go, “Oh my god, I wonder how people do this or that.” So she read all sorts of stuff, but it didn’t really play in the whole scheme of, “Okay, that’s what I’m going to do, and then I’m gonna do this.” She like fantasized on the computer, but without a real intention of killing Caylee. So it wasn’t a slow methodical plot that unfolded. It was all rash and emotional. She is a spoiled prick. She wouldn’t have had Caylee if her parents hadn’t begged her to keep the baby for herself. Totally fucking narcissist. That’s the worst type of parent a kid could have.
Me: Poor little child. At least she’s Home and at peace.
Erik: Fuck yeah she’s having a great time. She’s got lots of friends. Emma and Kara played with her a couple of times. Plus, she’s got a couple of angelic therapists with her all the time. She’s in good hands. She likes Zebras so she has a few of those. She also loves teddy bears, puppies and kitties, kinda what you’d expect in a kid who passed at that age. But the thing is, Mom, she’s really got a wise side to her. She’s totally cool with what happened to her and feels sorry for her family—even her mom—for having to deal with this shit.
Me: Still, I hope she knows she was loved.
Erik: Oh, sure she does. But she was more of a parent to her mom than the other way around. He mom is so fucking juvenile. Terrible self-esteem too. I can say pretty definitely that Caylee would have had a miserable life if she had lived in the same household as Casey. Fucking miserable. So, all for the best.
Me: So what was the lesson supposed to be?
Erik: Caylee was supposed to teach Casey how to love, how to give love, how to care about someone other than herself. In previous lives, she was always like a selfish Prima Donna or some asshole with not a speck of empathy for anyone else. She couldn’t put herself in anyone else’s shoes AT ALL. But because of that, she wasn’t well-liked and people in the community shunned her, even though she was often in a position of power. Still, you ain’t shit unless you can love someone else and that’s why she agreed to take on that lesson this go ‘round. Didn’t work out for her, but she’ll go through it again, because that’s one of the most important—no, it’s THE most important thing to learn. LOVE WHO YOU ARE. If you don’t, you can’t truly love anyone else and you can’t love life.
Me: Pretty heavy stuff, Erik.
Erik: Yeah. Important shit usually is.
Me: I know, Sweetie. I know. So, I guess it’s Casey and her family who are suffering the most? Not Caylee?
Erik: Exactly. She’s totally in her element and saying like, “Hey, you had your chance with me, Bitch.”
Me: Erik!
Erik laughs.
Erik: No, I’m kidding. Caylee’s a really sweet kid. She forgives her mom and stuff. Yeah, so…
Caylee Anthony, R.I.P.
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