I’ve had so many people over the last couple of years ask me to interview Dolores Cannon. I hesitated because I really didn’t know anything about her except for the fact that I have one of her books collecting dust on my nightstand entitles The Convoluted Universe. Then she started hanging around Robert, clearly wanting to be interviewed. The interview went well, although I probably should have researched her before beginning. Thankfully, a blog member provided me with some questions to ask her. I hope you enjoy.
Me: Well, you know, we can either touch on a mixture of things, but at one point during this hour I’d like to interview Dolores Cannon who I don’t know very much about, but she’s been hanging around you every once in a while waiting to be interviewed, and so many blog members have wanted me to interview her. I don’t really know much about her!
Robert: I thought she might come up because she very faintly appeared while I was meditating. Somebody else that came up, too—I really don’t know his last name—but there’s this guy, kind of an average build, maybe a little heavier but not too much. His name is Alan. I think that’s what he said his name was, but I can’t get his last name. He was into philosophy and stuff.
Me: Oh, Alan Watts? I don’t know what he looks like.
Robert: I think that’s it. He was into philosophy, but he was also mentioning how he was like an atheist or agnostic.
Me: Oh, cool. All right.
Robert: Anyway, he just popped in, and I was asking him questions.
Me: Well, what does Erik want to do first. Do you want to do the duke’s mixture, a potpourri of little topics here and there, or do you want to (stuttering) interview Dolores? I almost said, “Do Dolores,” but I don’t think that would have sounded very good!
Robert: Okay, he keeps switching back and forth. He irritates me when he does this. He’ll be like, “Oh, let’s do this. No, no. Let’s do that!”
Me: Erik, make up your spirit mind!
Robert: Oh, lord, sometimes he gets on my nerves!
Robert chuckles.
Me: I know.
Robert: Because he’s all over the place. (To Erik) Okay, who do you want to start with?
Robert: Okay, he said, “Dolores.”
Me: Okay.
Robert: At first he said, “The questions,” and then he switched to the questions. Now he’s saying, “Dolores.” (To Erik) So that’s who you’re going to go with?
Erik: Yes.
Robert: Okay, let’s go with Dolores.
Me: Okay, good.
Robert: Thank you, Erik.
Me: I didn’t know spirits could have such a hard time making up their minds!
Robert: Well, Erik does sometimes, at least today.
Me: He’s a special kind of spirit!
Erik: Very different!
Me: Okay, tell me when she’s there.
Dolores: I’m here, darling.
Me: Aw, hello, Dolores!
Robert: She has a soft energy.
Me: I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t know very much about you although I do have one of your books. I just haven’t cracked it open yet. It’s just so hard to find the time.
Dolores: Oh, please. That’s not necessary.
Me: Because you’re going to give me all the information I need anyway!
Dolores: Of course I will.
Me: I have some of my regular questions, but I also have some from blog members. The first thing I want to ask you, and these are the blog member questions, “Is the backdrop people concept real? If so, what more can you tell us about them. What are they, and why are they here?” I never heard of that.
Dolores: It’s not real.
Me: Oh, okay. Well what was it? What are they talking about?
Robert: She’s not really elaborating.
Me: So, whatever. It’s not a real concept. Maybe you thought it was a real concept before?
(Long pause)
Robert: I’m trying to figure out what she’s saying.
Dolores: It’s a matter of philosophy.
Robert: What do you mean by that?
(Long pause)
Robert: It’s something about people who are waiting in the shadows looking for answers. That doesn’t make any sense at all.
Me: Well, say something that makes sense, Dolores.
Robert: Somehow, it’s connected to past lives, and she’s wanting to talk about past lives.
Me: Okay, go ahead. We’ll just give you the mic.
Dolores: I enjoy taking control.
Robert laughs.
Me: All right. Go for it. You have the floor.
The baby starts crying again.
Robert: You know what she’s doing?
Me: Mm mm.
Robert: She’s showing herself by Easton, and she’s using her hands, trying to calm him.
Me: Okay. Let’s hope that works! He probably needs a bottle.
Dolores: His energy is very upset. It breaks my heart when a child is upset.
Me: Aw! It builds character!
Dolores: This is why Robert couldn’t get information. I wanted to be with Easton.
Me: All right. Are you back on the stage now?
Robert: I think he’s quieted down.
Me: Yep.
Good job, Dolores.
Me: Yeah, talk about what you want to talk about.
Dolores: Past lives were very interesting and important to me because it helped me reconcile pain that I carried with me during my life.
Me: Oh.
Dolores: I wanted to help others reconcile, too.
Robert: She’s talking about books that she channeled.
Me: Oh, some of the books were channeled?
Dolores: Yes, they were a co-creation, a collaboration.
Me: Oh, okay.
Dolores: Some were channeled and some were my work. Let’s hear the questions that you have.
Me: Okay. “Any further information about the three waves of volunteers? It’s very challenging to be a sensitive soul here at this time. Any words of wisdom?” It must be that there are three waves of volunteers, and some of them are sensitive, I guess? Empaths?
Dolores: Sensitive people must learn how to surround themselves with others who will support them in who they are. If you don’t have that support, you’re having to carry the whole load on your own. That’s unnecessary and yet it is because you have to go through the journey of finding what it is that you need in order to know how to maintain it and keep it with you always.
Me: Do you have any further information, other than what’s in your books, about the three waves of volunteers? We’re going to have to answer these quickly because there are a lot of them.
Dolores: These are so much about the technicalities of what I wrote.
Me: Well, let’s try to go to some more general questions from this person. “Dolores was always searching for new information. She must have access to all kinds of interesting information now. Is there any new information you have now that you’d like to share?” That’s a good one.
Dolores (clasping her hands together gleefully): Oh, yes! So much! What so many people think and what I believed in life is that the lives you live in the past and future have the ability to rule your life in this realm. The only reason I believed that is because I was so focused on it and I and others didn’t necessarily want to connect with this life. So I suppose to a certain degree it might seem like a paradox that in order to come to that realization, you have to investigate what happens in [these other lives.] But as I know it now, it’s not necessary. Those lives have no control over where you are now. So the journey to those places where you are not now can make you aware of that.
Me: Well, let me ask you a question that’s along those lines from my list of usual questions. What other life most influenced your one as Dolores Cannon?
Dolores: I was a Quaker.
(Long pause as Robert listens)
Robert: She was talking about someone named St. Joseph.
Dolores: I went to Plymouth and lived there when we first settled [in America]. Everybody gravitated toward what they were drawn to do in life. For me, I was drawn to cooking, to provide food.
Robert: She was kind of a portly woman, black hair, very fair skin.
Dolores: I set up what today you’d call soup kitchens. I would feed people and bring them comfort. I wanted to take care of people who were ill. If people came up to me and I knew that they were ill—I had a sense for that—I would bring them to the side and help them as best I could.
Me: How does that relate to your life as Dolores Cannon?
Robert: Yeah, she was just getting ready to mention that.
Me: Oh, okay.
Dolores: Trying to take care of other people has followed me all through my lives. In the one that everyone knew me as Dolores, I was simply trying to take care of people again. I tried to make them aware of things and tried to nurture their soul.
Me: Not their body like in that particular life [as a Quaker] but the soul. I get it.
Dolores: The soul itself. The soul is on an infinite journey, a journey that is far beyond human comprehension, and in order for you to digest all that is going on within your soul, you have to feed it. Part of that nourishment comes from intellectual wisdom, from that creative side of ourselves, the imagination. It’s absolutely necessary that we feed ourselves that way. It’s what creates our reality but helps us remember all of the other lives we’ve had.

Dolores Cannon
Enjoy this stellar review of Erik’s book, My Life After Death: A Memoir from Heaven, and please consider supporting my efforts by purchasing your own copy in Kindle, paperback (for less than $10!), Nook, Audible or audiobook. Already have a copy? Start buying more as holiday gifts so you can dramatically change the lives of those you love for the better.
This book is amazing! In the first chapters, you review his death and the effect on his family which is so very sad. But then you get information about the afterlife that I find so interesting. You have to decide what you believe, I believe this information is from Erik in spirit – but how can that be?? There are certain psychic mediums who can communicate with spirits and when that spirit really wants to communicate back then it works beautifully. I learn so much from him (Erik), the transitions after death, life as a spirit, angels, demons, religion, you name it (see ChannelingErik.com). If you have that beckoning mind, then read this book.