The San Diego dates have been confirmed! It’ll be November 9-11th and all meals will be included. The hotel will be on the beach! Activities will be sunrise to sunset but of course these won’t be mandatory and the extra early and late course are at no extra charge. this will be such an amazing and memorable time. I hope you come, and I can’t wait to meet the ones who can. Please let me know if you will! My email address is
Me: Let’s see if you can get Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Erik.
Erik: Okay, I can do that.
Me (laughing): Go fetch her, Baby!
Jamie: Just let me know when you come back!
Me: Yeah, don’t creep up on poor Jamie! You used to love sneaking up on your sisters and brother to scare them. Boo!
Erik laughs and disappears.
Jamie: Thank god I have my back against the wall!
Me: Yeah, you have to watch your back, girl!
Erik returns with Elisabeth.
Jamie: She’s very casual. She’s come down; she’s sitting across from me on the table. She’s not a well-kempt woman.
Erik: Jamie!
Jamie: Oops. Well, I’ve already said it. But you know, her hair is just natural. She doesn’t have the makeup on; she doesn’t have the, you know, she’s just an older woman.
Me: She sounds like me! She’s not unkempt. She’s just not all that interested in glamming herself up! Thanks so much for coming, Ms. Kubler-Ross.
Elisabeth: Thank you so much for having me; I find this work fascinating still.
Me: Oh, of course. Now, reflecting back on your life, do you feel that you’re accomplished what you set out to do? Did you accomplish your spiritual mission?
Elisabeth: I think I only touched the tip of it.
Me: Well, what were you here to learn, if anything?
Elisabeth: I was here to learn to be open to the afterlife.
Me: Oh! And you were! You were one of the first to be open to such things, isn’t that right? Other than the ancient mystics and other groups, you were the first to explore death and life after death in such a pubic way.
Elisabeth: I was one of the first to be publicly accepted as a published author on the topic, yes.
Me: Oh, I see. What were you here to teach?
Elisabeth: I was here to teach the bereaved how to go through the grief process and what death is and how it affects the human life and structure.
Jamie: She’s talking about her credentials as some sort of therapist like a psychiatrist. She says she lived in many parts of the world, which helped her understand people a lot better by being exposed to different cultures.
Elisabeth: You’re well aware—
Jamie: I think most of us are.
Elisabeth: –that I was the one who helped create the whole hospice care movement in the United States. I always found it so daunting that by the time I put my thoughts together in a book, as soon as it was published I learned so much that I had more in depth knowledge and truth so I’d have to publish another book! This became my pattern, and it became so disappointing that I couldn’t just remove my earlier books off the shelf. I was so ignorant when I wrote them, and I learned so much since. So, I would look back and realized, ‘My dear god, why would I have ever put that information out there for people to learn!
Jamie: Her eyes are kind of sunken in, and so when she gets really into a conversation, her eyebrows come up and they’re just really expressive.
Me: Oh, okay! First, I’ll say that we’re all works in progress; you’re no different in that aspect, so of course your books were bound to reflect your progress!
Me: Do you think a lot of your work was channeled?
Elisabeth: Yes, my works were channeled directly through me, but not as a complete incorporation of a spirit entity within me. It’s that the back of my brain was open, and the information was being uploaded to me in this way. As fast as I could get it out pen to paper or through a typewriter was as fast as it would be published. So, there was not a lot of time for me to go over the material to discover if it was close to the absolute truth or far from it.
Me: Do you have any regrets?
Elisabeth: I regret that I couldn’t just come back to life after my death to share what I had discovered after I passed away.
Me: Well, you’re sharing a bit about that now! Can you share a past life that most influenced this last one?
Elisabeth: My deepest understanding is that all of my lives had the intent of bringing me to that point when I could teach others about death and dying. The one that I’m most profoundly attached to is when I was a woman who was pregnant with twins who were stillborn. The grief process that I went through was so intense—it made me question the value of life and I wondered, ‘Where did those lives go?’ It motivated me to learn more through religion, but that didn’t satisfy my need. That’s why I came back into a life where I would take a more scientific approach.
Me: Interesting.
Elisabeth: I believe it’s not coincidence that I am one of three.
Jamie: She’s one o triplets?
Me: Oh, I don’t know.
Erik: Yes, she’s a triplet.
Me: Oh, wow!
Jamie (to Elisabeth): No offense, but you were born a long time ago, so that’s pretty rare
Me: It is! Most triplets back then didn’t survive.
Elisabeth: Yes, it was all natural, too.
Jamie laughs.
Elisabeth: So, that brought to the surface my having had twins in another life. I had an instant family and was very close to my family.
This video shows how surprisingly spiritual Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was for a psychiatrist at that time.