Remember, Kim O’Neill, the medium I used for several months after Erik died? She’s wonderful. In fact, the only reason I changed to Jamie was because her sessions were less expensive, and I knew I was going to be in it for the long haul. Well, she has an offer you can’t refuse if you live in or around Houston. Check this out!
“Ask Kim Live!”
FREE In-Person Readings!
Edgar Cayce’s Houston Center
June 20: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
7800 Amelia Rd, Houston, Texas 77055
(For directions) (713) 263-1006
Attendance: FREE
Parking: FREE
You’re invited to my newest event, Ask Kim Live! I’ll be offering free mini readings to members of the audience chosen in a lottery-type system. Arrive before 11:30 am to get your lottery ticket and choose a seat in the beautiful Edgar Cayce’s Houston Center auditorium. I’d LOVE to see you there!
By the way, I had a great session with Robert last evening. Guess who showed up to be interviewed? Madalyn O’Hair! (I know. Weird spelling, but that’s what Google gives me.) After I finished interviewing her, Judas Iscariot came in. His testimony will sure change some thinking and question the history books.
I hesitated to post this interview mainly because Kayla had just died shortly before so she was not very well oriented, but hopefully, you’ll get something out of it.
Me: Erik, I’m going to ask you if you can please bring Kayla Mueller in, the one who was killed by the ISIS terrorists.
Erik: Yes.
She appears with Erik.
Me: Okay. Kayla, how are you doing, sweetie?
Jamie (looking in back of her): The voice is coming from behind me! She said, “fine.” I don’t see her though.
Me: She’s sneaking up behind you.
Jamie: Yeah. It’s weird. I hear her here. (She points to the back of her head, then shakes her head in wonderment.)
Kayla: Hello. Hello to everyone. I understand exactly what this is.
Jamie: She liked her computer, too.
I chuckle.
Me: How were you treated? I’m not talking about when they killed you, but before that.
Kayla: Not as respectfully as I hoped for, but you can say my fundamental needs were given to me, even if they weren’t—
(Long pause as Jamie listens.)
Jamie: I don’t understand that. Oh I want to see her.
Me: Maybe she’s shy.
Jamie: Really nice voice. But it wasn’t, uh, she’ll give images. If we see a toilet, it would be more public. It’s not as private, things like that. It wasn’t like she was in a nice room.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: The strongest memory she has is the smell of it.
Me: Oh boy. Were there any spiritual contracts involved for yourself, for your captors or for the world?
(Long pause)
Kayla: Everyone is going to have their moment of struggle in their life when they have to come to self-realization. I’m not interested in anyone feeling sorry for me or measuring their struggles against mine. I don’t wish anyone to experience what I did, but I would—
Jamie: I would want? It’s easier when I can see them, things like that, but it’s um…
Me: Sure.
Kayla: I would want other people to hear my story, to read my story and see my strength.
(Long pause as Jamie clearly struggles.)
Jamie: She’s talking about many days of being in fear because of not knowing, of being told one thing and something else would happen.
Kayla: There was no trust. There was no camaraderie. It was all mental games. There was no comfort. I had to find the strength within myself.
Jamie: For that, she’s very proud of herself. It seems a little joyful in her words to be able to say that she found it.
(Long pause again.)
Jamie: I don’t know. Help her. Ask another question.
Me: Okay. Did you forgive your—well, you didn’t really talk about spiritual contracts. Were there any? We sort of got off topic. Was there something you were supposed to learn for yourself, teach someone else, teach the masses?
Kayla: I was told that I was being used as a sacrificial lamb to show a point, to prove a point. That what was being told to me by the people around me. The real people.
Jamie: Erik is asking her again about her contracts.
(Long pause)
Jamie: You can hear them going back and forth.
Erik: You know, the purpose might be why the experience happened to you and not—
(Long pause, yet again.)
Jamie (smiling): I think she gets it.
She doesn’t sound convinced.
I chuckle.
Jamie: She’s talking about her soul being able to handle the suffering that was handed to her.
(Long pause)
Jamie: Erik is still coaching her, asking her if there was a bigger message, and she hasn’t really found that. She’s still just sees herself as being her, “Kayla.”
Still very connected to her humanness.
Me: She may get that later. Have you forgiven you captors and executioners?
Kayla: Yes.
Me: Do you have any messages for them?
(Very long pause)
Jamie: Her first words were, “You did not kill me. You set me free.”
I guess she means they set her free from all the suffering she endured.
Me: Wow.
Jamie turns her head to see behind her.
Me: Why won’t you get in front of Jamie, Kayla? (in jest) You don’t want to get near Erik?
Jamie: Erik has left, too. He’s somewhere—(she waves her hands around.) Now did she re—I’m so sorry for not knowing this. Did she recently pass?
Jamie makes it a point to never watch the news. That brings a lot of negativity into her energy, and that probably makes channeling more difficult.
Me: Yeah, in the past 2-3 days. You think that’s it Kayla?
Jamie: Yeah, I don’t think there’s a full transition here. She’s still doing some things or communication—
Jamie: That’s probably why she still sees herself as wonderful Kayla. I don’t think she knows the big, grand picture yet.
Me: Okay. You will in time. Do you have any messages for friends and family?
(Long pause)
Jamie: I hear, “I love everyone. I love you all. I’m okay. You’ll never have to worry about me again.
Me: Anything else?
Jamie: There must have been a long time that they worried about her.
Me: Yeah. It was. I don’t know. I can’t remember. Maybe a couple of years? Do you blame the government—I understand that they had intelligence that was “perishable,” which means, “You better act on it now,” but the administration decided not to because they felt like they needed more evidence, more intelligence.
Kayla: There were other things at play that they couldn’t discuss.
Jamie: She’s not angry with the government, but she would have wanted them to work faster.
Me: Yeah.
Kayla: But then again, I think time just stood still for me for that long.
Me: I know you’re not the kind of person who would blame, but do you feel like the government was in some part responsible for your death?
(Long pause)
Jamie: The United States government?
Me: Mm hm. Because of what we just talked about.
Jamie: She’s not saying “yes” at all, but when you talk about the word, “blame,” it really holds the, is it the ISIS group?
Me: Yes.
Jamie: That’s where the blame is. That’s the sour point. That’s what’s misunderstood.
Jamie: She knows a lot more than what’s being said in her story. She understands why she wasn’t just picked up and whisked away. She understands why it happened this way so there’s no confusion of anger wrapped around that at all.
Me: Okay. Well, do you think you still would have been alive had it not been for our government not coming in sooner to rescue you or not trying harder?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: She still feels like she would be used as a sacrificial lamb. Apparently she’s young, kind of innocent, had nothing to offer, nothing. That’s why she keeps calling it the sacrificial lamb, and that’s the term they apparently used when they talked to her.
Me: Okay. So where do you see terrorism going, and what are the solutions? What’s this going to grow into, and what can we do? Maybe from your point now, in your dimension, you can certainly have a perspective that we don’t have.
(Long pause)
Jamie: All I can hear is “growing to better communication.”
Me: That’s the solution? Can you be more specific?
Jamie: You can hear Erik talking about the question, saying it in different ways.
Kayla: All the good that comes from terrorism is creating stronger communities and better communication. That’s what I’m looking forward to. It’s not about creating more war or death. I don’t want that in my name or associated with me.
Me: Oh, yeah.
Kayla: That’s definitely not who I was.
Me: What do you mean by communities?
Kayla: People who get together and rally around what doesn’t work.
Me: What people? Muslims? Americans as a whole? Other people in the Middle East?
(While I’m spouting off my list, Jamie is shaking her head vehemently.)
Jamie: All. It looks worldwide. It doesn’t even look like it’s just here.
Me: Well how bad does it have to get before we come to that sense of community?
Kayla: It’s already gotten bad.
Me: Yeah, tell me about it. Will it get a lot worse before it gets better?
(Long pause)
Jamie (to me): I’m sorry. I have no idea what you just said. I’m trying to look at a picture, and how she’s showing it to me is that when something terrible: a shooting, a murder, things of that nature happens, it affects—maybe one incident will happen and we’ll get three positive groups with stronger communication, but it doesn’t seem to tumble—pop, pop, pop, pop and create more and more and more and more. It’s like a small spark of things happening.
Me: But those can lead to flames.
Jamie: One moment at a time or one war at a time will create more positive so that we grow to be better as a whole, but we still have these–
Jamie (to Kayla): What do you call them?
(Long pause)
Jamie (smiling): There’s silence on my end.
Me: All right. Will we be attacked on our homeland, you know, in America? Sort of like a 911 thing?
Jamie: All I hear her say is, “All of it is our homeland.”
Me: Well, that’s true. So you don’t know? You might not know.
It may be too early in her transition for her to see big pictures like this.
Jamie: No, she doesn’t give specifics of attacks of anything else.
Kayla: We need to stop seeing territories.
Jamie: She puts X’s over her eyes.
Kayla: Stop seeing it as territories. All of it is our land.
Me: The whole world.
Kayla: Yes, the whole world.
Me: Okay. Now, one more question I want to ask. I think it’s the last one. Can you share with us another life that sort of influenced your life as Kayla?
(Long pause)
Jamie: I can hear Erik talking to her. I don’t think she has, she doesn’t have this all together yet.
Me: Yeah, well it’s been so recent.
Jamie: It’s not sitting in her head.
Me: Okay. You’re under the care of friends and deceased loved ones I take it? You’re in good hands? You’re happy there?
Kayla: I’m with everyone I know and then some.
Jamie laughs.
Jamie: I can hear her laugh at the end of that.
Me: Have you gotten a chance to visit your family?
Jamie: That’s what she’s been doing.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: She has to—something has to be completed. She’s waiting for her ceremony, um, of life, but she’s not all the way what we’d call transitioned or crossed over.
Me: All right. I want to tell you that I really respect you. You seem to have been, and still are, a very deep and good person.
Kayla: Thank you.
Me: It looks like you rose above what happened to you.
Kayla: Yes I had a lot of time to learn how to do that.
Me: Yeah, you sure did. Any final messages?
Jamie: She just said thank you and to take care.
Me: You too.
We say our goodbyes.
By the way, I’m going to be traveling with my husband to New Orleans Thursday so I might recycle some of the old posts that day and Friday. He’s racing his motorcycle on the track and wants my company!
As always, I’m going to try to keep posting your Erik stories every day. Just to make it clear, this is not replacing posts. This is an addition.