Although I transcribed this months ago, I really wrestled with the idea of posting for obvious reasons. I did report Natalie’s account to the detective handing the case, so I hope it helped. He was very receptive, and he said he has used psychics to help solve cases before. Unfortunately, for Jamie’s safety and my own, I’ve omitted key names. Sorry.
Me: Let’s see if we can get Natalie Wood, Erik! Do you think we can get her, because she’s been in the news a lot. I know you don’t watch TV much, Jamie, but—
Jamie: Aw! How come she’s in the news if she’s already gone?
Me: Well, apparently they’re wondering about whether her death was accidental or not. A third party witness apparently changed his story. So, you think you can get her, Sweetie?
Jamie: Yes, he’s here. He’s here. He’s back with her.
Me: Oh! Wow, that was fast! Hello, Ms. Wood; how are you doing?
Jamie: Wow, she’s got a really great voice!
Me: Oh, yeah. Do you remember seeing her in West Side Story? She played the part of Maria.
Jamie: I mean, I’ve seen the old West Side Story, so I guess I’ve seen her.
Me: Yeah, she was just wonderful in that. So, hello, Ms. Wood.
Jamie: Full voice. I wish I could imitate how full and elegant it is.
Natalie: Hello.
Me: How are you doing?
Natalie: I’m doing wonderfully.
Me: Oh, good.
Jamie: Erik just jumped in.
Erik (to Natalie): Go ahead and tell us what the hell you think is going on in the news and why it’s reopened.
Me: Let’s just jump right in!
Jamie (giggling): Yeah, I know! He just totally interrupted you.
Erik: Do you think it was foul play?
Natalie: You’re interested in knowing about my death?
Erik: Yes.
Jamie: I’m listening to her first, because it’s kind of hard—she’s got a soft voice. She’s saying she was with a group of people. She was not alone; they were drinking. Drink in a glass, not like a beer in a bottle—so like a mixed drink or cocktail.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: It’s—I know it sounds funny but it’s a white boat with wood trim. There are places you go underneath so it’s a big boat. It’s not something small.
Me: Yes, that’s right.
Jamie: When I’m looking out, I can’t really see land. I know it’s there; I know it’s not in the middle of the ocean. The land is thin, just there, not far out. There’s music; they’re talking—I hear footsteps, arguing. She’s arguing with a guy.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: I don’t understand. It’s like she’s talking about—do we know who all is on the boat? Am I the only one who’s kind of—
Me: I think it was just her husband, Robert Wagner, and Christopher Walken along with the boat captain. I think that was it. I’m not totally sure. I think there were rumors that she was having an affair with Walken.
Jamie: She says she wanted to!
Natalie: Amazing dancer! I can’t resist a man who is an amazing dancer.
Jamie: That’s funny. We all see him as an amazing actor.
Natalie: No, dancer first and foremost. Such charm. I wasn’t the kind of woman who would cheat on my husband, but I certainly enjoyed the pleasures of flirting and men’s attraction to lust. But I wasn’t a woman who—especially because my husband was XXXXX in nature.
Me: Oh, boy.
Natalie: I wanted off the boat. I asked to go back to land, to be taken back, and my husband, W—
Jamie: So, that’s gotta be XXXXX, not XXXXX. Okay.
Jamie: She didn’t fall into the dinghy. She got in there willingly, and XXXXX was in there with her.
Natalie: He was so furious with me, because I had finally reached my wits end and said that when I got back to shore the relationship was going to change. It wasn’t going to be the same as what it was. I would not be—
Jamie (to Natalie): You said that to his face?
Natalie: Yes.
Jamie: Oh my god.
Natalie: I told him that I would not hold back on the details of what kind of person he was where before I was kind of covering up his darker side.
Me: Oh, okay.
Natalie: I remember being hit.
Me: Just once?
Natalie: No, multiple times.
Me: Did you fall out of the boat, or were you pushed?
Natalie: No, I was pushed.
Me: And obviously you were not a very good swimmer. Did he know that you were drowning?
Natalie: No, he left. He was too drunk to know what was going on, too drunk to really care or want to help.
Me: So, he didn’t leave knowing you were going to die?
Natalie: Right. He had no idea.
Stay tuned for part two tomorrow. If you guys think this leaves me too exposed, will you let me know?
As promised, here’s the downloadable mp3 of Erik and Jamie’s National Radio Show, The Sean and Jen Show. Enjoy.