Here’s the recording to the small group channeling call held on Thursday. As usual, Erik was a riot, but he was also full of wisdom. Please click on the link below and the mp3 will download to your desktop.
If you’d like to register for a future call, you can do so through this link.
Here are some possible questions, although the sky’s the limit. By listening to these recordings you can get all sorts of ideas, and I’m very grateful to the callers for allowing us to listen in and learn.
Communication/messages with deceased loved ones
How to communicate with deceased loved ones
Whether the death of a loved one was their destiny and if so, why
Past lives that most influence your current life
Who your spirit guides are and what messages/advice they have for you
What your spiritual mission is
Why you’re stuck in life
What your exit point is
Who your soulmate is
Who’s in your soul group/family
Soul/spiritual contracts
Spiritual and past life connections with people in your lives including family members, friends, co-workers, etc.
Changes in a relationship
How to improve a relationship
Whether there’s an upcoming relationship
How to improve your marriage
Whether to get out of a marriage
How to help your children
If you’ll have children
Health of a pregnancy/unborn child
Sex of an unborn child
Personal health issues
Career issues: whether you should retire, change jobs, how to get that promotion, land a better job, etc.
Why you have money problems and how you can get over them
How to help struggling friends or family members
God I could go on and on!
We’ll finish the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross interview next week! Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of your weekend! Love you guys!