Remember Trell W., the blog member we’re all pitching in to help? His deceased wife’s family blames him for her death in the hospital, which, according to Erik and her in a channeled session, is absolute B.S. They’ve been very vindictive, has turned the police against him (although they admit they have nothing on him) and has even gotten to his boss at the locksmith shop, urging him to fire Trell. Well, he did get fired. They’ve even threatened his life. But he has his CDL and a guy is going to hire him, so things are looking up. Erik has been sending him all sorts of loving signs and clearly has his back. Please send him prayers if you can. He doesn’t deserve this. I told Trell to get a restraining order out against them. If you can, please PayPal him some money to help him until he’s completely on his feet again. He’s very optimistic and loving in spite of enduring such mean spiritedness and tragedy. His PayPal email address is
Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show TONIGHT at 5:00 PM PT/7:00 PM CT/8:00 PM ET. THE TOPIC: The mental illness problem in our society and solutions to mass shootings. No more than 15 minutes before the top of the hour, call 619-639-4606 to ask Erik your question. There are three ways to listen: Listen on the phone line, click on the “Listen” icon on the right sidebar of the blog or click on this link:
Enjoy this post about our justice and penal system, transcription courtesy of Beth George. Thanks Beth!! As always, the YouTube version follows. I understand not everyone is a big reader.
Kim: Hey!
Elisa: Hey there!
Kim: That’s a little bit better.
Elisa: It’s still pretty blurry. I don’t know why. Oh, now it cleared up all of a sudden.
Kim: Ok, good.
Elisa: Hello, Erik! I love you. Kimberly, what’s up since the last time talked, like one minute ago?
Erik: I love you mom.
Kim: Yeah, like 30 seconds ago.
Elisa: Today we are going to talk about something a blog member in particular; a blog member from Spain has really been interested in. And that’s our justice system. Actually, our jail system. You want to talk about that, Erik? Shall we?
Erik: Why not!
Elisa: Ok, I’m going to read some of his questions. In theory, the world is a safer place because most criminals are put in jail. I personally contend that in some cases, they simply lock people up and throw away the key. Never the less, I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and a third and as many chances as they can get to become a better citizen. Unfortunately, the jail system does not help to put this into practice. Erik, what ideally, should be done with these human beings that make wrong decisions instead of locking them up?
Kim: (laughs) He’s a smart ass, and you guys know that!
Erik: First of all, who said there is a wrong or a right?
Elisa: That’s true.
Erik: So you can X that out. Of course, we’ll go through that real quick. There is no wrong or right. As bad as it can be, it’s not wrong. As holy and good as it can be, it’s not right. It is what it is, and everything is as it’s supposed to be. So, you know that thing that you said about “lock them up and throw away the key”? When you say you believe (addressing the person that submitted the questions), that you believe they should get a second or a third chance – but I ask you this: without looking at the situation, do you believe that everything that is happening is supposed to be happening in that way? Like everything that is happening is meant to be that way. It can’t – everything that unfolds, everything that manifests, every breath that is ever given is as it’s supposed to be. There is no such thing and it cannot ever be outside of that. Everything that happened is a direct manifestation of energy. So, people that get in trouble and get locked up, it is their mission, it is a part of their process. This whole thing we call life is a process.
Elisa: Yeah, they are just experiences meant to push us forward. Those are your own words, Erik.
Erik: Right, so look at the bigger picture and just because there are criminals doesn’t mean that they’re bad people. It’s a judgment. You’re not there to judge. You’re there to be – and that’s it. It’s hard because we have these things called emotions and we generally choose to know ourselves and express our self, through those things called emotions, but if we can stay clear of them, we can see it for what it’s supposed to be. We can see it for what it is. Everything that is happening and unfolding is happening how it should. There is no such thing as something happening that wasn’t supposed to. If it wasn’t supposed to, it wouldn’t have manifested. It wouldn’t be a possibility in the realm of physics and quantum physics. It wouldn’t – you know, we look at ratios and what’s the word I’m looking for, not possibilities….
Elisa: Probabilities?
Erik: Yes, thank you. Probabilities. Yeah, so we’re looking at energy and how it unfolds and manifests and if it wasn’t… basically like if it is a probable cause, it’s gonna happen. If it has a lot of energy behind it, or umph behind it, it’s gonna happen. Weather it came from a thought, or an action, or a past life pattern…
Elisa: Ok, let’s get to the root of the question, what do you do about it? So, what should have been done to the guy who got drunk and shot your girlfriend, Ali, in the back of the head… thinking it was unloaded? Thinking that the gun was still unloaded. Tell Ali I said hi, by the way.
Kim: He’s just tapping on his heart like, I love you. Thank you.
Erik: When people do heinous, awful crimes and things like that and we want to put all of these judgments and labels on, it is seen for us – we have all of these tools set in place that guide the way we operate and function because we are so absent minded.
Kim: When he says absent minded, he’s talking about we’re not present. We’re not mindful.
Elisa: We’re not in the now, right.
Erik: So, we have to have these tools and these systems and rules and all that stuff in place to keep us somewhat moving forward. Otherwise, it’s just like we would fall asleep and become stagnant and implode. So even with the worst of the worst crimes you could possibly conjure up in your head, those people too, we can’t even say what should happen to those people. Because it’s none of our business. In the grand scheme of things, it’s none of our business what should happen to them. Of course, we want to say “it’s my family member, yeah it’s my business!” But ultimately, remember, if you can go back to the God source in you, then you’ll realize that everybody is here for a purpose. There is purpose and value in everything. Usually, mom, the most awful, catastrophic situations show us – directly show us – God’s strength and resilience. Through the way humans behave to each other, the way they band together to help each other pull forward, it’s like when someone loses a loved one, we have these calling hours, right? And then the place is flooded with people to come out and show love and support. So, there is – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. There’s a balance.
Kim: He doesn’t really like the word balance because there are a lot of illusions in that. He’s trying to show how everything that happens, there is a reaction and there is good in everything. It’s up to you.
Elisa: Ok, I wanted to try to keep the answers kind of short because he has a lot of questions. Erik, get to the point! Just kidding. So, this guy should have just been let go and done community service? He shouldn’t have been locked up?
Erik: That’s not what I’m saying. Again, we have these systems in place on this earth and in this realm to keep us functioning in an order that we believe to be best for ourselves. So, you know subject him to his rules and push him through those systems that are in place, but we have to remember, we’re not the ones that make that judgment ultimately. So, it’s a fine line, it’s a real subtle difference.
Elisa: I can imagine. What about people like sex offenders and serial killers – people who have no – or criminals that have no intention of bettering themselves. What do we do about them?
Kim: (Laughs) you wanted a short answer!
Erik: Pray for them.
Elisa: But what do you do for them as far as the justice system is concerned and the jail system is concerned?
Kim: (Laughs) He’s such a smart ass.
Elisa: I know. I mean in a lot of cases, these could be classified as psychiatric cases, this gentlemen said, which is not done as often as it should. In some cases these people can’t help themselves, sometimes they are glad they are caught. Sometimes these individuals seem to have no cure and the system does not always handle these cases as they should.
Erik: Most of the time, if you don’t know, if you don’t have the capacity to see yourself in something else, you either throw your hands up and walk away and let it fall silent. So basically, if we’re looking at the case where someone really needs psychiatric help, but they kind of just get dismissed and thrown back out on the streets – most of the time it’s just a failure of the system. Because that person, the judge, is an emotional being. They might get emotional in the sense that “this shit freaks me out, I don’t know how to deal with it… You’re fine. Go and do this community service” or whatever. So they don’t want to engage, they don’t want to get involved because they are afraid.
Elisa: Or they lock them up without trying to rehabilitate them.
Erik: Right. And that is, once again, a play on the emotions. They are emotional beings so we can’t even expect perfection from those people that are putting them in required places, like a judge, because they cannot help but to have an emotion connected to it. So, like, someone come in and they are pressing charges against someone that murdered their loved one. Of course they’re going to resort to their emotions and get angry and frustrated and think, “This isn’t right! I’m going to throw the book at him, I’m going to give him the worst they could possibly do!” So, again – and even if we’re looking at a jury that is helping – they are all emotional beings. So that skews the picture, mom. So, that’s why people who need psychiatric help – I can tell you right now without a shadow of a doubt, there is nothing on this earth in place right now that is effective at capturing the essence of what these people are going through.
Kim: He keeps calling it a big scientific breakthrough, but he’s questioning his use of the word scientific, but they haven’t got there yet. This is something that they’ve kind of like, skirted around, but they are taking all the wrong approaches.
Elisa: What should be done about drug offenses, not drug smugglers or drug dealers, but people caught with cocaine or marijuana, you know. I think that is such a huge burden on the prison system, the justice system that they probably ought not to be jailed, but just undergo rehab. What do you think?
Erik: It’s relative. Sometimes jail is better so they don’t have access to stuff.
Elisa: Oh, ok.
Erik: And then rehab if the person is energetically in the place where rehab would work. If they’re not, rehab will fail them too. It won’t work. You have to look at the mechanisms of control and addiction and that’s where they need fulfillment. They are lacking something so that’s when they lash out in these ways. So they need fulfillment.
One more thing (maybe.) Please consider buying a copy of Erik’s wonderful book, My Life After Death. It’s just a bit over $8 and worth every penny in the way it will change your life. It’s also a real page-turner so buy copies for your friends and family. It’s available in all formats. Click HERE to order. If you want a copy of my book, My Son and the Afterlife, click HERE. In doing so, you really help support Erik, me and the CE movement.
As promised, here’s the video version of today’s post!