Many of you have heard of “past life bleed throughs,” meaning events from another life, especially traumatic ones, can be triggered by similar events un our present life. Usually, it’s a past life, but it can be a future one, too. Commonly, it has to do with a spiritual lesson that keeps popping up over and over, “kicking us in the ass” (as Erik so eloquently puts it,) until we learn that lesson. Find out more about this as Erik takes us on a journey, often with some explorations of rabbit holes along the way, into our many lifetimes, (all of which are happening right now, as mind-bending as that is.)
Recent example: A friend of mine’s son, currently in his 20s, suddenly went from “Happy As a Lark” to deeply suicidal. I turned out that, through hypnotic regression, he took his life at the exact same age but in a past life. After the regression, he found his little lark wings and soared back to happiness. Jennifer Doran, from, expertly gave my son his voice. At Atlantis Scalar ( you can find out what life, past of future, is being triggered by events in your present life here: You can read a sample report there, too. These are EXTREMELY detailed.
But first, a couple of things! DON’T MISS this interview LIVE on Thursday, which happens to be the day my eldest daughter is having her second child!!
Positive Nights Presents: An Evening With Elisa Medhus, Michelle Gray & Heather Hilton Hartford – Positive Life
On Thursday January 28th , we will be hosting author Elisa Medhus and mediums Michelle Gray and Heather Hilton Hartford. Elisa has become well-known through her YouTube channel, Channelling With Erik, and the books she has written about her spiritual experiences. This will be an online event, taking place over Zoom.
AND, please don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show This Tuesday at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET.
This Tuesday Erik will be talking about grief, stress and anxiety. We are facing changes in the world, as well as our personal life. Erik will share wisdom to help us through! Masterfully channeling Erik will be our Wonderful Psychic Medium Jennifer Doran. Elisa of Atlantis Scalar, along with Psychic Medium, Michelle Gray, will be hosting!
Join us, to be part of the conversation!
Last, if you want to talk to Erik, call in to 646-716-9735.
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