I’m considering having a Channeling Erik event at my house here in Houston again complete with medium, energy healer and reader, Ryan Adragna, and life coach, Jamin Olivencia. I’m going to try to get him to bring along is buddy, John Cena, but that’s unlikely. Still, it couldn’t hurt to ask! Just like last time, I’ll hold a raffle to give away some of Erik’s clothes and other possessions. I would like to see how many of you would be interested in attending to help figure out the expenses and therefore the ticket price point. Remember that I don’t attend to get paid one single dime and I offer my home so that there’s no costly venue to factor in. I’m guessing this will all happen in early summer. Here’s the poll. If you plan to bring other people with you, either have them take the poll or state how many you plan to bring in the comment or “Other” section. Thanks!
Good news from Veronica:
Many of you have requested that Erik uncover the mysteries of the Crystal Skulls, so hopefully this YouTube will accommodate you guys. It’s actually a few months old, but I completely forgot to post it. We have sweet Noriko Robinson to thank for the transcription that follows. Thanks, Noriko!
Elisa: Hey there. Madam, how are you doing?
Emma: I’m Ok. How are you today?
Elisa: Good. It’s Friday, and the Astros won. Go, Astros, yeeeey!!. I’m not a big sports fan, but I mean, it’s like Texas never wins anything, so that’s good. Uh, hi, Erik.
Erik: Hey, Mama. I love you.
Elisa: I love you.
Emma: He’s doing the same thing (with the arms up like cheering).
Erik: Go, Astros!!!
Elisa: Yeeeey!
Elisa: When you move here, I have to take you to an Astros’ game, but anywho…
Erik: I did. I did go.
Elisa: Oh, that’s right! I remember!
Erik: It was my very first baseball game, I think. I know when I did go to one in Denver, um, but it was the first time I was actually this close that I could actually see the guy.
Elisa: Awesome. You weren’t in the nosebleed section. Ok, what we’ll do first, Erik, If it’s ok with you, is to cover a, you know we are trying to do those World’s Great Mysteries in the world, you know, like Noah’s Ark and all the other stuff. And so many people are fascinated by these crystal skulls that have been found. So I’m gonna ask you a few questions that I’ve come up with. First of all, when were they made? I mean that some people say some were made like our hoax for the modern times, but when were the real crystal, um, real crystal skulls made? They say, whoever “they’ is, they must be real smart, ‘cause they say a lot of stuff, the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican period, the types of crystals were determined by examining the chloride inclusions as only found in Madagascar and Brazil, therefore unknown and unobtainable apparently in the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican era, so what? What gives?
Erik: First of all, I want to make something very clear. I want people to understand that the skulls that are on display, that the skulls that are being shown in museums, um, those are not the real deal.
Elisa: Okey (nodding big).
Erik: If they are real, they have been created by a person, but they are not the skulls that everybody’s talking about. So just let people know these skulls have been, let’s just say, that they are stored away by, let’s… again, the high society kind of group, because they know the power of it, and so they are been hidden away from the public. Just let everyone know that fact.
Elisa: You mean that, wait, are you talking about the Global Elite? The New World Order?
Erik: Yes, so the real skulls are, although not all of them have been found, but some of the skulls that have been subjected to the testing and having very clearly considered very influential and dangerous in specific hands. They have been taken away and hidden. So I just want to make that clear that when you go to museums, those are not the ones, skulls, that we’re talking about right now.
Elisa: Rip Off! Ok, well…
Erik: Sorry about that.
Elisa: So where were they made and how?
Erik: Um, well, they are pretty old. The skulls that everybody’s talking about that have very high powers, they really were created about twenty-five thousand years ago.
Elisa: Wow.
Erik: And so the very present in the culture of Atlantis, but some of them really were created at the early beginning of Atlantis. So before there was really real civilization, real society established. So it was really at the beginning steps of the resurrection or the creation of the society of Atlantis.
Elisa: Where were they found? Were they found in the water? Or in Atlantis supposedly, or where?
Erik: No, Mom. They are being found all over the world.
Elisa: Oh, ok.
Erik: They are in various locations. Let me try and explain that real quick. When it went to start to crumble, some of them were transported to different locations…
Elisa: Oh, ok.
Erik: …together with other objects to, you know, to keep them safe and to continue to, you know, help the society because that’s really what they were created for, and we’ll going into that. Pretty sure that’s one of your questions. But yeah, most of them being ended up in the north central and South America. Why? Because those areas were the closest to the western part of Atlantis, so it was the closest for people to migrate to.
Elisa: How many….
Erik: They have been taken all over the world, so there are not one location.
Elisa: How many are there?
Erik: There are thirteen in total.
Elisa: Umm, lucky number. Well, do you think they were inspired by, or even made by aliens?
Erik; They were not.
Elisa: Interesting.
Erik: They were not, and that is the biggest misunderstanding. I think that we have a (indecipherable) now. As long as people consider something that has great power, something that is that us right now cannot comprehend or understand, it’s got to be alien. You know, “ We don’t have that thinking,”” we don’t have that technology.” But what people don’t understand is that the early human at the very early beginning of civilization was a lot more closer to Source, was a lot more intelligent in a way in manipulating energy. So in some way or form, a lot more advanced than we are now, so we kind of went backwards instead of forward.
Elisa: Are you talking about before cavemen or after cavemen?
Erik: I’m talking about before cavemen.
Elisa: Wow, so how long ago? Are we talking about, you said, twenty-five thousand years ago? But it’s gotta be more than that if it was before cavemen we are talking about.
Erik: Well, when it….let’s just say that our time frame or our vision of time is not correct.
Elisa: Okey. Oh…
Erik: Earth is not at all that they claim it to be.
Elisa: Aw, interesting.
Erik: We’ll have to talk about it as another subject.
Elisa: Yeah. Gotta write that down. So tell me about the mystic power, ‘cause some say you can use it to will someone to die, to see visions….I don’t know, maybe they have healing powers. Tell me what the powers of these crystal skulls are. Maybe there are different with each skull….I don’t know.
Erik: Well, let’s just say that all the skulls, if you are looking at the basic of them, they are pretty similar. However each skull was designed by an individual, and so each skull has kind of like their own individual signature to it.
Elisa; Ok.
Erik: Ok, so what do they do or what’s their power? If you look at them separately, if they are not united together, then what they do is they actually raise the vibration of whoever know how to yield its power, because you have to know how to use it. So basically the person who is capable of applying the correct intention. It has to do with thoughts.
Elisa; Ok.
Erik: It has to do with mind power. Whoever uses them in the correct way, rise(s). Or they make their vibration rise so high that they so they have direct communication with Source. There’s a direct link. So it’s almost like a, you know, it helps you from the physical perspective to get into a more spiritual perspective.
Elisa; ok.
Erik: In that form now, when they all, when all thirteen are being reunited, when they come together…
Elisa; “With our powers combined.” Was that Power Rangers or something?
Emma: Right, right.
Elisa: The Power Rangers!!
Emma: Hey, yeah, I was just mentioning the Power Rangers. They all come in…(mimicking Power Rangers).
Elisa: With their rings (Captain Planet) or whatever. Or “Care Bear Stare!” And then stuff out from their chest. Ok.
Erik: Whenever we combine something, whenever we reunite energy, it’s always going to have a bigger impact, it’s going to have a bigger effect, you know. It’s the same thing with this. So when they really come together, they create a very powerful surge of energy that allow instant physical creation to take place. So basically instant physical manifestation.
Emma: He’s showing me his hand and he thinks of something in it and it instantly gets created or the energies instantly start to work on creating it.
*Elisa: All right, but what are those skulls able to do now? They rely on us to create, I thought.
Erik: It is the spiritual way the…..how can I explain it…..the way that we live in the spiritual world, when we are in our spiritual existence, then we are pure 100% energy, we are no longer attached to physical being, we have instant creation with thought. So basically these tools, they are kind of tools in a way, when they are reunited or connected. Sometimes they could connect over long distance. I’ll explain that in a minute. When they are reunited, you basically can do what the spirit does. instant manifestation of the new world. It’s so powerful. Those tools are so powerful. You’ll understand. I’ll explain it a little bit where you’ll understand why there are being kept away.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Wrong hands, and it’ll be deadly.
Emma: Yeah, exactly.
Erik: That’s the thing. It gives you the power to neutralize old reality interdimensionally, and then it lets you create a new dimensional reality into existence so you can basically eliminate what you don’t like about the world, about the society, and instantly create something bigger.
Elisa: Man, if in good hands, in good hands it would be awesome.
Erik: It’s a pretty awesome tool, you know, if it were in the hands of a person who is completely enlightened and has no ego, you know, it could be used for a very incredible tool to heal the world. Unfortunately it is in the hands of people who like to keep the control. So yeah, in other words, you know, there are tools from Source that have been in and out from Source to bring down higher energy into physical manifestation. If you think of the number thirteen, if you go into, like numerology and all of that, a lot of people are going to see number thirteen and they will think of it as a bad number or a lucky number, one or the other. But it’s really overall in the world, the number thirteen is seen as a transformational number. And it really comes from that. It really comes from those skulls and what has been passed on from generation to generation.
Elisa: Well, who actually made it? Did human beings make it? Or with the help from Archangels? Guides? Angels? Anything like that?
Erik: Human beings created it. Gosh, how do I explain this…Ok, so at the beginning of this civilization, there was a really close connection to Source. So individuals made contracts, before they were born they made contracts to come to the world being aided in some way, and they were given tools. Now, when they were born, of course, they have to remember so they would get dreams, they would get premonitions, and get visions that would tell them how, where to find the crystals, where to find them. They are quartz. They are made out of quartz. It really helped them to bring everyone together, because there were fourteen…no, thirteen entities to need it to come together to actually make this happen. So they were human beings, but they received help from spirits, from Source Itself in order to create these, because it is part of our physical creation. It is a part of that, so they started creating things.
Elisa: What did they use to carve it? And actually where were crystals found? I don’t think… probably the crystal itself was not…..the rock crystal itself probably is not what it is….probably its shape of the skull and all that creates magical powers? I don’t know. You tell me. What do I know? I’m just a mom.
Erik: The crystal itself is important, because as we all know crystals have specific vibrations. They have unique identity. Every crystal that you wear has a unique identity, unique energy pattern. That’s why they are so powerful. Now the people from Atlantis, they had always known this and then used crystals for healing, for as an energy source, for creation, and so on. So where they got that…..,let’s just say that the crystal itself, they all….all the skulls were made out of one big chunk of crystal.
Elisa; Oh.
Erik: It was a huge crystal, ok. It was found somewhere in Atlantis.
Elisa: Was that big giant chunk of crystal special compared to exact same composite of crystal somewhere else? White crystal, what was it called, quartz?
Erik: No, it wasn’t more special than others, but it was just where they were at that moment. It was just they were there at that location and would be (become?) a very powerful chunk of crystal. It had a lot of high value when it comes to energetic frequency. So now, and this might startle some people and go “What?!!” You know, when you see the crystals, they can’t seem to….from the human perspective, understand how they made it in one chunk…
Elisa; Yeah.
Emma: Right?
Erik: … without leaving marks or anything like that. So let me try and explain it to you in a way so hopefully you’d understand it.
Elisa; Hopefully.
Erik; Hopefully. This civilization really had the ability to create and to carve items by using crystals. Right, so let’s just say that they used crystals for everything. Tools to healing to everything. So what they did was they actually used the sound therapy.
Elisa; Oh.
Erik: So vibrational energy. Sound wave has a frequency of vibration. In a way you can kind of call it sonic vibrational energy, so… Let me try to give you a visual that might help. We all know that everything that is, including the objects that seem very solid, they are all always vibrating.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Even my pen (holding up a blue pen). And all others.
Erik: You know your table, your chairs… It seems solid to us, but when you look close at it, it’s vibrating and never standing still.
Elisa: That’s right (nodding).
Erik: Ok, so that means everything in our physical existence has a vibrational pattern and it’s always moving.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: They had the ability with their mind and also tools that they had to change the vibrational quality of the matter.
Elisa; Whoa.
Erik: What they would do is to change the vibration, which means that the object will start becoming in some way or form looser. Instead of (solid), it would become less solid, ok….
Elisa: ok.
Erik: ….by changing the frequency of the item. And then very delicately, they would be manipulating their molecular structure of the item by using other crystals. That way they could create shapes and forms. It’s almost like they were letting items vibrate at a high level and they would manipulate molecules move….
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: ….move sideways….
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: ….by using other crystals over them.
Elisa: Whoa.
Erik; That in combination with their mind power. That’s how they created that. I know it sounds really weird, and it’s almost unthinkable for us.
Elisa; No, not to me.
Erik: But that’s how they did it. It’s almost like, you know, you put it in a physics test. You put something on a vibrating (mode).
Elisa; Yes!
Erik: And you can see that it’s starting to disappear. You can’t see it anymore. It becomes invisible.
Elisa: You know, Jamie taught us one time how to bend spoon. It’s…you just have to imagine that… You know, the matter (looking at her pen), 90% of it is just empty space.
Erik: It’s empty space, yes.
Elisa; So if you just imagine pushing the molecules away from the….sort of feel for where feels the warmest, usually kind of the neck of the spoon, and then you just bend…put your intention on moving the molecules away. and it bends Hey, I tried it and it really works. Came home after playing doing that, but….
Erik: Yep, it’s similar.
Elisa; ….my daughter and I came home with a whole bunch of spoons that we took, well, she packed them in her suitcase and TSA opened and went, “What are all these bent spoons, man!” They didn’t understand it, but, yeah.
Erik: So, yes, exactly. Same principle, Mom.
Elisa: I thought so. Why the skull?
Erik: It has….difference really…the shape of it isn’t really that important. However, in their civilization, the skull was considered a link between the afterlife and the physical life. It’s just like if you look at Inca, if you look at all the civilizations, skulls were really important, Even if you look at the pyramid. You always see skulls.
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: Because it’s like there is a link between the physical and the non-physical.
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: Does it have a specific meaning? No, it’s more for them. A reflection of connecting both worlds together into a human form.
Elisa: Is it modeled after male or female, or both? What race, etc.?
Erik: It was modeled after female.
Elisa: Yey! We knew that. Ok
Erik: Female energy was very big and very appreciated in those days. It was the female who had the most of the decision making. Let’s just say it that way. They were the most influence on the society.
Elisa: And the race was Atlantian, I take it, because they were brought from the Atlantis.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: All right. Well, real quickly, Could you get….could you use them to have visions of the future? Or collect any other information?
Erik: They were used.
Emma: He’s showing me how they were all in a different place, and they could communicate with one another. So almost like it was not just for them to help their people in smaller amounts individually. They had less power when they were (used) individually. But it feels like it to me like how they would, he’s showing me how going into a meditative state all at the same time with all of those thirteen beings who were kind of spread out in the world after Atlantis really crumbled in. When they were in that meditative state, then they would connect to the stone and all the stones will connect to one another. Then they actually could talk to one another, or share information about what their tribe was doing, what looked like over here, where the planet was going, so it’s almost like a tool to share and connect what was going on in their area, in their reality.
Elisa: Ok, so they could sit there and connect. It’s not like they could send each other texts, “Ok, 12:30 tomorrow. Let’s all sit with our little skulls,” Telepathy, I guess. Right?
Erik: No it has to do with the stars. When a specific,…
Elisa; Sure.
Erik: when solar system was at a specific phase. That’s when they did it. They didn’t do it all the time, Mom. It’s not like they picked up the phone every week and say, “Hey, what are you up to?” I know It wasn’t like that. It did happen, but not as often as you would think. They really all have to be in that meditative state at the same time, and then connect the skulls, and then information would be shared between them.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: In sort of a channeling kind of way how mediums now channel. Same thing. So they would channel information with the one another with the reinforcement of the skulls to help them raise their frequency.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik (turned out to be someone from an old civilization): Then, you know, what happened was because we were all coming from the same location, in some way we all knew each other but we were all spread out over the world, and so we could coordinate.
Emma: Or they could coordinate. I don’t know why he’s saying “we.” I think one of those people was coming in.
Elisa: Ok (smiling).
Erik: They could coordinate actions. That’s why, if you look at the history, Mom, for instance, if you look at pyramids in Egypt, right, but at the same time at a completely different location, you had pyramid-like buildings being built in Inca and other locations.
Elisa; True.
Erik: That’s why you see so many similar realities in all different civilizations. We all worship the Sun, we all worship this, we all build this. It all happened almost around the same time. And it’s because of these people. These thirteen people would always coordinate and say “Hey, we’re gonna try this. We’re gonna build this,” and then they’d all do the same thing….a little bit different, of course. They couldn’t see each other. They didn’t have Skype in those days. But that’s why a lot of similar things happened around the world around the same time. You know, it’s not like they creeped up on one another and went, “What are you building?” and “Ok, let’s build it, too.”
Elisa; “Don’t look at my paper.”
Emma: Yeah.
Elisa: Ok, so what if one of them died? Obviously they died. Who, did the son or the daughter, or whatever, take their place? Or was somebody appointed to take their place?
Erik: It was passed on from generation to generation. But the problem was that over time, as you can see now as well, you know, things happened physically, spiritually, mentally. Society would change, people would change….but also their environment would change, you know. Certain civilizations were completely destroyed…
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik; …due to volcano eruptions, floods, storms, or even massacres by other people who wanted to be in control. So a lot of these crystals and a lot of the knowledge of it started to disappear and died with the people. Or people got older and didn’t have anyone to pass it onto (someone) who would have the ability to connect, because they needed to have a very close channelling connection with Source. And because of the evolution of people, we started to go further and further away from that. So there wasn’t anybody after…..we are talking about thousands of years here, right?
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: Eventually it just kind of died out. Just like if you think about it in our society, it would be like a trade that needed to be passed on to the people who you knew were good at it
Elisa: Sure.
Erik: Just like right now, glassblowers, stained window makers, and anything like that….hand maintenance kind of crafts, the art, are also disappearing. It is getting less and less. Blacksmith, I mean…
Elisa: I know.
Erik: We can’t find a blacksmith anymore. just like that.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: That goes with the seer overtime as well. We no longer needed it, so that is what happened years ago unfortunately. Over thousands of times, it was never forgotten. It always was in our knowledge, knowing that it was part of our history. It’s always there.
Elisa: ok.
Erik: That’s why there’s always there over the history of the civilizations, there was always kind of an infatuation with the skulls and there was always an infatuation with crystals. So a lot of the information kind of stayed, but it changed. It broke off in pieces and got separated. The thing is that people are now starting to shift. Everything is shifting. The energies are shifting, and we are reawakening. We are starting to remember things again. And so more and more people now are starting to get drawn to those skulls and to the mystery behind them. That’s because we know there’s power there, we know that is Source that can help us to heal the world. We know it within our core. We just don’t understand it right now.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: That’s why it’s such a heightened attention to those skulls right now.
Elisa: Well, real quick. You don’t have to answer this. I’m just going to make a comment that I’m sort of glad that they are not in the hands of people who would make all the bad stuff in the world go away, ‘cause that’s just sort of destroy the polarity we need to experience the human experiences. Now, just yes or no. Can these skulls help you see into the future?
Erik: Yes and no.
Elisa: If…
Erik: It connects you to Source, which means it connects you to All That Is.
Elisa: Oh, ok. Can they be used for healing?
Erik: Yes,
Elisa: All right. Did Mother Earth, or something, angels, whatever create this particular giant piece of quartz for this purpose? Or was it just a big piece of quartz and made the skulls out of it? That giant chunk.
Erik: Nothing is made out of accident. Everything is made with a purpose.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: Oh, yeah. It was made with a purpose.
Elisa: Ok, last question. This guy, Joshua Shapiro, co-author of Mysteries of the Crystal Skull Revealed cites claims of healing experience and psychic abilities for people who have been in the presence of such skulls. Here we go, “We believe the crystal skulls are a form of computer which is able to record energy and vibration that occur around them. The skull will pictorially replay all events or images of the people who have come into contact with them (i.e. – they contain the history of our world)(Shapiro, 1996).” True or false?
Erik: It does store information that have been added to it by these masters, but it won’t store everything that goes on around it.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: That’s what the masters will have to put in it. It remembers it. It is a storage of that memory. And also just, again, to be clear, not everyone can access it.
Elisa: But can the masters look into it and see the pictures?
Erik: No, it will be in the mind.
Elisa: Well, so…Oh, ok. All right. That was awesome. Is there anything you want to add, Erik? ‘Cause I want some time to interview Howard Hughes. We’ll probably have to do it in two parts, though. That’s fine.
Erik: No, I don’t have anything extra to say on this. I just want people to know that these are very important tools for the creation and manifestation of the better world. However, humankind is not ready for it yet.
Elisa: When will we be ready? When will we be able to get those skulls together for a big party?
Erik: Well, that’s really up to us. Right as the energy is changing, it’s still going to take several thousands of years before we get there.
Elisa; Oh, ok. Well, you guys check out Emma McIntosh at emanuellemcintosh.com. She’s got a lot of stuff going on. She’s a…look her up, I believe, learn it live, she’s got lots of classes there. On mediumship, and all sorts of things. So check her out. Also check out Erik’s book, My Life After Death, if you want to erase all fears of death, It tells you exactly what you have in store for, because it’s all in store for. And check out the blog channelingerik(with a ‘K’).com. Bye, I love you, Emma. I love you, Erik.
Erik: I love you, Mama.
Elisa: Bye.
Emma Crystal Skulls
Elisa: Hey there. Madam, how are you doing?
Emma: I’m Ok. How are you today?
Elisa: Good. It’s Friday, and the Astros won. Go, Astros, yeeeey!!. I’m not a big sports fan, but I mean, it’s like Texas never wins anything, so that’s good. Uh, hi, Erik.
Erik: Hey, Mama. I love you.
Elisa: I love you.
Emma: He’s doing the same thing (with the arms up like cheering).
Erik: Go, Astros!!!
Elisa: Yeeeey!
Elisa: When you move here, I have to take you to an Astros’ game, but anywho…
Erik: I did. I did go.
Elisa: Oh, that’s right! I remember!
Erik: It was my very first baseball game, I think. I know when I did go to one in Denver, um, but it was the first time I was actually this close that I could actually see the guy.
Elisa: Awesome. You weren’t in the nosebleed section. Ok, what we’ll do first, Erik, If it’s ok with you, is to cover a, you know we are trying to do those World’s Great Mysteries in the world, you know, like Noah’s Ark and all the other stuff. And so many people are fascinated by these crystal skulls that have been found. So I’m gonna ask you a few questions that I’ve come up with. First of all, when were they made? I mean that some people say some were made like our hoax for the modern times, but when were the real crystal, um, real crystal skulls made? They say, whoever “they’ is, they must be real smart, ‘cause they say a lot of stuff, the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican period, the types of crystals were determined by examining the chloride inclusions as only found in Madagascar and Brazil, therefore unknown and unobtainable apparently in the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican era, so what? What gives?
Erik: First of all, I want to make something very clear. I want people to understand that the skulls that are on display, that the skulls that are being shown in museums, um, those are not the real deal.
Elisa: Okey (nodding big).
Erik: If they are real, they have been created by a person, but they are not the skulls that everybody’s talking about. So just let people know these skulls have been, let’s just say, that they are stored away by, let’s… again, the high society kind of group, because they know the power of it, and so they are been hidden away from the public. Just let everyone know that fact.
Elisa: You mean that, wait, are you talking about the Global Elite? The New World Order?
Erik: Yes, so the real skulls are, although not all of them have been found, but some of the skulls that have been subjected to the testing and having very clearly considered very influential and dangerous in specific hands. They have been taken away and hidden. So I just want to make that clear that when you go to museums, those are not the ones, skulls, that we’re talking about right now.
Elisa: Rip Off! Ok, well…
Erik: Sorry about that.
Elisa: So where were they made and how?
Erik: Um, well, they are pretty old. The skulls that everybody’s talking about that have very high powers, they really were created about twenty-five thousand years ago.
Elisa: Wow.
Erik: And so the very present in the culture of Atlantis, but some of them really were created at the early beginning of Atlantis. So before there was really real civilization, real society established. So it was really at the beginning steps of the resurrection or the creation of the society of Atlantis.
Elisa: Where were they found? Were they found in the water? Or in Atlantis supposedly, or where?
Erik: No, Mom. They are being found all over the world.
Elisa: Oh, ok.
Erik: They are in various locations. Let me try and explain that real quick. When it went to start to crumble, some of them were transported to different locations…
Elisa: Oh, ok.
Erik: …together with other objects to, you know, to keep them safe and to continue to, you know, help the society because that’s really what they were created for, and we’ll going into that. Pretty sure that’s one of your questions. But yeah, most of them being ended up in the north central and South America. Why? Because those areas were the closest to the western part of Atlantis, so it was the closest for people to migrate to.
Elisa: How many….
Erik: They have been taken all over the world, so there are not one location.
Elisa: How many are there?
Erik: There are thirteen in total.
Elisa: Umm, lucky number. Well, do you think they were inspired by, or even made by aliens?
Erik; They were not.
Elisa: Interesting.
Erik: They were not, and that is the biggest misunderstanding. I think that we have a (indecipherable) now. As long as people consider something that has great power, something that is that us right now cannot comprehend or understand, it’s got to be alien. You know, “ We don’t have that thinking,”” we don’t have that technology.” But what people don’t understand is that the early human at the very early beginning of civilization was a lot more closer to Source, was a lot more intelligent in a way in manipulating energy. So in some way or form, a lot more advanced than we are now, so we kind of went backwards instead of forward.
Elisa: Are you talking about before cavemen or after cavemen?
Erik: I’m talking about before cavemen.
Elisa: Wow, so how long ago? Are we talking about, you said, twenty-five thousand years ago? But it’s gotta be more than that if it was before cavemen we are talking about.
Erik: Well, when it….let’s just say that our time frame or our vision of time is not correct.
Elisa: Okey. Oh…
Erik: Earth is not at all that they claim it to be.
Elisa: Aw, interesting.
Erik: We’ll have to talk about it as another subject.
Elisa: Yeah. Gotta write that down. So tell me about the mystic power, ‘cause some say you can use it to will someone to die, to see visions….I don’t know, maybe they have healing powers. Tell me what the powers of these crystal skulls are. Maybe there are different with each skull….I don’t know.
Erik: Well, let’s just say that all the skulls, if you are looking at the basic of them, they are pretty similar. However each skull was designed by an individual, and so each skull has kind of like their own individual signature to it.
Elisa; Ok.
Erik: Ok, so what do they do or what’s their power? If you look at them separately, if they are not united together, then what they do is they actually raise the vibration of whoever know how to yield its power, because you have to know how to use it. So basically the person who is capable of applying the correct intention. It has to do with thoughts.
Elisa; Ok.
Erik: It has to do with mind power. Whoever uses them in the correct way, rise(s). Or they make their vibration rise so high that they so they have direct communication with Source. There’s a direct link. So it’s almost like a, you know, it helps you from the physical perspective to get into a more spiritual perspective.
Elisa; ok.
Erik: In that form now, when they all, when all thirteen are being reunited, when they come together…
Elisa; “With our powers combined.” Was that Power Rangers or something?
Emma: Right, right.
Elisa: The Power Rangers!!
Emma: Hey, yeah, I was just mentioning the Power Rangers. They all come in…(mimicking Power Rangers).
Elisa: With their rings (Captain Planet) or whatever. Or “Care Bear Stare!” And then stuff out from their chest. Ok.
Erik: Whenever we combine something, whenever we reunite energy, it’s always going to have a bigger impact, it’s going to have a bigger effect, you know. It’s the same thing with this. So when they really come together, they create a very powerful surge of energy that allow instant physical creation to take place. So basically instant physical manifestation.
Emma: He’s showing me his hand and he thinks of something in it and it instantly gets created or the energies instantly start to work on creating it.
*Elisa: All right, but what are those skulls able to do now? They rely on us to create, I thought.
Erik: It is the spiritual way the…..how can I explain it…..the way that we live in the spiritual world, when we are in our spiritual existence, then we are pure 100% energy, we are no longer attached to physical being, we have instant creation with thought. So basically these tools, they are kind of tools in a way, when they are reunited or connected. Sometimes they could connect over long distance. I’ll explain that in a minute. When they are reunited, you basically can do what the spirit does. instant manifestation of the new world. It’s so powerful. Those tools are so powerful. You’ll understand. I’ll explain it a little bit where you’ll understand why there are being kept away.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Wrong hands, and it’ll be deadly.
Emma: Yeah, exactly.
Erik: That’s the thing. It gives you the power to neutralize old reality interdimensionally, and then it lets you create a new dimensional reality into existence so you can basically eliminate what you don’t like about the world, about the society, and instantly create something bigger.
Elisa: Man, if in good hands, in good hands it would be awesome.
Erik: It’s a pretty awesome tool, you know, if it were in the hands of a person who is completely enlightened and has no ego, you know, it could be used for a very incredible tool to heal the world. Unfortunately it is in the hands of people who like to keep the control. So yeah, in other words, you know, there are tools from Source that have been in and out from Source to bring down higher energy into physical manifestation. If you think of the number thirteen, if you go into, like numerology and all of that, a lot of people are going to see number thirteen and they will think of it as a bad number or a lucky number, one or the other. But it’s really overall in the world, the number thirteen is seen as a transformational number. And it really comes from that. It really comes from those skulls and what has been passed on from generation to generation.
Elisa: Well, who actually made it? Did human beings make it? Or with the help from Archangels? Guides? Angels? Anything like that?
Erik: Human beings created it. Gosh, how do I explain this…Ok, so at the beginning of this civilization, there was a really close connection to Source. So individuals made contracts, before they were born they made contracts to come to the world being aided in some way, and they were given tools. Now, when they were born, of course, they have to remember so they would get dreams, they would get premonitions, and get visions that would tell them how, where to find the crystals, where to find them. They are quartz. They are made out of quartz. It really helped them to bring everyone together, because there were fourteen…no, thirteen entities to need it to come together to actually make this happen. So they were human beings, but they received help from spirits, from Source Itself in order to create these, because it is part of our physical creation. It is a part of that, so they started creating things.
Elisa: What did they use to carve it? And actually where were crystals found? I don’t think… probably the crystal itself was not…..the rock crystal itself probably is not what it is….probably its shape of the skull and all that creates magical powers? I don’t know. You tell me. What do I know? I’m just a mom.
Erik: The crystal itself is important, because as we all know crystals have specific vibrations. They have unique identity. Every crystal that you wear has a unique identity, unique energy pattern. That’s why they are so powerful. Now the people from Atlantis, they had always known this and then used crystals for healing, for as an energy source, for creation, and so on. So where they got that…..,let’s just say that the crystal itself, they all….all the skulls were made out of one big chunk of crystal.
Elisa; Oh.
Erik: It was a huge crystal, ok. It was found somewhere in Atlantis.
Elisa: Was that big giant chunk of crystal special compared to exact same composite of crystal somewhere else? White crystal, what was it called, quartz?
Erik: No, it wasn’t more special than others, but it was just where they were at that moment. It was just they were there at that location and would be (become?) a very powerful chunk of crystal. It had a lot of high value when it comes to energetic frequency. So now, and this might startle some people and go “What?!!” You know, when you see the crystals, they can’t seem to….from the human perspective, understand how they made it in one chunk…
Elisa; Yeah.
Emma: Right?
Erik: … without leaving marks or anything like that. So let me try and explain it to you in a way so hopefully you’d understand it.
Elisa; Hopefully.
Erik; Hopefully. This civilization really had the ability to create and to carve items by using crystals. Right, so let’s just say that they used crystals for everything. Tools to healing to everything. So what they did was they actually used the sound therapy.
Elisa; Oh.
Erik: So vibrational energy. Sound wave has a frequency of vibration. In a way you can kind of call it sonic vibrational energy, so… Let me try to give you a visual that might help. We all know that everything that is, including the objects that seem very solid, they are all always vibrating.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Even my pen (holding up a blue pen). And all others.
Erik: You know your table, your chairs… It seems solid to us, but when you look close at it, it’s vibrating and never standing still.
Elisa: That’s right (nodding).
Erik: Ok, so that means everything in our physical existence has a vibrational pattern and it’s always moving.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: They had the ability with their mind and also tools that they had to change the vibrational quality of the matter.
Elisa; Whoa.
Erik: What they would do is to change the vibration, which means that the object will start becoming in some way or form looser. Instead of (solid), it would become less solid, ok….
Elisa: ok.
Erik: ….by changing the frequency of the item. And then very delicately, they would be manipulating their molecular structure of the item by using other crystals. That way they could create shapes and forms. It’s almost like they were letting items vibrate at a high level and they would manipulate molecules move….
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: ….move sideways….
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: ….by using other crystals over them.
Elisa: Whoa.
Erik; That in combination with their mind power. That’s how they created that. I know it sounds really weird, and it’s almost unthinkable for us.
Elisa; No, not to me.
Erik: But that’s how they did it. It’s almost like, you know, you put it in a physics test. You put something on a vibrating (mode).
Elisa; Yes!
Erik: And you can see that it’s starting to disappear. You can’t see it anymore. It becomes invisible.
Elisa: You know, Jamie taught us one time how to bend spoon. It’s…you just have to imagine that… You know, the matter (looking at her pen), 90% of it is just empty space.
Erik: It’s empty space, yes.
Elisa; So if you just imagine pushing the molecules away from the….sort of feel for where feels the warmest, usually kind of the neck of the spoon, and then you just bend…put your intention on moving the molecules away. and it bends Hey, I tried it and it really works. Came home after playing doing that, but….
Erik: Yep, it’s similar.
Elisa; ….my daughter and I came home with a whole bunch of spoons that we took, well, she packed them in her suitcase and TSA opened and went, “What are all these bent spoons, man!” They didn’t understand it, but, yeah.
Erik: So, yes, exactly. Same principle, Mom.
Elisa: I thought so. Why the skull?
Erik: It has….difference really…the shape of it isn’t really that important. However, in their civilization, the skull was considered a link between the afterlife and the physical life. It’s just like if you look at Inca, if you look at all the civilizations, skulls were really important, Even if you look at the pyramid. You always see skulls.
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: Because it’s like there is a link between the physical and the non-physical.
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: Does it have a specific meaning? No, it’s more for them. A reflection of connecting both worlds together into a human form.
Elisa: Is it modeled after male or female, or both? What race, etc.?
Erik: It was modeled after female.
Elisa: Yey! We knew that. Ok
Erik: Female energy was very big and very appreciated in those days. It was the female who had the most of the decision making. Let’s just say it that way. They were the most influence on the society.
Elisa: And the race was Atlantian, I take it, because they were brought from the Atlantis.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: All right. Well, real quickly, Could you get….could you use them to have visions of the future? Or collect any other information?
Erik: They were used.
Emma: He’s showing me how they were all in a different place, and they could communicate with one another. So almost like it was not just for them to help their people in smaller amounts individually. They had less power when they were (used) individually. But it feels like it to me like how they would, he’s showing me how going into a meditative state all at the same time with all of those thirteen beings who were kind of spread out in the world after Atlantis really crumbled in. When they were in that meditative state, then they would connect to the stone and all the stones will connect to one another. Then they actually could talk to one another, or share information about what their tribe was doing, what looked like over here, where the planet was going, so it’s almost like a tool to share and connect what was going on in their area, in their reality.
Elisa: Ok, so they could sit there and connect. It’s not like they could send each other texts, “Ok, 12:30 tomorrow. Let’s all sit with our little skulls,” Telepathy, I guess. Right?
Erik: No it has to do with the stars. When a specific,…
Elisa; Sure.
Erik: when solar system was at a specific phase. That’s when they did it. They didn’t do it all the time, Mom. It’s not like they picked up the phone every week and say, “Hey, what are you up to?” I know It wasn’t like that. It did happen, but not as often as you would think. They really all have to be in that meditative state at the same time, and then connect the skulls, and then information would be shared between them.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: In sort of a channeling kind of way how mediums now channel. Same thing. So they would channel information with the one another with the reinforcement of the skulls to help them raise their frequency.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik (turned out to be someone from an old civilization): Then, you know, what happened was because we were all coming from the same location, in some way we all knew each other but we were all spread out over the world, and so we could coordinate.
Emma: Or they could coordinate. I don’t know why he’s saying “we.” I think one of those people was coming in.
Elisa: Ok (smiling).
Erik: They could coordinate actions. That’s why, if you look at the history, Mom, for instance, if you look at pyramids in Egypt, right, but at the same time at a completely different location, you had pyramid-like buildings being built in Inca and other locations.
Elisa; True.
Erik: That’s why you see so many similar realities in all different civilizations. We all worship the Sun, we all worship this, we all build this. It all happened almost around the same time. And it’s because of these people. These thirteen people would always coordinate and say “Hey, we’re gonna try this. We’re gonna build this,” and then they’d all do the same thing….a little bit different, of course. They couldn’t see each other. They didn’t have Skype in those days. But that’s why a lot of similar things happened around the world around the same time. You know, it’s not like they creeped up on one another and went, “What are you building?” and “Ok, let’s build it, too.”
Elisa; “Don’t look at my paper.”
Emma: Yeah.
Elisa: Ok, so what if one of them died? Obviously they died. Who, did the son or the daughter, or whatever, take their place? Or was somebody appointed to take their place?
Erik: It was passed on from generation to generation. But the problem was that over time, as you can see now as well, you know, things happened physically, spiritually, mentally. Society would change, people would change….but also their environment would change, you know. Certain civilizations were completely destroyed…
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik; …due to volcano eruptions, floods, storms, or even massacres by other people who wanted to be in control. So a lot of these crystals and a lot of the knowledge of it started to disappear and died with the people. Or people got older and didn’t have anyone to pass it onto (someone) who would have the ability to connect, because they needed to have a very close channelling connection with Source. And because of the evolution of people, we started to go further and further away from that. So there wasn’t anybody after…..we are talking about thousands of years here, right?
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: Eventually it just kind of died out. Just like if you think about it in our society, it would be like a trade that needed to be passed on to the people who you knew were good at it
Elisa: Sure.
Erik: Just like right now, glassblowers, stained window makers, and anything like that….hand maintenance kind of crafts, the art, are also disappearing. It is getting less and less. Blacksmith, I mean…
Elisa: I know.
Erik: We can’t find a blacksmith anymore. just like that.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: That goes with the seer overtime as well. We no longer needed it, so that is what happened years ago unfortunately. Over thousands of times, it was never forgotten. It always was in our knowledge, knowing that it was part of our history. It’s always there.
Elisa: ok.
Erik: That’s why there’s always there over the history of the civilizations, there was always kind of an infatuation with the skulls and there was always an infatuation with crystals. So a lot of the information kind of stayed, but it changed. It broke off in pieces and got separated. The thing is that people are now starting to shift. Everything is shifting. The energies are shifting, and we are reawakening. We are starting to remember things again. And so more and more people now are starting to get drawn to those skulls and to the mystery behind them. That’s because we know there’s power there, we know that is Source that can help us to heal the world. We know it within our core. We just don’t understand it right now.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: That’s why it’s such a heightened attention to those skulls right now.
Elisa: Well, real quick. You don’t have to answer this. I’m just going to make a comment that I’m sort of glad that they are not in the hands of people who would make all the bad stuff in the world go away, ‘cause that’s just sort of destroy the polarity we need to experience the human experiences. Now, just yes or no. Can these skulls help you see into the future?
Erik: Yes and no.
Elisa: If…
Erik: It connects you to Source, which means it connects you to All That Is.
Elisa: Oh, ok. Can they be used for healing?
Erik: Yes,
Elisa: All right. Did Mother Earth, or something, angels, whatever create this particular giant piece of quartz for this purpose? Or was it just a big piece of quartz and made the skulls out of it? That giant chunk.
Erik: Nothing is made out of accident. Everything is made with a purpose.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: Oh, yeah. It was made with a purpose.
Elisa: Ok, last question. This guy, Joshua Shapiro, co-author of Mysteries of the Crystal Skull Revealed cites claims of healing experience and psychic abilities for people who have been in the presence of such skulls. Here we go, “We believe the crystal skulls are a form of computer which is able to record energy and vibration that occur around them. The skull will pictorially replay all events or images of the people who have come into contact with them (i.e. – they contain the history of our world)(Shapiro, 1996).” True or false?
Erik: It does store information that have been added to it by these masters, but it won’t store everything that goes on around it.
Elisa: Ok.
Erik: That’s what the masters will have to put in it. It remembers it. It is a storage of that memory. And also just, again, to be clear, not everyone can access it.
Elisa: But can the masters look into it and see the pictures?
Erik: No, it will be in the mind.
Elisa: Well, so…Oh, ok. All right. That was awesome. Is there anything you want to add, Erik? ‘Cause I want some time to interview Howard Hughes. We’ll probably have to do it in two parts, though. That’s fine.
Erik: No, I don’t have anything extra to say on this. I just want people to know that these are very important tools for the creation and manifestation of the better world. However, humankind is not ready for it yet.
Elisa: When will we be ready? When will we be able to get those skulls together for a big party?
Erik: Well, that’s really up to us. Right as the energy is changing, it’s still going to take several thousands of years before we get there.
Elisa; Oh, ok. Well, you guys check out Emma McIntosh at emanuellemcintosh.com. She’s got a lot of stuff going on. She’s a…look her up, I believe, learn it live, she’s got lots of classes there. On mediumship, and all sorts of things. So check her out. Also check out Erik’s book, My Life After Death, if you want to erase all fears of death, It tells you exactly what you have in store for, because it’s all in store for. And check out the blog channelingerik(with a ‘K’).com. Bye, I love you, Emma. I love you, Erik.
Erik: I love you, Mama.
Elisa: Bye.
Shapiro, J. I. (1996). The crystal skulls. Retrieved from http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/csartaus.html
