Erik has been at it again! He loves all of you, and LOVES to visit! Enjoy these messages !
If you would like to share an Erik experience/prank or a story about how Erik has helped you, please send it in here and we will share it!
It happend just yesterday I posted on channeling Erik how I’m almost done reading the book he wrote and I absolutely love the realness,raw,honest and matter of fact. I love his personality and sense of humor. Yesterday I came back from the store saw a tail hanging out of my porch thought it was a cat till I got up close and seen it was a possum.first thought that came to my mind was Erik you little shit! This possum wasn’t ordinary as I got closer it stayed cool calm,collected.i put a blanket over it and started petting it.this possum goes to sleep.i could feel Eriks presence and the mischievous grin on his face. Jokes on you my boy because I’m an animal lover!even the creepy crawlers that come out at night.touched my heart.i had to share
# 2
Hello there Erik and Elisa , Learned about your book from a friend and was excited to read it right away. Finished it last week and loved it. It was quite awakening . Hoping to have an interaction with Erik and low and behold the other day had a strange situation with my headlights , and of course said, ERIK !! Then while working on a machine in my work shop it turned off and then on a couple of times. Great meeting you Erik.