Our medium, Kim Babcock, sent me this today, and I couldn’t resist posting it ahead of some of the others. It’s so inspiring. This makes it all worthwhile.
Good evening! I hope this finds you doing well and feeling rested and ready for the weekend! I wanted to share something with you if you don’t mind.
*The name was changed to protect his privacy.
Two days ago, I had a kid, Doug, come into my shop for a reading. Doug is 19 years old. His father came through, who passed away a month ago, and his best friend did too, who died last October. Erik also stepped forward. I was delighted!
Many messages came through for Doug, but Erik stepped through, and said very clearly & bluntly “do not take your own life.” Doug’s energy didn’t feel suicidal to me, but at that moment, after Erik’s message, he broke down and cried… Didn’t say anything though. I continued with more information from Erik.
Anyways, Doug was very quiet, but when we got up, he said, thank you, you just saved my life.” ( I know this was Erik).
It’s beyond my comprehension how big this all is, but I just wanted to share with you, how your son’s death, is still saving lives. Elisa, Erik is truly amazing!
Today Doug came back into my shop, and thanked me and said he feels alive again. He said he feels like he’s on a new path and “loves this spiritual journey.”
Lastly, his mom also came into my shop today and said that just in 2 days she can see a difference in her son after the reading!! I wanted to share this, to thank you!
I’m so grateful that you share Erik the way you do! There are no words that can possibly encompass my gratitude! 💗 from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing your son!
– blessings, kisses & well wishes! Kim