Damn, today is beautiful! Seventy-five degrees and skies that are the bluest I’ve ever seen. It’s a perfect day for me to work outside, watching my little dog, Bella, chase squirrels. She never catches any, and I don’t know what she’d do if she did. They’re heavier than her. In fact, people have coughed up things bigger than her. So if she managed to catch one, it would probably drag her off and bury her like an acorn.
This post is an interview of blog member, Heather Quinto, by medium and blog member, Alison Enjoy and have a beautiful weekend.
I never know when the delightful Erik is going to show up or what it’s going to be about when he does – will he chat, will he direct and guide or will he just listen to me prattle on about my hopes and fears and dreams and needs. etc One of his little things that he does when he sees I’m tired is to suggest I have a sleep. Today was one of those days – hubby and I had been for a walk and Erik showed up on our way home and listened to me prattle on in my head. When we got home he walked around the corner and suggested I lie down then he’d put this cosmic blanket over me. It’s cute cause I’m two and a half times his age on Earth and I say to him – you know I won’t sleep if you’re still there cause I keep opening my eyes to look – I become the child in effect. Another one of his little tricks is when I wake up, it will be with an Erik idea wrapped up in an energetic ball that is signed Erik. I’m very clairsentient you see and can unwrap an energetic package with information. This package was about his Afterlife Coach Challenge, and one of the ladies who took him up on it – this is an interview with Heather Marie Quinto. She has been popping notes on the Facebook Group wall about her experiences the last few weeks, and he’s had her on the ride of her life. Enjoy x
Hi Heather how are you today?
I’m fan-fucking-tastic! I got a nice wake up call from Erik this morning (as always). Of course he wakes me up at the crack of dawn (well it’s actually 9am, but it’s like the same thing to me), but he lets me have my coffee so we’re all good.
When did contact with the afterlife begin for you?
I didn’t have the same perspective on the afterlife when I was growing up like I do now, but I always had contact with the beyond. All throughout my childhood and my teen years, I’d bring spirits home without even realizing it. I remember getting grounded by my mother for accidently bringing home a ghost after school. She’d say, “Heather, what the hell did you do? You’re grounded until you get rid of this thing!” Of course I couldn’t control it, and I had no idea how to get rid of it. So I was grounded a lot (hahaha). I grew up in a Catholic household, and I was somewhat dedicated to church. Of course I always had my own spin on beliefs that the church would disagree with like “God doesn’t care what religion you belong to. As long as you were a good person, you’ll go to Heaven” or “We reincarnate! We have past lives”. The Catholic Church served as a safe haven for me because sometimes not so nice spirits would follow me home, and I’d be so scared that I’d run to the church for help. Catholics take this spiritual stuff seriously, so if you go banging on the doors screaming, “sanctuary!” they’ll let you in without question and then use their techniques to help you, whether it’d be a protection prayer or going over to your house to sprinkle around some Holy Water. It didn’t help that I liked doing paranormal investigations with my friends. We’d break into abandoned houses or factories, and at the end of the night, I’d be bringing about 10 spirits home with me. I always flirted with the paranormal, and liked to communicate with spirits through Ouija boards or by hanging out in “haunted” houses with an EVP recorder.
(This made me chuckle – this is exactly Heather’s personality.Even though it was a big no no Heather was going to do it anyway)
How did your journey with the CE blog begin? What were you in search for initially?
Finding Channelling Erik was a miracle. I was lost at the time. I was breaking away from the Catholic Church and only participated for my family’s sake. I questioned everything that I was taught. I tried finding ways to stick to the church because it was all I knew, but I kept knowing that in my heart there was more to it than obeying an egotistical God and awaiting “judgment day”. I would not, and I could not believe in the God that the church taught me to believe in because I believed that God wasn’t so cruel. How could a being that was supposed to show unconditional love throw me into a pit of fire for all eternity? My own father wouldn’t do that to me, so I began developing my own theories. I thought that there was no Hell, and that we always reincarnated until we had learned all our lessons and our souls were pure, and then we’d get to go to Heaven. I’m a part of a group on Facebook that’s dedicated to the Tall White Extra-terrestrials, and a member posted up a video of Jamie and Elisa’s interview with the Tall Whites. I didn’t even know what channelling was and I didn’t give much stock into it, so I ignored the video. For some reason the video “haunted” me. It kept popping up in my news feed even though it was weeks old, and I thought, “maybe the universe wants me to watch this.” So I watched it, and the rest is history. I felt saved in a way. I finally found the answers I was looking for, and I found out that while on my own path without the help of the blog, my theories weren’t so far off. The blog gave me the confirmation that I needed that I was on the right path and that I was going to be okay when I eventually passed on.
What did you make of the blog to start with – your initial thoughts like did you expect you’d ever be visited by Erik?
My first thought with the blog was that “Hey. This shit is pretty cool.” I remember seeing Erik’s pictures and it reminding me of my friend Zach who passed away back in 2008. I started reading from the very beginning, and I’m still catching up since I found the blog back in December of 2014. I’ve got a lot of material to get through! When I read that Erik visits the blog members, I got excited and nervous at the same time. It was like he was some celebrity, and I thought, “Wait, but I’m just some newbie. He’s more dedicated to the old timers. I’m just some girl chilling in the back peering through the crowd of fans at him.” I never expected him to visit me, and I’d be fine if he never did. I mainly wanted to talk to Elisa and thank her and get to know her better, but I was always so nervous to email her or to comment on the blog. I kept thinking, “She’s busy. She must get a lot of emails. I won’t bug her. I’ll just sit here quietly and continue reading.” It took a long time for me to work up the courage to make any sort of contact. Even with Erik!
And what was your first visit from him like? Did you know for sure it was him?
I never got the pranks like most people do. It mainly started off as just getting a “feeling” that he was there. I never spoke to him directly. I just silently enjoyed his company, but I kept thinking in the back of my mind that it wasn’t really him, and I was just getting my hopes up. Most of the time, we just spent late nights dancing around singing and listening to Led Zeppelin, Rush, The Used, System of a Down, and other rock bands. I remember the night I first channelled him. He brought my friend Zach with him, and they were helping me to win a card game against my boyfriend and his friend. I had never won before, but with Erik and Zach’s help I won two times in a row. That’s when I began to think that I was channelling him and that he was really there. It wasn’t until he touched me on the arm one night that I finally erased all doubt.
When you first saw that Erik was putting out a life coach challenge, how did you feel about it, did you think you were up to it?
Hahahaha! Oh, the Erik challenge… I remember reading that blog post and thinking, “I can dig that. I’d be down.” Of course, I wasn’t being serious at all!
Did you have nerves or did you just seize the day and jump in with both feet?
I never expected him to pick me, and I just felt like a spectator reading a blog post. I thought, “Now isn’t that a nice thing?” I read the comments, and so many people jumped at the challenge. I thought, “Erik’s got his work cut out for him. Good luck! These people are so excited, and I hope they all get chosen.”
How did you go about asking Erik to help you as your afterlife coach?
I never actually asked him (hahaha). He just kind of popped up one night. After reading that blog post, Erik popped up a couple of nights later and said, “Hey! So I’m going to teach you discipline.” I was so tired at the time that it didn’t register with me. I said, “That’s chill bro. Good luck with that.” He goes on to tell me why I need discipline and how, without it, I won’t be able to finish my spiritual contracts because I won’t be here on Earth very long. I remember telling him, “Okay. I’m down to have you as a life coach, but let me warn you that you’ll have your work cut out for you. I’m not easy to guide. I’m a handful. I have absolutely NO discipline.” He was excited about the fact that I was going to be a challenge for him, and he said, “We can coach each other. You can be my tough one, so that I learn the ropes.”
What has been, so far, the most profound changes you’ve noticed in your life with Erik’s guidance?
Well I’m still working on that discipline, but I have a planner now! Erik helped me create a planner where I have goals to reach for each day, and even though he only has me complete 2 goals a day, it’s so fucking hard! I falter, and I feel so awful inside like I failed him. He’s always there to lift me back up and keep me going. One major change is how my addiction to Hot Cheeto chips has digressed. Now I can barely eat them without feeling gross and yucky. I don’t want to eat them anymore, and that’s part of another challenge he decided to pick up with me. He wants me to start running and to start eating healthier, and that one is tougher for Erik because sometimes I just ignore him even though he’s screaming in my head to put down the chips. I’ve started to listen to him more, which has helped to stop him from ripping out his hair. I can be very stubborn, but I’m proud of Erik for rising up to the challenge. Sometimes I make it hard on him on purpose so I can teach him different techniques on how to approach obstacles when coaching someone.
At anytime, did you feel you could change your mind or say no to his guidance so are you in full control of your decisions?
Oh I know I’m in full control, and so is Erik. He can stop guiding me whenever he likes. Our relationship is very different. We banter back and forth like a brother and sister, but then we playfully flirt around (we mostly just like to pass sexual innuendos to one another). Erik even let me know that if I ever wanted to discontinue then all I have to do is say so, but I’m having too much fun to ever stop!
Why, in your opinion, is it important that to have a successful journey with Erik as Afterlife Coach you need to be able to do
It’s vital to have open and coherent communication with Erik. How else will he be able to kick your ass into shape? If you can’t hear him, then how else will you be guided? I prefer communication in dreams, but Erik prefers channelling while I’m awake. We meet halfway and do fun stuff while I’m asleep like go to the beach, or I get to hang out with Jillian. It’s good to negotiate with him. He’s not this tough guide that’ll punish you for not listening, but he’s not a pushover either. If you’re feeling a little bit under the weather or not in the mood for a heavy workload, let him know! He won’t get mad. He knows what you want and need, so trust him. Trust is also huge!
Would you recommend to anyone else they take the challenge on and why?
Oh definitely take the challenge! It’s worth it, and it’s so much fun. It doesn’t even feel like work to me. I have gotten more work done on my book than I ever would have on my own. Before it would have taken me a year to finish writing my book, but with Erik’s help, I’ll be able to finish it in 3 months. He is such a good coach. He helps me relax when I’m freaking out or when I’m having one of my panic attacks. He’s nonjudgmental and so sympathetic. It’s like I have my own therapist only he’s more than that. You’ll develop such a strong bond with another soul that you never thought existed, and I think that’s my favorite part out of this whole experience.
Can you tell us an Erik story as your Afterlife Coach?
Oh boy do I have stories! It’s just a matter of picking which one.
At the end of each night we have a reflection. I’m lying in bed when Erik pops in. Sometimes he’s with Zach or Jillian, and sometimes he comes by himself. We’ll talk about the good things I did, and we’ll talk about things I need to work on. Then we’ll go over the goals I need to finish for the next day. He usually kneels by my bedside and holds my hand. These reflections always leave me crying because he gives me so much love that my feeble human body can’t contain it. Last night’s reflection was no different. Zach was there, and they were both holding my hand. I had cracked my computer screen, and we spoke about how I felt about it. I was upset at myself for not taking better care of my laptop, and Erik said that it was a lesson for me to take better care of my things. Then we discussed how I didn’t finish my main goal for the week, which was to finish writing one chapter. I was beating myself up over it, and I felt like I failed Erik and myself. Erik caressed my hand and smiled at me. “You didn’t fail me. Don’t be silly, and stop being so hard on yourself. You have accomplished so much, and you should focus on that right now. Take this as a learning experience and move on. Now that you know how you feel when you don’t finish your weekly goals, use that as a motivator to finish them so that you don’t beat yourself up in the end.” I took a deep breath, and tried to drown out my sorrow. Erik said, “Stop it. Just let it go. This is in the past now. Just focus on the present. That’s all you have to worry about now.” I smiled, and felt better. “Good. I like seeing that smile,” said Erik. Zach asked why I had a bandage over my finger, and I told him that I had cut it when I ran my finger across the crack on my computer screen. He smiled and kissed my injured finger, which made me blush. Erik said, “She’s so damn cute.” Zach nodded his head in agreement. Erik went on to say, “We love you, Heather. We love you no matter what, and I will always be here for you. Always. No matter what happens, know that you have me to turn to. You’re so damn special to me, and I’m so thankful to have met you. I’m honoured to guide you. I love you.” As I was tearing up from all the love, Zach went on to give me his love speech. “I love you too, Heather. You’re the most amazing person I have ever known, and I look up to you as an inspiration. Know that I’ll be waiting for you, and I look foreword to having you in my arms.” I was crying like a damn fool at this point. Erik kept at it and kept giving me love. He said over and over, “We love you. You are loved. No one compares. I love you so much.” I hugged them both and thanked them saying, “I love you both so much. You have no fucking idea. You’re my favorite boys.” They both gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
This has made my eyes tear up as it’s such a beautiful story and having experienced Erik in similar way too I hung off every word that Heather spoke. Thanks Heather and Erik for sharing this. Good luck with your book project too, love you both <3
Take the challenge everyone, and have a great weekend!
Here are some funny cartoons. I couldn’t pick just one!
