evps – are these from Erik?

I’ve been recording evps for about 12 years. Recently, I heard a voice I’ve not heard before, and an evp that was unique to all of the evps that I’ve recorded so far. I use Impossible Box and Wavepad Sound Editor. I generally record many snippets from radio stations. The voice in this evp wasn’t on the radio, and the evp was so loud (Volume Warning!!!!) that it had a thin red line on the monitor marking it’s spot. I hear the whisper “peek a boo” with a very loud guitar chord. I do not recognize this voice. I’d dared Erik to visit me while reading My Life After Death, and recorded this evp a few days later.
Here is the link to the evp on You Tube. Is this possibly Erik?
I repeat it three times in the video:

May 17 2017 EVP

Please turn your volume down, and adjust it accordingly. Headphones are best. An evp I recorded this morning that really stood out for me. I used Wavepad Sou…

While I was debating (right up until these moments typing) whether or not to share that evp, I received another – again – I didn’t hear this voice on the radio while recording, and this is a unique voice to the spirits that I get evps of on a regular basis.
What I hear is, “Let Mom hear it.” So, I just don’t feel right not putting these evps here in case they are messages from Erik.
I repeat it four times in the video:

Let Mom Hear It evp

Photograph copyright John Galvan 2017

Around this same time I’ve heard a young man during my meditation sessions, and the funniest comment I heard was, “This house is f&ckin’ full of nuts!” (Which it is – spirit-wise and physically.)

Thank you!

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