Okay, this one is just plain cool! Thanks for your stories, guys! They’re making their way up the queue slowly but surely, so I appreciate how patient you’ve all been!
After watching Erik on YouTube I asked Erik if he would come to me in a dream or send me a confusing text…..like someone got the wrong number and was sending me all this stuff that wouldn’t make sense ….that night I had a dream of a young man actually there were two young men, (I shall explain shortly) as I walked past them sitting on the floor one of them grabbed my leg…..like a playful sibling would to trip you up. so once I had plonked onto the floor beside these young men one of them got hold of my foot and tickled my toes and said I had funny toes, he then had a talk with me that I am not too old to have fun and i should laugh and mess around more …….I have been feeling a lot older than my age lately as I have ME and I feel a lot older than 40!
When I woke up I thought why would I dream of young men? that was strange…. then I remembered my request! OMG I thought it was Erik! and there were two of him… I later saw a vid on you tube that described how Erik can split himself into many parts of himself… wow! ok then about 10 mins after being awake my phone beeped at me… ok that’s strange I thought, looking at my phone it said “yo dude the house is sweet the door is unlocked just come in bro” I sent back who are you? he said his friend had given him my number last night , no one has ever said yo bro to me before, living in England people just don’t talk like that… this experience will stay with me forever and I’m so grateful to Erik