GREAT VIDEO TODAY! But as always, I have some announcements. First, DO NOT MISS THIS ATLANTIS SCALAR HOLIDAY OFFER! If you enter the coupon code SEASONSGREETINGS2020 upon checkout, you will receive 10% off of any service. Click HERE to check out those services.
One such service is quite fun! Give your loved one an e-Card with the name of their Guardian Angel, the angel that has been with him or her from the moment of birth (or before) and will stay until their last day on Earth. For an additional fee, we can include a personal message from his or her Angel. Click HERE to find out more.
Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show TONIGHT at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET.
TONIGHT, Erik is going to be talking about what psychic information and predictions actually are, and help us understand how our free will plays a huge part in our future! Erik will be talking with his mom, Elisa of Atlantis Scalar, and friends, Stephanie Enora Perez and Michelle Gray
Join us, to be part of the conversation!
Last, if you want to talk to Erik, call in to 646-716-9735.
You can also access the show through
LAST TUESDAY, Erik discussed loss, changes and how to cope with and navigate through the holidays with uncertainty and the Pandemic. Erik shared this discussion with his mom, Elisa of Atlantis Scalar, and friends, Stephanie Enora Perez of and Michelle Gray of . Our Guest Medium this Tuesday was the wonderfully talented Medium, and Healer Kim Voigt of If you missed the live show, join us by listening now to be part of the conversation as we all are walking through the holidays A little differently this year!
It comes as no surprise that some of the CE mediums and I have shared other lives since those in the same soul family are often nudged into our life paths. Kim Voigt and I have shared some amazing past lives going all the way back to Atlantis! Check her out at
Check out Erik’s orb float from the bottom to the top of me at 1:47.