Writer, Carrie McCray, is pitching a TV series, and in the sizzle reel (i.e. the trailer) she’d like to add some short video testimonials. If you’d like to submit one, that would be awesome! It must be pretty short, though. because people in the industry she’ll be pitching to have short attention spans (like me!) Just share how Erik has healed you, helped you and/or saved you either figuratively or literally! Then email the clip to me at emedhus@gmail.com. Thanks!
Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show tomorrow at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET. Click on the “LISTEN” icon on the right sidebar of the blog or click on this link through http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment.
Tuesday night, Erik will the merits of simplicity vs. material abundance. When my daughter, Annika, stayed in Peru to volunteer in medical clinics, she was taken aback by how little the people in the village had. Some had only one pair of shoes, others none. No toys, one set of clothes and just enough to eat and other bare necessities. Yet they seemed so much happier than some of the people she encounters here in the U.S.
So if you had just enough food to survive, a roof over your head, running water and other things important for daily life, would you be satisfied? Or would you be happier with wealth and all the bells and whistles if could provide, including the means to help others? Personally, I have often envisioned my utopic life as one where we lived in a log cabin in the mountains by the lake, grew our own fruit and vegetables, hunted and fished for our food, raised chickens for eggs and had little else to worry about and maintain. But having money does allow me to help others and run and maintain all things CE, so I’m conflicted.
After the first 20-30 minutes of discussion, medium, Michelle Gray, will channel Erik as he answers questions from listeners. THE CALL IN NUMBER HAS CHANGED. IT IS NOW: 646-716-9735. You can contact Michelle at thehealingh-art.com.
Be sure to access the show through http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment.
I posted this poll yesterday, but didn’t get any votes, so I’m going to try this again. It’s super short but very important!
[socialpoll id=”2543640″]One more thing before you watch this video. It’s a bit of sad news from Veronica, but I am very happy for her and wish her well. I’m sure she’ll be a guest on the radio show soon. Her words:
And now for our trip to the Akashic Records courtesy of Kim Voigt. You can journey there and beyond with her help. Check her out at embody-light.com.
Here’s the transcript, but again, please roll the video a bit so I get the ad revenue! It helps cover expenses.
Kim: So, now with Erik with you, we’re going to ask him to assist and I’d like you to focus on one of those crystals you see on the walls that contains the knowledge of a lifetime where you did not have any autoimmune diseases in your family. Now focusing on that lifetime, you can silently ask you DNA to instruct your DNA in this lifetime, and spirit is coming through with the messages that when there’s diabetes in the family for instance, what that really is, is a manifestation of the inability to digest the sweetness of life. So, pick a lifetime where there was sweetness, where there was love, and where there was abundance and let me know when it feels that your DNA from those two lifetimes have combined.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: Now as we were speaking of earlier, in regards to your Dad and the issues you’re holding heaving in your heart around the inheritance. We’re going to ask your Dad to step forward now, Erik can help him, and can you let me know when you’ve got connection with your Dad there?
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: All right, so Elisa, I want you to bring that situation up, that happened at the end and imagine it in as much detail as you can and using your mind’s eye, feel where it is in your body that you’re holding that low vibration and as you focus on it breathe love and light into it and watch it transform and lift and I’d like to call forward some angels and as they step into the space, we’re going to do some work on the cording. Some very loving energy of an angel comes forward, okay, from your solar plexus we’re going to ask her and we’re going to reconnect you to your children but first we’re going to ask her to disconnect from your children energetically through the umbilicus, the energetic umbilicus and when that’s complete disconnect your energy, you have like an umbilicus to your parents as well, an energetic one. I would like you to disconnect the one from your Dad, and the angel will help him to reconnect that back into himself, and when you feel like that cord is completely disconnected from your solar plexus let me know. So, now we’re going to take your energy and we’re going to plug you directly into Source, from your solar plexus. We’re going to connect you to Father God’s love and feel yourself making that strong connection. Connecting to Source, feel the warmness around your solar plexus as the connection solidifies, and let me know when that feels complete. Connecting into the Divine Masculine energy.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: Now, we’re going to reconnect, we’re going to ask the angels to reconnect all of your children back to you through the etheric umbilicus and now they too have a pure connection to the Divine Masculine energy and let me know when that feels complete. All right now, so I’m going to have your Dad talk to you for awhile to help you get some clarity on this. I asked him last night as I was kind of preparing for our session what all of this was about, and what I got was, this financial thing went back, it felt like many generations. I asked your Dad what happened and I immediately got stabbed under the right shoulder blade, I could feel myself getting stabbed. I then felt a pain in my left rib, I felt myself being knocked to the ground and kicked in the left hip, and I don’t know what happened, if your Dad would like to provide any clarity on that but that went back generations and he carried that forward and Erik could you explain to your Mom, what it was, was this a past life that she was involved in or something that your Grandfather remembered or what was that all about, can you explain anything to your Mom? Let me know what you get Elisa.
Elisa: I’m not getting anything, he’s keeping his mouth closed.
Kim: Okay. Will you ask him to shake his head if was getting something accurate?
Elisa: Yeah, he said yeah.
Kim: Okay, all right. Well, okay so he’s telling me it’s not important what your relationships to that were in that lifetime but that he did carry it forward and he’s asking you to break this pattern and break this cycle now so you can move forward. Do you feel like all of the energy has been cleared up around this, where you can move on? Because he does love you and he is sorry, and he wants the very best for you.
Elisa: Maybe with him but with my sister, that is still there.
Kim: Your sister, okay. All right let’s work on her energy from this. She’s the one who talked him into it correct?
Elisa: Right, giving her everything.
Kim: Okay. All right, so what I’m going to have you do is, bring that situation up, and imagine it again in as much detail as you can, and let me know when you have that image of your sister.
Elisa: Yeah.
Kim: And this is for you now, not for her, okay. Now, centering your heart and allow your awareness to go out the top of your head, connecting you to your divine-self or spirit and the unconditional love grid, and ask your sister’s higher self to join you. Now, is there anything you need to tell her? If so, in your mind tell her now, and let me know when that’s complete.
Elisa: I tell her higher self, right?
Kim: Mm-hmm. Yeah and typically the higher self is more reasonable than the personality level.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: So, was that complete, I’m sorry.
Elisa: Yeah.
Kim: Okay, now does she have a message for you? If so, listen and let me know when that’s complete.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: Okay, now as your spirit to completely neutralize this core disturbance or old pattern, give great things as your heart opens to all of the forgiveness needed to bring this old pattern or disturbance into complete neutralization and keeping your eyes closed bring your awareness into your body, feel where the core disturbance or old pattern is and how much it’s upset your life, feel it in your body, and imagine it in as much detail as you can. Imagine this feeling as a ball of energy just sitting there, and letting go of all worries, emotions, judgements, or concerns related to this feeling, feel it without judging it as right or wrong, just see it as it is, energy. Now use your mind’s eye to move the energy from was in your body into your radiant heart, just above your physical heart and as this energy is in your heart space, hold it there as it transforms into loving compassion, stay with this energy, having it expand, filling your entire body, surrounding you from head to toe. As this light fills your body, breathe it into every cell and now see it expand out wider and wider in front of you, behind you, out both sides, from the top of your head and out through the bottom of your feet, see it expand into your world and out into the Universe. Let me know when that feels complete. Now, let your sister know, that you are taking back all of your power for your spirit’s purpose and returning any energy of hers to her. Take it all back and give it all back and when that energy exchange is complete let me know, take it all back and give it all back, taking all of your power back from your sister. Now, I’m going to ask Archangel Michael to come through with the sword of light from the 5th dimension, and to cut all ties between Elisa and her sister, energetically that are out of resonance with love, and when that’s complete Archangel Michael, please bring your sword of light back to the 5th dimension, and let me know when that feels complete.
Elisa: Yeah.
Kim: Do you feel lighter, towards your sister?
Elisa: Mm-hmm.
Kim: All right. So, now your Dad asked if you have any questions for him, before he let’s you have a little bit of time with Erik, before we have the two of you come back.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: Okay. Erik, I have a question for you, if you could answer your Mom, is this complete for her or does she have more work to do around the forgiveness piece for the sister and the Dad or does it feel pretty complete from your perspective?
Erik: No, almost but no.
Kim: Almost, okay, what does your Mom have to do? My suggestion would be every day to say a pray and sent white light and white love to her sister and her father. Do you have anything else to suggest, or should that take care of it?
Erik: A loving letter of closure.
Kim: That’s a good idea! Releasing your sister.
Elisa: Yeah.
Kim: Yes, that’s a very good idea. Okay, that’s something you can work on. And as far as the DNA work, we did with the Akashic Records and the autoimmune tendency in your family, is there more work that needs to be done or has the process been started and it will all work out now?
Erik: It’s been started and it will work out.
Kim: Okay, great! And you’ll guide us along the way.
Erik: Yeah.
Kim: Okay, Elisa, why don’t you let me know when you’re ready to come back and remember Erik’s coming back with you this time.
Elisa: I’m ready.
Kim: Okay. All right, so just the two of you go ahead and stand up, and Erik, I’d like you to take a hold of your Mom’s hand and we’re going to have you raise your vibration into the magenta, the teal, through the bottoms of your feet, making a connection with the root chakra and Elisa drop an anchor into the Earth, and from where you’re sitting, just have Erik join you, he’s going to hold on to you hand and stay right with you for the rest of your session and when you’re ready go ahead and open your eyes.
Elisa: Were you supposed to do the magenta teal thing Erik, or me?
Kim: Well both of you, you’ll just raise your energy and your vibration.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: Into the magenta, is it hard to come back that way, do you want me to bring you back how I normally do?
Elisa: No, I’ll just do this. I just want to make sure.
Kim: Okay. Just raise your awareness, you’re in the magenta, to the teal, and then bring your awareness into your feet and into your root chakra, and then start feeling your physical body. Erik’s sitting right there with you.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: And when you’re ready you can open your eyes and we can do our channelling.
Elisa: Debriefing. Wow, that was really interesting, gosh. I didn’t know when to cut, so you’ll have to let me know.
Kim: Yeah. So, we’re back, we decided to try things a little different this time and Elisa’s just kind of coming back to her awareness of her surroundings. We did an Akashic Records session today, and this time we started with the session and we did something a little different, we asked Erik to come back with her, instead of sending her back on her own because, and Erik’s just chiming right in, and he’s already said I love you, Good Morning, Mom. But when he’s had a session with someone it is not uncommon that he spends time with them that day, like that video we saw with the green streaking.
Erik: That is not at all uncommon.
Kim: And I hear it from my clients all the time, that he was with them through the day.
Elisa: I’ve heard that too.
Erik: So, that is really what I wanted to do today, to have you really practice feeling my energy and knowing that I’m right there.
Kim: And he’s sitting right with you, and you can even ask him to touch one of your hands or something and you’ll feel a little bit of tingle.
Elisa: I feel like he was right here, when we were ending the in the cave, I was holding this side but then as we started to come out of that dimension, in the cave it switched to holding this hand because that’s what I was used to doing in the physical.
Kim: Yeah, so we did an Akashic Records session, and I guess we could talk about that for a little bit. One of the things we worked on was a family history of autoimmune problems, because basically when there’s an autoimmune problem, this is how Erik is explaining it to me. Typically, you’re going to see that this is gone back for generations, the energetic set up of it and typically with autoimmune, it’s where the body has gotten to a point where it’s used to being energetically attacked so much that the body takes on that attacking energy and starts attacking itself.
Elisa: It makes sense.
Kim: Yeah, that’s what happens and so like we were talking of earlier, like diabetes is always the inability to digest the sweetness in life, and that was like something your father had.
Elisa: Yeah, and 2 of my sisters have, one died, the other one has diabetes, oh and my husband’s side but that doesn’t count. Okay.
Kim: The other point he’s making out too, a lot of times the reason why we see an auto-immune disease show up after the birth of a baby is because.
Elisa: Yeah, I see a lot of patient with thyroid, like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis appear after birth.
Kim: Yeah, it’s because the pregnancy is so taxing on the body, the body gets weakened and that tendency that was going to be there gets set it.
Elisa: Yeah, it’s triggered.
Kim: Yeah. In my family, I could just point out, we had a lot of autoimmune disease, there’s Lupus, there’s Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sorgen’s, MS, and in our family history it goes back very, very oppressive energies almost from the beginning of time, like spiritual oppression, oppression of women and so they’ve taken it on. And actually, when I first started on my spiritual path, I was getting sick, I was getting arthritis type symptoms, I was very clearly told by spirit that I needed to make some changes because I was headed towards a Lupus type thing.
Elisa: Oh no.
Kim: So, I did a lot of work around it, it did not ever develop into Lupus and it has not shown up with my children but my Aunts and my cousins it runs in their families.
Elisa: Okay.
Kim: So, you can do the work, you can do the forgiveness work, what you do is you go in and this is what we did, because you’re Akashic Record contains the record of every lifetime you’ve had, it also contains all future potentials, so we go into the Akashic Record and we ask our DNA to link with the DNA of a lifetime where we did not have that affliction and so that’s what we did today and Erik, confirmed for us while we were over there, the process has started, and this can happen to the degree that if your children are carrying those genetic tendencies when you do your work, it can disappear from their potential.
Elisa: That’s so awesome.
Kim: It’s a very powerful thing. I’ve also got a channelling on my channel of sexual abuse, that often goes back generations.
Elisa: How can they find that?
Kim: If you just go to my Embody Light channel, I’ve got videos lists. I did a channeling on that one.
Elisa: Your website? embody-light.com?
Kim: Yeah.
Elisa: All right. I’ll put that as a title splash, on this.
Kim: Yeah. Erik wants me to touch on this briefly, I’ve been doing hypnotherapy work, I have worked with so many women and when you get in there and you start working with them, when they’ve had a history of sexual abuse, you’ll find that it happened to their mothers, and it’s happening to their daughters and you’re going what the heck is going on? Well this usually, in this generation what we’re going through now, is for the mothers that are carrying all of this pain, if they ever had a history of sexual abuse, their children are born into that pain, knowing their being born into it, they come into it. Sometimes those children will choose to actually be abused themselves so that the mother will go, okay, this stops now, this stops with my generation, and take the necessary steps to make it stop happening. When I’ve done sessions, I’ve had, I thought it was Mother God come through and actually disconnect, this is what she did, the mother was in so much pain when she realized what was going on, she went in, she disconnected all of the etheric energetic umbilical cordings from the mother, disconnected the children from the mother.
Elisa: Okay, right.
Kim: Went to the mother, disconnected her umbilicus from her mother which was what started all of this, that is where their abuse started in their family, with her mother in a generation before her. They disconnected them, they connected the mother of the daughter who had just been abused and the mother had been abused back into Mother God, and then reconnected the children back into her. It completely rearranged the genetic structure, the DNA potential for that to happen and that being that was with us, I can’t say for sure it was Mother God, but that’s who I thought it was, told her that, that would never show up in her family again.
Elisa: Oh, that’s so awesome.
Kim: Yeah.
Elisa: I mean you guys have got to check out her site, that I just put on the screen here.
Kim: Thank you, yeah, so there’s just a lot of things we can do with the Akashic Records, that can help. As I was explaining to Elisa before we started, you can either go up to the other side if you want, it looks like a library, you could be leather, they would pull out a book, you’d open a page, it’s like a living scene, you see it, you could interact with it, but the way I like to do it, is to go down into the center of the earth because the Gaia-grid connects with the crystalline grid and acts as the Akash through there. It’s a much more grounded way to do it and we can also send healing and love to the Earth while we do it.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Kim: So, that’s what we did, and Elisa hung out with Erik there and we did some work around you know.
Elisa: Yeah, he’s my bud, we have to hang out some more, eh babe? Thank you, Kim.
Kim: You’re welcome.
Elisa: And thank you, I need to ask you one thing when I push the stop button.
Kim: Okay.
Elisa: Thank you Erik, thank you everyone for watching, I love you all!
Erik: Okay, love you Mom.
Elisa: Bye.
