As many of you may already know, Sandra, Stanley’s roommate and dear friend, passed away yesterday. He’s trying hard to find the money to pay for her cremation, and Iola gave him some helpful advice in the comments section. Please send your prayers, love, light and Reiki his way. Stanley, you are loved. You’re an angel.
Blog member, KVM, has moved to a wonderful house close to Atlanta. When she told me, I emailed her asking her to join us for the event this weekend at Jamie’s. Her reply is so heartfelt, it touched me deeply, and I’m very grateful to her for allowing me to share it with the rest of her Channeling Erik family. So many miracles in such a short time. I still can’t wrap my head around it sometimes. It seems that Erik has been a busy little spirit guide!
Aw, thank you honey, but I have to go up to Vermont to get my sculpture of Gregory’s. It is being stored in his daughter’s barn. I have been thinking of you so much lately as it is one year and a few weeks since Gregory’s death. There is just the pang of loss that doesn’t dim. I just lost my ex brother in law last week. I feel so badly for his widow. All I can do is be a listening ear for her. She is in Wisconsin and far from me.
I did a crazy thing and sold my house in Fl. to someone that showed up on my porch one night after I came back from painting in the Keys. Here is the strange thing about that I had just the night before, while saying my usual prayers under the stars, asked all my guides and Gregory’s spirit and Erik’s and my Dad and all those gone on before to help me-and through my tears, I asked that they send me a message about what I was to do with my life. The very next night after my little pity party, I return home to find this man that had seen my house two years before when it was on the market, now wanting to buy it cash at about 35 K more than the market price! No inspections etc. So I now had the means to go to my youngest child’s area to move near to my grandchildren. Her hubby is a doctor just entering an Anesthesia practice.
Long story short, I bought a HUD foreclosure and took a neglected shabby un chic house to a little jewel status with the help of many contractors (22). I gutted it from cement floors with pipes sticking up to new drywall to new floors and trim, painted from ceilings to floors, new kitchen and baths, and it is now a wonderful artists home with a large studio over the garage.
Please, please, please, do come to see me or let me know when you are in the ATL area and I will come see you or get you and then have you stay with me. I am sorry to be missing you this time in ATL. My homes have always been a locus of open doors for all the kindred spirits I have met along my journey. I think of you more than you know and while I have never heard an auditory reply, I know that Erik is hearing me. All this process never could have happened so quickly—8 weeks—without his and G’s celestial help. I hope that you can realize how much Erik is helping us on this side of the veil. And G is around me even though I can’t see him or feel him still. I just feel so alone sometimes but I feel blessed with all that has happened to me.
They want us to be happy and go on with life. I know that, but I still talk to them both all the time out loud and say how much they are missed and loved and thought of. I went into a mini semi-panic attack one day thinking that now that I have moved, G won’t know how to find me and then I had to laugh. Their knowledge base is so much bigger than our physical reality. Erik is a special spirit as was G. I am convinced that he has helped me in my rehab on this house project. It was like the movie “Under The Tuscan Sun” complete with my own 2 Polish painters. These guys worked on Father’s Day and Sundays to get me in here on time. It is my little miracle. I made the choice to be happy here and with my daughter seven minutes away it is like heaven.
I will be planting spring gardens over the coming winter in front of the fireplace. I would really love to see you anytime you are in town and have you stay here. It is a house of peace where love abides for all who enter. A big supportive hug for you and your meetings. They will fill your soul while Erik is smiling at you and what you are doing for so many. There were nights when the only thing that got me through was reading your blog and it still is sometimes…Much love for you Elisa, my kindred spirit, xoxo KVM