I have great news! The publisher has finally given me permission to divulge the new book. It’s Erik’s memoir completely written by him through Jamie, and I can’t express enough how proud I am of him. It’s AMAZING! A real page-turner. Parts will make you cry, parts will make you laugh, parts will make you gasp in surprise and parts will make you raise your eyebrows in intrigue. Here’s the description from the publisher:
In a story that’s never been told before, Erik Medhus delivers an intimate and provocative memoir that begins on the tragic day he took his own life, and his moment-by-moment account as he discovers a spiritual life waiting on the other side.
My Life After Death: A Memoir from Heaven, is the follow up to Elisa Medhus’ successful My Son and the Afterlife, her son Erik tells his story in his own words as channeled by medium Jamie Butler and transcribed by his mother Elisa. Overflowing with his signature honesty, humor, and candor, Erik provides readers with more than just a visit to the afterlife. He personally walks readers through the experience of dying, transitioning into spirit form, and he provides a detailed look at the life awaiting on the other side.
Crucial questions such as these will finally be answered: What it feels like to die? What is crossing over like? What happens in the life review? What is it like to become a spirit? Why and how do spirits communicate with the living? What does Heaven look like? What is God and what does It look like? Ultimately, Erik’s story provides the answers that will help readers find solace and remove the fears that surround death, showing that love has no boundaries and life does not truly end.
The official publication date is 9/15/15, but you can preorder it in many formats at the link below, but it will be available in all bookstores online and in stores in September. On publication, the price will likely go up. Support Channeling Erik with your purchase, peeps, and spread the word!