Story #1
I bought a garbage can from Costco back in May that has a motion detector to open and close; you need to be right over it to set of the motion detector to get it to open. Around the the time I started reading this blog two weeks ago, it started to open and close randomly with no one there. Most times I hear it around 11 pm at night when we are in the next room in bed but often once or twice in the day. I went through all the reviews on this garbage can on Costco’s website and no mention of anyone else’s doing this…..odd. Might just be a co-incidence but then give how it takes a second or to to open when I’m right over it….maybe…
Story #2
First, God Bless Erik, Elisa, his family and all who have come to know him 🙂
I only just started reading about Erik (thank you Elisa) last week. Three days later I walked into my law firm and decided to try and find “The blog” and read more about Erik and his unique afterlife abilities. (Let me also say that in my lifetime I have visited many spiritual mediums, read numerous books and feel a sense of enlightenment. I did all this in order to specifically connect with my loved ones who had passed, but later, mostly for my brother, Michael who had passed tragically 9 years ago from a horrible motorcycle accident – we were shattered.) But, nothing prepared me for this quick and speedy message from Erik – it was unbelievable!!
So, here goes my story, I remember thinking while I searched, “I wonder if Erik would speak to me?” I found the blog and started reading the posts – and said this in my mind, “Erik, say hello to my brother Michael and Michael, say hello to Erik” 🙂 It wasn’t even five minutes later when one of our attorney’s arrived through the front glass door and said, “Anette, your friend is here.” I said what? He said, “your friend is here.” I said, “who?” He said, a praying mantis is on the door. How odd that he would bring that to my attention and at that precise moment! I thought, ‘Oh my God, that was quick.’ (Anyone knows a praying mantis is a spiritual sign and that is how I perceive it) As Erik has stated in the book, communication is essential to your beliefs and perception- something is sent that you will understand and immediately comprehend. Here is the kicker……drum roll….the attorney’s name was “Michael!!” Thank you, Erik, for validating that you and my brother, Michael, connected on the other side!
Your story continues to amaze me! And, I continue to pass it on to others.
Thank you Elisa, for this book, filled with many things but the most important thing we could ever hope to experience and that is LOVE!!
Story #3
I was packed up and all excited for a romantic getaway with my boyfriend. My small luggage was already full, so I grabbed a recyclable, hard plastic TJ’S bag and threw in my flat iron and shampoo, conditioner, and the usual body products. So, I put my red luggage in the back seat of my car and then I put the TJ’s bag, on the back seat and it started to vibrate!?! I stared at the bag and knew there was nothing in it to vibrate. A bit perplexed, I took everything out of the bag, nothing. There was nothing that could possibly make that happen. Than I started laughing. You made me laugh so hard Erik! I knew it was you letting me know you were there and that I was so excited to go away & see my boyfriend. In other words you knew that Love was in the air, and I know you were teasing
me about it. I have to say it was a great start to a very beautiful, fun, and very romantic weekend.