I love these Erik pranks! Have you been pranked or visited by my rascally boy? If so, please be sure to share it by clicking on the “Share Your Story” button on the righthand sidebar.
Meanwhile, I want you all to know that I plan to make some big announcements on the blog Monday…all great for you!
Story #1
Dear CE family…this is so outrageous you may find difficult to believe, but here goes. I just returned from a 2 week visit with my son in Singapore..best family reunion ever. A trip of a lifetime that my wife and daughter and I took. My son has been asking me for 7 years running to visit him at his home in Singapore and every year that passes and we don’t visit, the disappointment increases. So, February/2019 was about to change all that and it did in such a positive way. But, my story begins before the flight on Korean Air KE036 leaving Atlanta, Ga on Feb 5th at 11:55 a.m.on a 747-8i, seat 59 A/window seat flying to Seoul/Incheon then second leg from Incheon to Singapore. The day before the trip I was thinking to myself that asking Erik to prank me on an airplane would be the craziest spot ever to ask for and receive a prank. Think about it, you are almost 7 miles high, what would Erik possibly do to prank one without literally scaring the living hell out of you? I was willing to take that chance and believe me, flying is NOT my favorite thing to do but I just bit the bullet and prepared to travel those 22.5 hours just in the air alone, to see my son.
At 8 hours in of 16 total hours on the first leg I noticed a red dot forming right by my left shoulder INSIDE the white shell that composed the inside wall of the aircraft. This thumb sized red led light could not be missed it was right at my left shoulder angled at a 45 degree position inside the darkened aircraft. I immediately took a video and still shots of it with my iPhone X, In the video you can see me position my hand over the red glowing thumb sized led light as if to show that the light indeed came from inside the panel and not from a light shinning on it. In other words the light was emitting from INSIDE the wall. Have any of you seen this in all your travels on a jet? I have flown many times and in my 70 years on this planet I have never been witness to this type of phenomena, ever !! I turned on my call button and summoned the nearest stewardess over and in the dark I pointed to the glowing spot and asked her, “what is this ?” She kept blinking her eyes and starring at the spot with a confused look on her face. Finally she said let me ask the other attendants and the pilot. After she left it was just a minute and I started seeing all the flight attendants walking past my row and taking quick glances at the spot and then continue walking as if not to call my attention to what they were doing. Finally it was so apparent that I took my two hands and “show cased” the spot like you see the models doing on the Price is Right. That finally stopped the parade of attendants walking past my row. A few minutes later the original attendant that I talked to came over to explain that this was part of the “entertainment wiring/system”. Seriously I don’t think she thought I would buy that explanation for a second. Part of the entertainment equipment which just so happens to be inside the wall of the plane at seat A row 59 ? Really? I asked for and received the exact count of souls on that flight. There were 388 people on that plane in which row 59 seat A had a red glowing plasma like spot on the inside of the interior wall of that plane. I want to thank Erik for making that flight one of the most memorable I have ever had. I am sending pictures of the glow and the video to Elisa. If she can and wants to post them on this site she has my full permission to do so. I wish all the best to the CE blog members and I am happy to be part of the experience…..Jim Petit/Atlanta, Ga
Story #2
Last week I was driving to work in our family brand new hybrid vehicle (typically I drive a different vehicle) and listening to one of your videos.
While on the highway all the dashboard lights (tire pressure, engine light, hybrid-powertrain…etc.) came on like Christmas lights, including a main screen message ‘malfunction’ (fortunately vehicle did not stop).
As you can imagine my surprise as this is a couple of months old vehicle. As soon I could I went online and scheduled service for this vehicle and decided to drive a different car to work until mystery is solved.
Next day my wife drove the hybrid taking my daughter to school and she said all the lights cleared out one by one like it never happened… could this be an Eric prank?”
Vlad (TN)
Story #3
Erik took my credit card from my wallet, and somebody find it in the back yard just over a table. I knew it was him.
But he also messes with my cell phone, comunications just goes off, I can hear the other person, but the other can not hear me, and there is NOTHING wrong with my phone.