Here’s a short video of the place I do the energy work for Atlantis Scalar. Of course now, I’ve been moved to the shed, which my husband and Lukas converted from a bug and dust infested space to something that deserves the title, “She Shed.”
We WILL have a radio show tomorrow after a holiday hiatus and it should be awesome! Then, there will be a 2021 Predictions session conducted soon!
So don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show This Tuesday at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET.
Tuesday, we will be joined by special guest, and blog member Lambert Scalvini! Lambert will be talking to us and sharing his fascinating information all about negative entities! Lambert is a Paranormal Enthusiast and has had experiences since a child. You do NOT want to miss this one! Erik will be talking with his mom, Elisa of Atlantis Scalar, and Spirit Translators Heather Hartford CommonGroundHealing, Michelle Gray
Join us, to be part of the conversation!
Last, if you want to talk to Erik, call in to 646-716-9735.
You can also access the show through
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BY THE WAY, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ATLANTIS SCALAR ANNOUNCEMENT! Erik wants to encourage people to purchase a consult with him first –hang on for the good news–because he feels people are ordering services they don’t need, wasting their money, and/or not ordering what they truly need. So he dropped the price of the consult (He sets all of the prices) from $65 to $20 AND, that $20 is credited against any future services ordered. He wants people to be well and whole and he and the Divine Team knows best how to do that. The more people spend unnecessarily on AS services, the less money is available for important sessions with healers, Shamans, etc. that the Erik recommends for you. What we’ve seen is that around 2-3% of our portal work is not completely successful (and we repeat for free until it is.) This is for one of two reasons (sometimes both): The person is an empath so they’re like a sieve to all types of energy, including negative energy and/or they or their home has an inordinate number of open portals and negative entities, attached or otherwise. Often, this is because they live on land that has seen violence (war, sacrifices, torture, battles), is on ancient burial grounds, has experienced dark arts/magic, etc. So very often, this means they have one or more earthbound spirits on their property on in their home/apartment. Sometimes they die from natural causes; sometimes they are murdered because the murderer goes crazy from the negative energy/entities, but most often, they get so depressed from that energy that they take their own lives. This is what happened to Erik. 🙁
Did you know that over 80% of you have negative entities in your home and/or in and around your energy? We can remove those permanently.
Another announcement: Erik wants us to repeat everyone’s services, whether it’s “Healing Spiritual Illness, Empath Protection, Chakra Overhaul, Portal Work, Opening the 3rd Eye, Awakening the Kundalini, Activating the DNA, Decalcifying the Pineal Gland and more from time to time. FOR FREE. Hence the 12-14 hours a day/7 days a week for Mama Elisa. But we love it. And we do this FOR FREE. Also, if I change the language in a prayer of intent or protection under the guidance of Erik and the Divine Team, he has be perform energy work with a specific sequence of frequencies so that this language is integrated into all previous services for all Atlantis Scalar. Again, FOR FREE. This is our mission. This is our passion. We love you and want to help you because a few of those who are nudged to Atlantis Scalar are part of big angelic projects that serve humanity.
Also, if you are an Atlantis Scalar peep, please put me on your contact list so that emails from me don’t go to spam. It happens often. So yeah, check your spam now, too, okay?
One last thing: Please order portal work appropriate to the number of people living in the household. If you just want to “try it out” on yourself but not on the rest of the household, the moment we begin working on you, your negative entities flee from your energy and attach to another person in the family. Then, once we finish, they sneak back into your energy body just before we can cover you with the permanent shield. That’s 5-10 hours of wasted time, time that is grueling for me emotionally, physically and mentally, That said, although I have repeated the work for free in the past, I won’t do that anymore. Just be careful and order the correct service. By the way, the portal work repeats are MUCH harder and longer.
Check out the Atlantis Scalar site HERE! Please read the entire About Page and for the list of services, click HERE.
Hope to hear from you on the radio show tomorrow!!