Communicating through medium Jamie Butler, Erik Medhus draws us into experiencing his world and his life in the afterlife. We experience his senses, emotions, thoughts, amazement, discoveries, and surprises as he has lived them since his passing. We go to his funeral with him, say good byes to each family member, and experience his movement off of the earth plane. With him, we have a life review and learn about our new body, the landscape of heaven, living without time, making new spiritual friends, having a lover, understanding angels and guides, and even meeting God. Through Erik, we experience helping people still on the earth plane as a guide. We learn how people on the other side make themselves known and heard to people on the earth plane, and discover the remarkable power of thought to inspire and motivate people here. My Life After Death is an absorbing journey through life in the afterlife that I recommend to anyone who wants to understand the realm we will all eventually inhabit by experiencing it through the engrossing accounts of this young man living there now.
Craig Hogan, Ph.D., is the author of Your Eternal Self, presenting the scientific evidence that the mind is not confined to the brain, the afterlife is a reality, people’s minds are linked, and the mind affects the physical world. The book is hailed as “number one from the standpoint of offering the reader the full gamut of phenomena supporting the survival hypothesis in clear and concise language” (Michael Tymn, managing editor, The Searchlight) and “an eye-opening look at the pseudo natural and everything related to the human mind—highly recommended for anyone into the science beyond the mundane world” (“Reviewer’s Choice,” Midwest Book Review, June 2008).
Dr. Hogan co-authored Induced After-Death Communication: A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma with Allan Botkin, Psy.D. and Guided Afterlife Connections: They Come to Change Lives with Rochelle Wright. He is the editor of Afterlife Communication: 16 Proven Methods, 85 True Accounts and of New Developments in Afterlife Communication. He developed the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication method that has been used successfully by thousands of people.
The reader is faced with a choice: Either this is a remarkably thorough and insightful communication from “the other side”, or it is one of the most skillfully crafted fabrications yet to appear in this genre. In considering that choice the reader will recognize that the events, sentiments and realizations depicted herein are well beyond every day discourse and therefore highly unlikely to have been plucked from the experiences of any living person associated with the compilation of this book. The evidence comes down on the side of authenticity.
-Marco M. Pardi MA, DPS
Anthropologist – Thanatologist
My Life After Death: A Memoir from Heaven began on the day Erik Medhus committed suicide at the age of twenty. But how can that be: My Life After Death is written by Medhus, right? Driven by grief, co-author and pragmatic physician Elisa Medhus sought out mediums to help her with her grief and to explain some of the unusual phenomena she and her family was experiencing. What she learned was that Erik was reaching her from the other side – and for a family filled with atheists and skeptics, this was an amazing experience indeed. Dr. Medhus enlisted the aid of a famous spirit translator and Erik’s channeled experience thus form the basis of this book, written by Erik from the afterlife with his mother as transcriber. It provides a follow-up to the more autobiographical introduction My Son and the Afterlife but goes far beyond its predecessor in exploring what heaven is like and how it works. The result is highly recommended for followers of the blog, new age readers, and newcomers to Dr. Medhus, and her son’s life, death, and afterlife.
–Midwest Book Review
From the graphic description of finding himself looking at his own dead body and seeing all the commotion and heartache that his suicide caused, Erik provides us with a totally new perspective on what its like to die. His voice is clear, direct and intimate- as if talking to a close friend in the language of young people today. His insights are poignant and profound. Eric tells it like it is- “no punches pulled”. This is a book which will expand your understanding of mental illness, suicide, spirituality, love and the afterlife. And above all it is a book of joy, hope and wonder.
-Victor Zammit
Retired Attorney and co-author of A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife and The Friday Afterlife Report.
Many books suggest that consciousness and personality continue after death, supported by evidence from spiritual mediums who convey accurate messages related to specific deceased persons. This book is unique in that it describes what existence is like for the Author’s son, Erik after his physical death. It is interesting to envision Erik’s mode of communication with “living” loved ones — and to contemplate the various realms and experiences described as he becomes aware of his true nature. But I most appreciate his fresh take on the value of Earth life, reflected by these words; “Hold hands, man. Hug everybody. Have a hugfest.”
-Mark Ireland, Author of Soul Shift: Finding Where the Dead Go; and Messages from the Afterlife: A Bereaved Father’s Journey in the World of Spirit Visitations, Psychic-Mediums, and Synchronicity
This book occupies a special niche between the growing numbers of first-hand accounts of near-death experiences and channeled books about the afterlife. While it is channeled through a medium, or spiritual translator as she prefers to be called, the voice of 20-year-old Erik Medhus comes through with such clarity and integrity that you have the sense of a living presence behind the transcription. The text is down-to-earth and liberally peppered with the vulgarities and usages of young males. That, however, is part of what makes this book uniquely valuable. It speaks directly to those who are vulnerable and hurting in language they can resonate with.
When Erik took his own life, he could have been just another statistic among the epidemic of alienated and emotionally disturbed youth (as well as adults and seniors) who have lost all sense of hope and meaning in their lives. He suffered from a complex of emotional troubles from ADHD to bipolar disorder, and the detailed description he gives of his mental state leading up to his suicide is worthy of being studied by professionals and parents of kids with these challenges. Erik, however, did not go quietly because he had a mission.
He rapidly developed the ability to appear either visually or in dreams, first to members of his immediate family and then to members of the online community gathering around his mother’s blog,, which she started as a means of dealing with her grief. As he acclimated to life on the “other side” Eric came to realize that he had planned his life path in order to gain empathy for those suffering from mental illness and depression, as well as from grief and loss. The mission he undertook was to help as many people as possible understand both our immortality and our interconnection – we don’t die and we are never alone. We always have beings around us to guide and support us if we but listen and/or ask.
Erik’s descriptions about what happened to him after a passing offer a number of original observations, but mostly echo reports from much of the near-death literature. The wonder and delight of this book is truly in the voice of this extraordinary young man – a voice full of humor, the energy of youth, and a passion for living and helping others.
Just as his physician mother overcame her science oriented skepticism and embraced the notion of a vibrant afterlife, so whatever level of skepticism you may start out with, you will turn the last page with a strengthened confidence that while our role in this universe may shift and change, it will never end. You are left with a quiet smile on your face and perhaps a nagging sense that you might want to get your act together because down the line you’re going to be your own judge and jury. The good news is that everybody else will still love you – unconditionally.
–Miriam Knight, New Consciousness Review
Let me start off by saying “My Life after Death: A Memoir From Heaven” has been the only book I have ever sat down and spent an entire day reading, start to finish. In under 9 hours I have laughed, cried, smiled, shook my head with disbelief, and pondered life more than ever before. Through Elisa’s loving description of Erik, and Erik’s vivid recounting of his experiences in Heaven, I have gained unmeasurable amounts of comfort and wonder about what comes next. I spent most of my life fearing death, but always running towards it because of my depression, anxiety and PTSD, but after Erik’s description of his own struggles, and how it can get better for us here and now, I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel – no pun intended! I finally feel like I’ve come home after a long, dark journey with crashing waves, and blinding lightning at Sea. I feel like I’ve walked for years through a desert only to find the most beautiful stream. Thanks to Elisa and Erik, I feel like I’m finally home.
This book is not the sort of book that I normally do a review of. Usually a flesh-and-blood author of the living human variety presents their evidences, speculations and interpretations of, as in this particular case, what lurks in the afterlife state beyond mortal physical existence. However, this is not a review of near death experiencer testimony or anything of the sort. We learn here that in this instance, Erik Medhus, who you see as the main author on the front cover of this book, committed suicide at the age of 20, well prior to this book’s creation.Here’s what happened, or reportedly happened anyway. Erik’s mother, Dr. Elisa Medhus, transcribed descriptions of what goes on in the afterlife through a noted medium named Jamie Butler, who we read channeled Erik. In her foreword, Dr. Medhus shares with us how special, unique, and caring her son Erik was, but how around age 14 things changed rather dramatically for him as a severe bipolar disorder took him down a very dark path, one that ultimately brought him to the sad decision to commit suicide.
Elisa, however, explains how during his all too brief life, Erik was a very caring, outgoing child. Seen by some as different and a little rough around the edges, his language peppered with colorful metaphors, so to speak, he was nonetheless a genuinely and deeply caring human being with a heart of gold who was routinely forgiving others for their wrong doings against him and comforting those who he came upon who were down on their own luck and needed a shoulder to cry on.
In this book, it is explained that Erik carries on in the afterlife, continuing to pursue his caring and helpful nature as a spirit guide for all who will take the time to read his words. With his former humor and other personality attributes still seemingly intact, describing himself as “the dead guy,” Erik shares what it’s like to die, how spirits communicate with the living, what heaven is like, and how things in the hereafter work.
I’m just about to finish reading the book, but I couldn’t wait to give you some feedback.
Erik gives a fascinating account in describing what happens to us when we die. With a clear, genuine and communicative voice, Erik walks the reader through his experience of death as it unfolded for him, taking us along a journey that we will all one day take, whether we believe in it or not.
The descriptions of his journey and his transition to the afterlife are detailed and engrossing. His account of the process where he comes to realize the lessons and reasons for his life, the understanding of the ‘whys’ as he puts it, and seeing how the pieces fit like a puzzle and how others are connected and affected by it is not only illuminating, but I feel gives the reader pause to contemplate their own life’s puzzle and the role they have chosen to play, giving much credo to the often said ‘everything happens for a reason’.
The more I read, the more I kept thinking that in my own life I need to trust the process more. At one point, when Erik was having a conversation with his guide, Cawli, soon after his passing, he reflects that she mentioned something that he didn’t quite understand then but has since become self evident, especially to anyone who follows the blog, and may have even become the saving grace in what Erik and Elisa have been through;
“I didn’t know what Cawli was talking about at the time, but she said that together, my mom and I would both become the best versions of ourselves. That’s what we signed up for.”
Erik’s life, his early death, Elisa’s journeys from “skepticism to belief … grief to joy” and from discovering that not only could she continue to communicate with her son again but that they were an amazing team, have all led them towards, as Erik says, “go on to do awesome shit…”
It not only illustrated once again that Erik’s death was not in vain, that there was a higher purpose, but that we too should keep in mind that are our own struggles are meant for a similar purpose.
Erik’s innate ability to be emotionally honest is embedded on every page and at times its effect would make me weep and at others would make me chuckle. Even though I knew him and his story through the blog, I was surprised to find that in many ways, I was able to get know him further. There is a certain vulnerability that comes through in the book that is not always discernible in the blog posts, especially in the paragraphs where he discusses his human life, his relationship with his family and the aftermath of their reactions to his death.
I treasure the insights he provides and knowing he has found fulfillment and joy on the other side as a guide, gives us all hope, that no matter what our disappointments and struggles in this life, we can still have the opportunity to thrive, to learn and do meaningful work in the afterlife.
One more thing Elisa, the dedication you wrote for Kristina is beautiful and made my heart swell with gratitude towards her as well.
Erik, Jamie and you have done a wonderful job with the book. I think Erik might just give new meaning to the ‘dead poets society, but I think he might prefer ‘dead dudes write’. What do you think? 😉
My apologies for the lengthy review, I think my excitement and enthusiasm got the better of me. Hope you don’t mind.
–Soul Scribbles
Erik has saved my life more than once. Wow! What a great way to start a long ass story, right? He saved my life! Boom! There it is! I could leave it at that, but I want to fully explain how he has saved my life because he does so everyday. It’s not just one circumstance where I’m sitting there in my room alone about to do it, when he eventually steps in. It’s literally every single day.
I struggle with suicidal thoughts. It’s really hard for me to talk about because it’s only Erik that knows the extent of it. I don’t open up much to people. I only feel safe opening up and crying with him. Maybe it has to do with him not being in the physical? I have no idea, but I only feel emotionally safe with him, which he has pushed me to open up to people through a blog. It has helped a lot for me.
I’m not completely sure if I’d still be here on Earth if it weren’t for him. I hit lows in my life, and they happen at random. One day I’ll be happy, grateful for my life, and loving everything about it and then the next day I’m depressed and feel this dark hopelessness looming over me. I don’t trust myself to be alone during these times because I always end up doing something stupid to myself like cutting. I usually have to force myself to sit down away from anything sharp. I have to even keep my own fingers away from my body because I’ll be tempted to start scratching to harm myself. I have to lay my hands down away from my body and spread my fingers apart. I take deep breaths to calm myself, and I try to pull myself out of this darkness. I don’t trust my thoughts either, so I use music to drown them out. This is when Erik shows up. He always does without fail.
I can channel him, and all I can hear is him telling me to get out the pendulum to talk since I’m in no shape to channel. I created me and Erik’s own pendulum chart that we use that has cuss words on it. I have a lot of fun joking with him on it. He’ll begin swinging it and telling me to “let go” and talk about how I’m feeling. I always end up crying like a baby, and then after I’m done crying, I begin to feel lighter. Then we start to joke around, and I no longer feel the need to hurt myself to drown out my emotional pain. Laughter really is the best medicine.
That’s how he saves me when things get tough for me. Reading My Life After Death: A Memoir From Heaven, I got to see form Erik’s point of view. I’ve always wanted to get inside his head and dissect his every thought now and when he was in the physical. This book allowed me to do that, and it made me feel not alone. Reading how he learned to appreciate Human life, made me begin to realize how I should start appreciating mine. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I cried while reading the book, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I was crying now as I’m typing this up (haha!). Erik saved my life yet again just by writing this book, and so did you Elisa. I’m so eternally grateful for everything you and Erik have given me through the blog, and through this book (Fuck, dude! I’m shaking!).
If it weren’t for this book, I think I’d still be going through the cycles of being happy and upbeat for a month or two and then having my random lows the next. I’m going to take control over my life and who I am. Like Erik said, I can control my emotional state and I want to. I am choosing to fight my depression, so I can stop with my suicidal thoughts. This book has brought me hope and courage to start fighting back over something I never thought I’d have control over. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I ordered my copy of “My Life After Death” through Amazon kindle. I didn’t have the patience to wait for the delivery the hard copy; normally I love to snuggle to an actual foldable book, haha!
This book is one of those books you can’t put down and want to finish all the way through. Unfortunately, my eyes started getting heavy half way through the book leaving the rest for another day.
Well that day is today (the very next day) and I’m on chapter #25 “working with a spirit translator” and only closed out my kindle because I got an email from this blog site.
When reading the book I can actually hear Erik’s voice, but in the I hear Jaime speak for him, you know?
My final thought is that you won’t be disappointed but make sure to be in a quiet place to get lost in his words because my whole family spent almost every moment asking for miscellaneous stuff so I had to keep stopping after each paragraph–gotta love a husband and three kids (one being newborn). I give this book 5 stars!!!
Thank you!!
–Lisa Diaz
A must read for anyone regardless of current belief systems, religions, etc. An amazing book that explores the infinite possibilities within and beyond this human existence. This book is amazing and different in the sense that it does not try to push any belief onto anyone. It recognizes that we are all individuals and it simply presents us with the perspective of being open and deciding for ourselves what is best for us. It challenges us all to ask ourselves what is true for us. It starts conversations and opens hearts and doors that may not have been visible or accessible to us before. Truly a great read and a great gift.
I just ordered Erik Medhus 2nd book MY LIFE AFTER DEATH!” If it reads anything like his first book, written along with his mother Elisa Medhus M.D.; from HEAVEN; THAT’S RIGHT, FROM HEAVEN, it will give you a copious amount of joy, tears, learning and a most loving perspective on life. Buy it. Now!
–Lambert Scalvini
I’ve been following the Channeling Erik phenomenon for a little over a year, and have been a blog member for almost as long. I’ve been hooked since the git-go. This book, My Life After Death, is amazing – everything Erik touches on and talks about makes sense to me – it all just feels right. When they said that we came into a new age of enlightenment back in 2012, what Erik shares in this book is total proof of that. This book and its true concepts are living proof to me that life DOES exist after “death”. I want to thank you, Erik, and Elisa, and Miss Jamie Butler too for helping me daily. It’s confirmation for me. This book ROCKS – and that’s coming from a bonafide rocker!
–Scott Collins
This excellent book needs to be reviewed by the NYTimes, WSJ and other conventional press. The world must hear Erik’s message and understand the beauty of his journey. People sit frozen every day, marinating in bad news sold to us by CNN, Fox A better option is to read this book and heal /eliminate all the unnecessary fear that chokes the very life out of you. Then allow yourself to cherish your body, soul and our shared life experiences here on Earth. That’s how peaceful change comes about. Thank you Erik and Elisa. And thank you Jamie. I learn something each time we connect. You have changed my life; this book is there to guide others who are open and ready for that shift to a higher state of existence. Blessings to all.
–Patty Soffer
This Book is a Life changer and a life saver! It is absolutely wonderful! Erik is a charming, loveable spirit who is wise beyond the earthly years he had. Thank you Erik for confirming what I have always known to be true. Thank you Elisa for sharing your wonderful son with the world and thank you Jamie for being his voice!
–Melissa McVicker
I will treasure this book for ever it will be a part of me for all eternity. Erik has found me and brought me so many great friends. He has changed my life dramatically. I now see my fairies and the change in the air when spirit is near. I hear Erik and see that loving face. He has become my fave coach. He share so much of himself to help us grow.
This book taught me a lot of life lessons, things anyone and everyone could learn something from. I can’t tell you what you’ll understand from reading this book, but I can share what I gained by reading it. It is the most intimate view of a family struck with grief now loving and communicating in a brand new way. I cried, I laughed, I smiled and I had a lot of “ah hah” moments and a lot of yes yes yes ‘happy dance of joy’ moments. I no longer fear death, but the coolest thing is that I no longer fear LIFE either. Chaos to Peace. I fretted over writing a review because I lack the words to describe the mountains I climbed emotionally and the freedom I felt inside while reading this book. I wanted to think of myself and how to apply these things to my own life so that I can have the ‘peace’ on earth that Erik has found in heaven. I wanted to thank you Medhus family for the intimate relationships that you have and so willingly share so that I too can be intimate within my own relationships. Understanding the concept of love is not an easy understanding to have, but applying the concepts willingly gives us the ability to become the best of ourselves here now. That’s what this book is to me, this book is a book about the greatest of the greatest loves in life. Loving the people and relationships (Family, Friends, Lovers, Children, Strangers) who give us the information we seek in life and only understand in death. Here we are given an opportunity to understand in life what Erik (and so many others) struggle(d) so deeply with….this book is about more than just a dead guy with a story, this is a love story. Erik Medhus gave me an understanding of…the very things I was drowning in…misunderstood concepts of what love IS. He gave me back my life and desire to participate fully within it. He gave me a “PEACE” of heaven on earth. Thank you Erik for sharing your story, yourself, your family and your love. To the entire Medhus Family thank you for sharing your story from a big perspective. Elisa thank you for sharing yourself, your perspective, your grief and your love…you amaze me. I Love this book so much I bought multiple copies to give to people I know will gain so much from reading this book. Read the book, you’ll be happy you did.
–Corinna Carlson
A life-altering book. Eric gives the world this gift: his description, in (oftentimes colorful) easy to understand language, of life after death. Suffering from severe bipolar disease, Eric Medhus took his own life at the young age of 20. Translated by Channeler, Jamie Butler, Eric speaks to us from the other side. No matter what your current beliefs are, you’ll learn something from this insightful, intelligent, and loving read.
This is the second book written by the author and her son, along with the help of spirit translator Jamie Butler. I have read and loved both. The subject matter was very thought provoking as Erik shares his experience of the afterlife. I could feel Erik’s love through out the book. I believe this book is good for any reader. Whether you believe or not (and I do) there is something positive that will find you by the end. I didn’t want to put this book down. My suggestion is to kick back, relax, and let this little piece of heaven touch you. You won’t regret it.
–Carol Meinhardt
Amazing. The book is amazing. It was beautifully written. But more than the context is the content. The intent and purpose of the book is no like any other I have ever read. It makes you evaluate your life as you read it. It makes you question if you are being authentic, kind, emotionally honest.
This book is for everyone, but moreso, for those who are losing hope in the meaning of life. It is also for those who are stuck with grief over the loss of a loveone.
Erik, Elisa and Jaime. Thank you for the book. Thank you for helping me pull it through.
I couldn’t put this book down. A fascinating insight into all those eternal questions. A brave and frank account of Erik’s death and life after death. Thank you Erik, you are an amazing gift to us all.
Just finished reading it today. It was awesome. Erik is good at explaining what it’s like to be a spirit. I’ve read other good spiritual books and life after death books but Erik’s book is my favorite and I’ve learned a lot from reading this book. My brother read it before me and he loves it too. Erik is my favorite author! 🙂
I couldn’t put this book down. I read it every second available I had. I too have had a few experiences with Erik and I was so touched by his experiences in this book. I verified that all the things I have experienced from him was truly real. He has really helped me help many others also including helped me to open my mind more than I could have ever imagined. I am forever grateful!
–Tara Valentine
I couldn’t wait to read this book and I was not disappointed. I’ve read similar accounts by other authors of what heaven is like but this was by far the most entertaining, detailed and interesting. I wished the book would never end. Great work Erik! Thanks!
–Dianna Kelly
For the last three years, I have been reading anything I can about life after death. From all those books, this is my number one pick. I want to give this book to all people who are dying, afraid of dying, or skeptical of what’s next after we leave this Earth.
Erik’s description of where is lives now is vivid and compelling and will keep you reading long past bedtime.
Watch out for any pranks though, he’s a stinker! 🙂
Love, Anita
This book is the real deal. That’s a difficult concept to grasp for some, since the subject is about death and life after death. I am fairly well-read on this subject so it was not difficult for me. It was informative and comforting. It gave me a more concrete idea of the process of death and what “day to day” life is like. I put that in quotes as there is no linear time in that dimension so cannot be measured (that’s still a difficult concept to grasp). Erik pretty much covered all aspects from his own death process to what he does in the afterlife. I highly recommend this book. It gave me great comfort to really know what it is like over there and how this relates to my deceased husband.
This book is amazing and educational! If you want to learn what the afterlife is like and how a day goes in heaven, please read this book! Erik is bringing awareness and help to the world one person at a time, he is touching so many people with his guidance and humor and pranks. I read this book in two days, I just couldn’t put this fascinating read down.
–Sharon Young
Been on the consciousness expansion bandwagon for some years now, and have read many books related to this. I’ve never read a book quite like this one though, it stands out. I was genuinely excited to read it, and can honestly say it exceeded my expectations. It’s a very heart warming, and deeply personal account of a young man’s journey beyond our reality. There is so much wisdom here, and so much love, it’s down to earth, tangible and genuine. The work that Erik and his mother Elisa are doing is tremendous. Way to go Erik! The whole family should be very proud of this one!
I bought the book and read it within two days! The day I decided to buy the book, I was at a car wash waiting in line patiently. As I was in my car, a large dragonfly came to my windshield on the passenger side and just stood still looking in for a few seconds. I though ,how beautiful and strange but thought nothing else of it. As my car was getting cleaned, I was checking my iphone for the nearest Barnes and Noble so I could buy the book ‘My Life After death’. After I purchased the book, I went home to read it. This book is absolutely amazing and there are so many details that resonated with me. While reading, I felt so happy and elated for many personal reasons. Everything Erik stated about the afterlife really brought my essence of true self to a higher level. When I read the part where Erik likes to use dragonflies to catch your attention to let you know it’s him that hit me immediately. The dragonfly I saw was Erik and it truly lifted my spirit. This book should be read by everyone, whether you believe in the afterlife or not. This book will give every reader something to think about in a profound way. In all the previous books I have read on spirituality, this book has had the most positive impact in helping me move forward in my spiritual journey.
I am truly grateful to everyone who made this book possible!
–Albert Galea
Thank you is not enough for this precious book! Yesterday I was having a bad day and was praying that my mood would shift. Our doorbell rang a couple of hours later and we were surprised. We have a mailbox AND it was Sunday but it was a delivery of this book, My Life after Death! Thank you Eric for amazing me. This is one of my all time favorites. I feel like I’m sitting with a very honest friend who is setting the record straight. Normally bad language is offensive to me but Eric has me wanting more and hanging on every word. He makes me laugh out loud. He makes me wish I could be as comfortable in my own skin. You realize how “normal” it is to be your unique self. You fall in love with Eric immediately. The information shared is just what we all need. Eric brings peace, love, and beauty back into our hearts in a very special way! He shows us that one person who is brave enough to be honest can change the world. I don’t want to finish the book because of its uplifting nature! They say Eric is a prankster but for me he comes through as a mentor and more of a big brother. Funny, Eric is 20 and I’m 52 but if you haven’t realized yet, our children are our teachers! Thank you Elisa Medhus for your courage and beautiful heart!
–Amazon customer
Awesome book! Erik tells you all about how it is when we die and he explains it the best of any book I’ve read so far. This book is my favorite and I’ve read a lot of books about life after death and lots of other spiritual books like the ones from Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon, Robert Schwartz and others.
Just finished, it was sooo good I didn’t want it to end. It was comforting listening to him to us without interruption, like we were sitting in a cozy living room and having a nice long talk instead of the short bits we are used to in the channeling Erik blog (but please don’t stop that either! LOL) Since he’s able to teach/explain us so much maybe there could be more books like the Jane Roberts “Seth” Books. I love how he makes it all so accessible.This just inspired as many more questions as it answered!
–Amazon customer
This book touched me deeply and made me feel good about not just what comes next, but made me feel confident about what happens now, today. Erik Medhus is such a special young man and I am grateful for him and for his mom. Awesome book! If you haven’t read it yet, do it now!
In Erik’s inimitable voice, he takes us on a fascinating journey from his choice to end his life here, through observing his funeral, saying goodbye to family members, crossing over, his life review, his early experiences in heaven, how he has continued to grow and learn there, and his current passion in serving as a spiritual guide. He has much wisdom to share from his perspective, both about how to make the most of our lives here on earth and about what it’s like in the spiritual realms. I would recommend this book to anyone who is pondering what happens to the soul at the point of transition through death (which he says is more like a birth). It emphasizes the importance of self-love, the fact that we are all connected (that separation is truly an illusion), gives a glimpse into what heaven is like, and the importance of compassion, forgiveness, and non-judgment.
–Amazon customer
I just finished My Life After Death. What a fabulous read! I have to say that accepting the notion of life after death is not a stretch for me and it never has been. What I found in these pages were details about the experience of dying, crossing over and then what its like to be a spirit. It’s all explained in Erik’s entertaining voice, including his infamous “potty mouth” and humor. The analogies he presents are very effective in describing otherwise very abstract concepts that explain, among other things, how he is able to communicate with his loved ones and others he touches in his role as spirit guide. Thank you Erik and Elise! You’ve already reached so many with your story of love and devotion that truly knows no boundaries.
I sometimes laughed and sometimes cried and sometimes did both at the same time! Loved this book and couldn’t put it down. Erik gives us great lessons/advices for all us, emotional beings, on how to make the most of our time on this earthly plane.
Erik and Mrs. Medhus; you are doing an amazing job!
This is the only book I was very stoked about receiving. I pre ordered it and sat home all day on 9/1/15 waiting on its arrival. I met the UPS guy at my driveway. As soon as I got in the house I ripped it open and sat down about 4pm and fell asleep around 2ish. I woke up with only 40 pages left to read. I’ve never finished a book that fast.
I’m already a spiritual person but to hear everything from the moment he pulled the trigger to…. watching his own funeral and being there to say his good byes to his loved ones afterwards that was touching. The relationship Erik and Mrs. Medhus had was amazing but now their relationship is beyond words. Which I think is beautiful. His life review, that could help so MANY including myself worrying about being judged after we leave this earth (physically) The B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L explanation of how heaven is. It’s all truly amazing.
I think everyone should read this book. Anyone who is grieving or having a problem with “where we come from”, “where we go from here”. It’s truly an enlightening book. I’m going to buy 3 copies and pass them into people only with the promise that they will #1 read it and not sit in at a shelf #2 when there done pass it on and tell the next person the same. I truly think this book could be a start on helping the world one person at a time.
I believe in this book a 100%, I’ve been highly blessed with “meeting” Erik. He’s a spirit with strong energy, an amazing heart who just wants to help people who are suffering here on earth. Erik is a great spirit guide and if you’re having problems that he can help with he will, if he can’t he’ll give you the suggestions on what to do. He can help but we gotta do the foot work.
I hope you all enjoy his book as much as I have. Thanks Erik, Dr.Medhus and Jamie!!!
–Suzette Williams
I ordered my copy of “My life after death” through Amazon kindle. I didn’t have the patience to wait for the delivery the hard copy; normally I love to snuggle to an actual foldable book, haha!
This book is one of those books you can’t put down and want to finish all the way through. Unfortunately, my eyes started getting heavy half way through the book leaving the rest for another day.
Well that day is today (the very next day) and I’m on chapter #25 “working with a spirit translator” and only closed out my kindle because I got an email from this blog site.
When reading the book I can actually hear Erik’s voice, but in the I hear Jaime speak for him, you know?
My final thought is that you won’t be disappointed but make sure to be in a quiet place to get lost in his words because my whole family spent almost every moment asking for miscellaneous stuff so I had to keep stopping after each paragraph–gotta love a husband and three kids (one being newborn). I give this book 5 stars!!!
Thank you!!
–Lisa M. Diaz
The best book ever written describing what happens after we die. Written by the deceased, and in his own words that may be a bit colorful for some, but hey, that’s who he is and really, they’re just words, not to be taken to heart, they’re not directed AT the reader. The strength of the Mom, Dr. Elisa Medhus, to have the courage to transcribe all that Erik said is a testament to the love parents have for their children and the bond shared from parent to child. This book will help so many who have lost loved ones, as a holistic health practitioner, I know it has already helped my clients who have lost children and I know it will help others. They are still with you, though not in the physical form. We must be open to hearing from them by staying aware so we understand the signs they send us. There is noting worse than losing a child, knowing that you can still communicate with them is a comfort for many and this book, this transcription allows us to know it can be done. Kudos to Dr. Elisa Medhus for sharing all that she learned from Erik with all of us. It is life changing read that has the power to change the world. Read, be aware and trust.
–T Love
Erik Medhus has changed my thinking on the life before and after this one in so many ways! I was in deep grief a year ago and found the blog that his mother, Elisa, has set up to teach us and expand our thinking about what this current life we are living is REALLY about. Reading the blog posts and her book, “My Son and the Afterlife” added depth and detail to what I already believed to be true about where we come from, why we’re here and where we are going after this life. Then I read this book, “My Life After Death” and I was touched to my core with what a gift Erik is giving to so many by sharing his experience of transitioning to the plane on which he now resides. I thought I was a spiritual and enlightened person before, but Erik and Elisa’s work, along with the mediums who bring us Erik’s message, have blown the universe wide open for our examination! This book is a must read for anyone who fears death, has lost a loved one and longs to know what they are experiencing, or those who are just seeking more understanding of what other planes of existence are like. Read this book with an open mind and I know you will be changed as I have been!”
This book is a Down and Dirty realistic tour guide of the astral realms from a youthful kid’s point of view.
*** If you think that the super conscious astral realms are full of angels strumming harps surrounding God on a throne in a white nightie throwing thunderbolts against bad Earthlings and populated by people of your own religion,,,,well this isn’t the book for you.
*** If you’d like to follow your passion and learn hints about how to manifest whatever you want whenever you wan, then read this book.
*** If you’re an atheist or would like to know what happens to atheists when they die, well check this book out. Hint…It ain’t what you think it is. No,they don’t roast in Hell.
*** If you’ve always wanted to see your dearly departed pets and the church told you that pets don’t have souls, then check this book out.
*** If you’re afraid that you don’t rate high enough then this is the book for you.
*** And last of all…. incredible as it may seem…. If you wonder if there is sex and beer in Heaven well ….find out!
–Laurette S. Looney
Get ready to devour this wonderfully vivid journey Erik takes you on. I felt as if he were there, holding my hand through each step of the way. I found myself holding onto every word and detail. Heart pounding. Heart soaring.
Erik takes you to the depths of his journey and the beyond the apex of this existence.
He has come to be a very special friend of mine before reading this book, and now after reading it, well he’s family to me. After all, one would only be so open to family as Erik was in this book. Calling it a book flattens out the experience, its more like a ride. A journey. A first class ticket to enlightenment!
Getting through the first few chapters took some guts, however, it was well the continued march forward. Though the raw, detailed description ripped at my parental heartstrings, I was held in abject fascination with all that I read. From the dedication page, Erik’s description of personal suffering, his decision to end his suffering, his connecting with his grieving (alive) family members from the afterlife, to the unusual experiences he encountered on the other side, I found myself wanting to learn more. And I’ve learned a ton from this memoir. One thing I am completely convinced of – that there’s no death. No death for any life force. We’re energy – Erik explains. What happens to energy? It re-forms, changes, and of course, it never dies.
I was captivated by the description of what we’d think of as heaven – the floral, fauna, colors, angels, guides, structures, the location, music and perceptions that make up heaven. Again, my preconceived notions were shifting – even in the simplest of descriptions about the roles of angels, guides, and guardian angels. Heck, I had no idea there was even a difference in any of those spiritual beings.
While the descriptions of the afterlife are fascinating, what’s most compelling is Erik’s description of how healing from tragedy is possible. Any kind of healing. Even from the worst possible pain, (which I have to believe is that of losing a child), one can heal. I love how Erik details how healing can be accomplished. Some of this information is not new, and a lot of this information is completely new to me.
The Channeling Erik blog is mentioned in the book, as it was a direct result from Erik Medhus’ desire to help his loved ones and others. Goodness has been made possible – healing others, helping others find their footing, and even helping one’s self on his/her own spiritual quest. In this memoir it’s explained in simple terms how healing can be attained. For those of us not (currently) suffering from grief, this Erik also answers the ever-present human questioning: Why did that happen? Why am I here on earth? What is life about? We learn about the cosmic bargain we’re engaged in and what spirituality does for our human lives. And who/what is God. These are the questions I’ve always wondered about, that my early rigid church-doctrine background didn’t provide. Now I know it’s about US. It’s about giving love and loving oneself in the most authentic way. It’s about acceptance and practicing these things and being grateful as well. There are specific directions for how to live a more fulfilling and loving life – by embracing your own emotions and that of others, understanding the roles pain and anger play in our lives, and recognizing emotional truths and lessons presented. In a lot of ways, this is a how-to live book. How to live and how to deal with human struggles. It’s all here.
If I had to assess who the ultimate target market was for this memoir – after all, it’s essentially the words of the spirit of a young man – then I’d likely say it’s written for people who’ve lost a loved one too soon. But really, this memoir is for everyone – it’s about life, life after death, life in heaven, connecting with humans on earth (from the afterlife), and it’s about abiding love. It gives hope for those in distress, and it paves the way for understanding the forever-bonds of love and life.
–T. Newman
This book was a godsend to me. My son took his own life the same way Erik did, and this book helped me understand why some people commit suicide and what happens to them afterwards. Yes, Erik uses the F word frequently (which I don’t like), but so did my son and so do most of his contemporaries. It does give the book more realism. For all the people complaining about it, if you have read much about metaphysical subjects, including NDE’s and reincarnation, you would know that things (even words) aren’t good or bad, they just are. If you’ve never been to “Heaven” or “Home” as Erik calls it, how do you know how they speak there? Do you really think God has a list of words you are not allowed to say? Which is all beside the point anyway, because his conversations are not with beings on the other side. He is speaking to humans, who do say those words.
This book is also more believable if you read his mother’s book “My Son in the Afterlife” by Dr. Elisa Medhus first. Her book is wonderful and gives credibility to Erik’s, because it explains more of the process of how she changed from being an Atheist to a believer in the Afterlife. As a physician, she didn’t become a believer through one session with a medium. She did a tremendous amount of research into the available literature and research on subjects such as consciousness, NDE’s, quantum physics and metaphysics. Her book and the Channeling Erik Blog are great resources (with many references) to learn about what scientists, physicians, philosophers and religious experts think about Life and the Afterlife.
Both Erik’s and Elisa’s books correlate well with other literature and research on these topics. Their biggest value (and that of their blog) is the personal aspect. As a mother who is trying to come to terms with the fact of my son’s suicide and the resulting despair and grief, Erik and Elisa’s personal observations and the love between them and all the blog members, have been a great help to me and given me solace when I so desperately needed it. My husband (who is not one to read this type of literature) has also been helped tremendously by Erik’s book.
I would recommend these two books highly to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide or any other cause. They are also good books for anyone wanting to understand more about the afterlife, suicide, and bipolar disorder. If you know anyone you think might be considering suicide please tell them to read these books and/or look up the Channeling Erik Blog. Maybe it could help prevent a tragic loss of life.
–Janet Grappin
Incredibly insightful and takes away the fear! I loved every single page!
–Lisa Quinlan
HIGHLY recommend this wonderful book! After reading the first book, I knew I couldn’t wait to read this one also! It describes Erik’s personal journey into the afterlife and how we never really die. A must read for anyone interested in spirituality as well as the skeptic. I could hardly put it down!
Absolutely the definitive book on the afterlife. Written by Erik Medhus, a twenty year old who passed away 6 years ago, and channelled by a medium to his mother, Dr Elisa Medhus, this book provides a glimpse into that special world called Heaven. It is a sequel to My Son and the Afterlife. If you are in mourning, or just curious about what lies beyond the veil, this book is a must read.
I have followed Channeling Erik for years and I have read many afterlife books over the last 15 plus years, and I have to say this is the best one I’ve read. The first book afterlife book I read was Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven. Which I highly recommend. But Erik is so real and I really felt so much better about the process after I die. Erik is a cool dude and is mother Elisa is an angel. I want another book!!!
–Alison “Allygal”
This is an amazing story that will bring hope to a lot of families. The details of the story (real story) are just mind blowing, you get a picture of what the the afterlife is like thanks to Erik I myself have become more peaceful about death and more relieved to know that I really will see my loved ones again. Thank you to Elisa Jamie and Erik and everyone else that made this book possible. I highly recommend it to everyone especially those is great pain from grieving a loved one.
–Lisa Bragg
Thank you thank you, Erik and Elisa! What a gift this book is: clear, accessible, light-filled, and an amazing and unique – a brilliant look into the beyond. Erik is everywoman and everyman’s guide – straight talking, wise, and so personable. You can feel his passion for guiding and helping humankind, and his honest explanation of how he is both learning and leading. This book offers beautiful answers and helpful direction to anyone wanting to understand more about the afterlife, about our purpose here on the planet, and about the nature of life and death. YAY Erik!
–Christine Elder
I found out about this book on Facebook and immediately ordered it on amazon. It was so sad in the beginning.. but later I couldn’t put in down. It confirmed so many things for me about life after death. I found their videos on youtube and watched most of them. This is a must read!
A wonderful book by a wonderfully beautiful spirit…..if you ever had doubts about the other side, or what happens to you when you pass, you will never doubt again as you will be forever be changed in your beliefs, your life, your path and in your soul…becomes clearer, you will no doubt awaken to more than just the story you read, but to soooooo much more, as those doors that were shut are now open to the truest knowledge and questions that are now answered. Remarkable in every sense of the WORD…grateful for ERIK AND HIS WONDERFUL MOM AND FAMILY…for this wonderful gift they share with the world, as I will be sharing it with my family and friends.
–Renee Bacoccini
After a 20 year search, I have found what I’m looking for: ANSWERS about life after death. I am no longer afraid of dying. Erik did that for me. Thank you, my friend.
–Amazon customer
As an avid blog reader for years, there was not a lot of new information in here. But gathered together in one engaging story, it was a really great way to put it all those bits and pieces together, fitting the puzzle pieces and having it all make a lot more sense. It’s totally engaging and a really easy read. It’s hard to put down, you’ll want to read it all in one go. Erik explains his journey so clearly and openly, there is absolutely nothing to fear about death. And for anyone missing a loved one, it’s so reassuring that death is not the end. Your relationships have changed a bit, but the love and intimacy is still there and available if you open your mind and make the connection. Dr Medhus and her family have shared their most vulnerable and painful experiences with the world through the blog and her books. My own spiritual beliefs, and my entire life really, have been forever changed through the information and connections made through her work. I’m forever grateful.
Anybody new to the idea of life after death, this is the perfect place to start. Even though it’s an introduction to some very woo-woo topics and ideas, Erik’s matter of fact conversational style and his regular “dude” way of expressing himself makes it incredibly easy to understand. There are plenty of books on near death experiences. But this is a first-hand account of ACTUAL after death experience. Channelled through one of the most masterful mediums on the planet, Jamie Butler, Erik is able to explain every moment, from the events leading to his death, the moments just before, the process of what happens at death, and then the journey beyond – from the transition and life review to his current work as a guide. Loved this book, and will want to share it with some of my family who are non-believers.
–Heidi Risse
If one day I end up alone in an Island, this is the book I will take with me.
(I should actually stick a copy inside my suitcase in case)
It’s so powerful, so real, a definite life changing experience.
Don’t wait any longer, push the order button, and jump on the boat for the amazing voyage he is taking us to.
You will not regret it.
This book was a wonderful introduction to what it’s like after we die. I love Erik’s humor and down-to-earth descriptions. You can really see his personality and the continuing and deep love he has for his family.
–Bethany Ristoff
Whether we’re willing to admit it or not, we all have interest, curiosity and fear about the ‘afterlife’. This book addresses all of these in such a way that it makes it hard to put this book down. I already am on my second read of it because I didn’t want the first read to end. The entire family of this young man, especially his mom, have allowed us to share in some incredibly personal parts of their lives. I feel humbled and grateful that they would be so very generous to include us into what has been, perhaps, the most difficult time in all of their lives. Thank you, Dr. Elisa Medhus, for spearheading the effort to share your son with us. You are such a lovely human being. I can see why your son refers to you as ‘the unicorn of all doctors’. You even may be the unicorn of all moms. Really. 🙂 It’s no wonder that your daily blog, is attracting such a large following of readers. Thank you for your courage and openness. And Erik, thank you, for choosing to devote so much of your new ‘existence’ to teaching the rest of us about why we’re here and how we can enrich our lives through the simplicity of more conscious living. Your straightforwardness and lack of pretense make this book wonderfully fun and lighthearted, but also intensely inspiring. And as you must witness, you are becoming quite the spiritual anchor for your followers. Your book is an amazing tribute to your mom, dad, and all your siblings. It is also an amazing message of hope and clarity for everyone who didn’t get to know you while you were living among us. Please continue your important work. I am a huge fan. I feel honored and privileged that you are allowing me to come to know you. Please continue to guide us… collectively and individually …and as the spirit moves you….or as you move yourself, please write more books. Thank you. 🙂
–Pen Name
If there is only one book you read for the rest of the year, let this one be it. From the afterlife itself, Erik reaches through each word on each page and brings you into his personal journey and his experience of his own suicide and the afterlife. Fascinating, inspiring, and full of his typical humor and four-lettered charm, his vividly detailed and emotional story is a testament to the fact no one is ever “lost” and death is never the end. What began as such an isolated and tragic event for one family has since grown exponentially into a captivating story with the endless capacity to heal and inspire. This is one of those books that stays with you and directs you to the real things in life like love, family, and connecting with yourself and with others. You won’t be able to put this book down and even after it ends you’ll want to re-read it over and over and over again. It’s just beautiful.
First, I am a non-believer. I am such a non-believer that I question everything anyone ever tried to teach me, including during all those years spent at a schoolroom desk not only being told exactly what to believe, but being tested on it just to make sure I was adequately indoctrinated. I am a non-believer in the afterlife. As I would say, after WHAT? I suspect that life is primal and eternal, and it is not a body, which as far as the world seems to know is composed only of sub-atomic particles and possibly only of non-material energy, if anything. I do not know what consciousness is, except maybe it is what I AM. If you asked me, I would say the body is in the mind, and not the mind in the body. And I thoroughly enjoyed this book, for the opportunity to participate in a lovely new perspective on many “commonplace” matters. I adore perspective, as many previously untried ones as possible, in the hopes of gaining more understanding of that which we call life. In particular, I was mesmerized by Erik’s discussion of the materialization process, and how he struggled with creating the gold bar, because he lacked an affinity for it. Guitars and motorcycles had come easy to him. This provided me with a wonderful new perspective on money and the human relationship to it, and I was able to do a little “thought experiment” where I traveled on the back of a dollar bill (or a $1000 bill) and experienced all the different attitudes people had toward it. Poor money! A magnet for all the hopes, dreams, frustrations and sorrows of the world. No wonder it is so hard for some of us to attract it into our lives. Just such nuggets I search for among whatever experience presents itself to me, and this book was no disappointment. If you are a believer–if you believe everything you were told while you sat in that school desk, or learned at your mother’s knee–you will doubtless find this book nothing but an unacceptable fantasy. If you are of that group, then you may enjoy the safety of being a believer, including mocking all who do not share your beliefs. If you are a little more adventurous, you might want to take the trip this book offers.
–S. Patel
I was just browsing books on near death experience and this book title popped up. I was quite intrigued and decided to take a closer look. You see my husband had a procedure done in his heart, and I had been with him every step of the way. I’m an MD and explained everything to my husband and reassured him all would be well, but the emotional aspects of this type of treatment was a struggle. During his recovery, one night he woke me up and asked me to put my hand on his heart, I did that and my husband sighed in relief and was snoring in contentment with our cats snuggled up tight. What caused this request was the fear of mortality racing towards him at an alarming rate.
When I took a closer look of Erik’s book, I purchased it, downloaded a copy to my husband’s kindle, my kindle and my older sister’s kindle. I will admit, that I had some doubts and some fears about mortality and what happened after death too. At the introduction, I was hooked! My husband told me he too, was hooked.
The book is written well and we both felt great relief about the afterlife or what Eric calls “Home”, discussed in detail in this book. Like Erik’s Mom, I’m an MD and was trained to focus on what could be proven, not to believe anything unless it had been put to a statistical test. So I had a hard time with what happened after we died. After reading this book, the idea of our soul living within us and then continuing on in Spirit feels completely true.
Beware though, Erik will punk you! I was reading and suddenly smelled an unpleasant smell, like someone smoking a cigar and didn’t know where it was coming from, especially because all the windows were closed! Later I found out that was Erik!
This book is THE book about the transition to the afterlife and the afterlife itself. It’s a must read. It’s a work of art!
–Nancy Antia
Elisa and Erik, thank you for walking me through your journey. I felt like I was in the book with Erik and experiencing every step in each page…..
–Steven Dallas
As a member of the Channeling Erik blog, it was such a treat to read the second of the “Erik books.” With the blog and these two books, My Son and the Afterlife and now this her most recent My Life After Death: A Memoir From Heaven, Dr. Elisa Medhus has processed her deep grief in a profoundly transformative and purposeful way and has given a gift to all of us who mourn the passing of a loved one. I will always and forever be inspired by Dr. Elisa Medhus and her amazing journey moving through a loss that, myself also a mother, I can’t even begin to imagine. Erik’s personal account of his death and his life thereafter is delivered via medium Jamie Butler’s exceptional abilities, true to Erik’s unique personality and down-to-earth, tell-it-like-it-is, often humorous, and inimitable style. The details of both his experience of the afterlife and the intense subject matter of suicide are at turns sobering and lighthearted, upsetting and entertaining, always fascinating. The book treats the often uncomfortable and distressing topic of suicide and what can be the esoteric subject of the afterlife in a truly engaging and accessible way. Thank you, Elisa, for your courage to discuss a topic that has traditionally been taboo in our society. Thank you for sticking your neck out and taking the risk of being ridiculed by those who don’t understand. Thank you to Erik, Elisa, and Jamie for your contribution to a greater understanding of life after death for those of us on this side of the veil and for the comfort you’ve brought to so many.
–T.K. Diaz
This book is amazing! In the first chapters, you review his death and the effect on his family which is so very sad. But then you get information about the afterlife that I find so interesting. You have to decide what you believe, I believe this information is from Erik in spirit – but how can that be?? There are certain psychic mediums who can communicate with spirits and when that spirit really wants to communicate back then it works beautifully. I learn so much from him (Erik), the transitions after death, life as a spirit, angels, demons, religion, you name it (see If you have that beckoning mind, then read this book.
Absolutely fascinating and comforting at the same time! I really appreciated how specific Erik is in describing his experiences at the time of his death, his life review, his current ‘job’ and the great nuggets of wisdom. I have read both books now and can say that they have strengthened what I already believed and answered many questions that plagued me, especially in terms of those pesky ‘why’ questions! I recommend both books for anyone who is questioning and searching for answers to the really big issues of life. And I think we’re all questioning.
–Randy Koeppen
Let me preface this review by saying I am NOT a good writer and I really struggle with trying to write reviews…I just can’t ever seem to find the “right” words to convey my feelings. However, I had to put that aside and give a review for this book because I feel so strongly about Erik’s messages. I have read literally hundreds of metaphysical books and this one is at the very top of my list! Everything Erik says about heaven and how we die reiterates everything I have read elsewhere. His words are simple and easy to understand, especially for someone new to this topic. I will say that I would suggest reading Elisa’s first book, My Son and the Afterlife, first because I think it gives a good introduction to Erik which is a nice foundation before reading the second book, especially if you are a bit skeptical. And speaking of skeptical, if you tend to have a bit of skepticism surrounding this subject matter, I encourage you to read it anyway and just try to open your heart and mind to the possibility that there is infinitely more “out there” than we can detect with our 5 senses. I hope that this book (and My Son and the Afterlife) finds its way into your hands and touches your heart the way it did mine.
I just finished reading the best book I have ever read on the direct experience of Life on the “Other Side:”
MY LIFE AFTER DEATH: A Memoir from Heaven, by Erik Medhus
Not only does the book do a great job with this … It is also a powerful story of family, love, mental illness, service, and inter-dimensional communication.
I urge you to read it as soon as you can.
–Dr. David Kamnitzer
I’m a member of the Channeling Erik blog, so I know something of the Earth life and Afterlife of Erik Medhus and his continuing connection with his family. I have read his mother’s book, My Son and The Afterlife and was very excited to read this one. It does not disappoint!
In his book, Erik describes to us his death and what that experience was like for him. Here in the Other World, and fir his family and friends left behind.
He talks about his soul contract and how this past life’s experiences have help him in his new role as a spirit guide. He describes his “day to day” life, how our loved ones send signs… literally how that works (one of my very favorite parts of the book!), how we look on spirit and many other fascinating topics on how things work after we cross over.
Then, Erik describes to us how Erik helps his mother, Dr. Elisa Medhus, on his own journey of healing by helping her to help us with the help of spirit translators. Including Jamie Butler, through the Channeling Erik blog, the books and the videos as well as his personal interactions with his Mom and family.
Jamie Butler channeled this book but Erik wrote it. These were definitely his words and his soul talking as I was reading it. It was absolutely amazing… I hope he writes another, and soon! Thank you, Erik, Elisa and Jamie! You are always in my heart.
Along with Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz, this is my favorite book.
–Nicolas Henoumont
Erik is a fun loving spirit who has very real messages from or those who are wise enough to really listen. He has helped many skeptics, including myself, to know that there is so much more to this world than we have been told. YOU GO ERIK, JAIME and ELISA! The more I read about this, certain things just ring so very true.
–P. K. Oakes
Excellently written, beautifully presented and infinitely inspiring. I will recommend this book to anyone who is ready to break out of the
box and live an eternal and deeply meaningful life filled with joyful love.
–Martha Butterfield&
Erik, the community, the people involved, words are not sufficient. If you are drawn to this book, you should get it. Erik is real.
I will sum it up to “this book is a major game changer, Next level information for the coming age” was that too Grandiose?
This is a very special book. I went through many emotions while reading it. Not since Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls has a book touched me so profoundly. I follow his blog regularly and am always eager to see what he will share with us next. This book puts it all together in a way that you can’t help but feel that you know this incredible young man.
–Donna Murphy
I have read many books on this subject; near death experiences of children, of adults, books written by doctors, books written by people who work with the dying, by spiritual leaders, scientists, by converted atheists and by everyday people who’ve caught a glimpse of heaven. My Life After Death is by far, the most comprehensive, in-depth and profound book I’ve read on this subject. Erik, through spirit translator Jamie Butler, takes you step by step through his entire experience of dying, transitioning, and his new life in heaven. This book covers everything from what it’s like to die, what heaven is like, how spirits live and communicate, what the spirit body is like, spiritual counseling, jobs in the afterlife, how spirits contact those still living on earth, the meaning of our earthly experience, spiritual contracts, past lives and so much more. For anyone who has experienced loss, or who wants to know more about what happens when we die, this book will bring you knowledge, comfort and peace. As someone who has experienced very traumatic loss, who has held the hand of people I love as they left this life and entered their next, and who has given spiritual matters, the afterlife and the meaning of life a great deal of thought, I am so grateful to have read this life changing book.
I hate it when an author spends half the pages trying to convince me of something. This book doesn’t waste ink with that. It dives right into the subject and delivers insights on every page. If you don’t at least have some curiosity about life after life, you won’t appreciate this book. No fluff. Unique and profound, yet not really contradictory to most other spiritual and religious thinking. I’ve read it twice because I was too engrossed the first time to slow down and properly assimilate the information. It isn’t a book to read superficially, like a novel.
No doubt, it will become an international best-seller, at which point, people with rigid beliefs will show up to trash it. Then, as an ultimate sign of widespread success, someone with way too much time on their hands will write a book to debunk this book. 🙂
I’m a prolific reader – hundreds of books each year on widely varied topics – with a lifelong interest in the metaphysical. This second book by Erik and Elisa Medhus is well-written (I’m picky about that), and for such a heavy subject, lighthearted. For those who share my lack of fortitude for graphic violence, I was able to read the parts about Erik’s suicide without being traumatized.
It’s now on my very short list of must-read, life-changing books. It’s on my Kindle, so I can’t loan it even if I wanted to, so I’ve been buying copies for trusted friends and family. If you love it and want more, find their blog, Channeling Eric. You might also appreciate The Nature of Personal Reality (my personal favorite of the Seth books), The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, and anything by Abraham-Hicks (which is the original material from which The Secret was written, but not credited). None of these are books to skim like a novel. It could take a lifetime to absorb the information. They’re all channeled.
My husband is reading it now, and having a very different experience than I did. Okay, he’s forcing himself to read it solely because of my enthusiasm, which is one of the things I love about him. For one thing, he questions why Eric keeps his 20 year-old voice and persona, hence, doesn’t fit the stereotype (ha ha) of a spirit guide or wise teacher. I know from the blog that Erik says “in character” for several reasons, not the least of which is so his mother doesn’t lose him all over again. It’s worth sticking with this book and there is wisdom galore, especially in the middle third of the writing. To me, every page was compelling.
Extremely helpful personal look into the aftermath of a life lived and enlightening to the point of being a practical guide to the afterlife. What I loved the most is the down to earth (excuse the pun) explanation of our lives and how everything in this incarnation has a purpose we ARE here to learn, grow and use our experiences to help us manage our whole mind body soul life experience to the full, thank you and may we all have more understanding and compassion for all our fellow human be..ings.
From my own personal experience, I know that there is more to LIFE than just the few years we are on Earth. Reading this is like knowing you have a spirit who is on your side and encourages you to explore who you really are and what your divine purpose is. I will read this book many times and i hope others will too
–Nadine Castatelli
Not only does Erik take us along on his awakening journey onto his afterlife, Erik shares so many of his own personal experiences and life Lessons to help lead us into a happier, fuller and abundant life. My favorite Erik quote is “hold Hands – Hug Everybody – Have A Hug Fest ” . Erik shares what really matters is Forgiving Yourself and Others which boils down to Compassion and Love. Thank you so Much Erik….I have so much Gratitude for you and your mother Elisa. This book is an Amazing example of just what Love can accomplish. Thank you Elisa for Loving your son so much you could not let him go. I now have a relationship with my son Anthony in the afterlife as well. life is Good!
–Mercedes Murat
Erik starts by describing his miserable life here on Earth, and how his bipolar mind processed all the past and present events and relationships making him always feel less than everybody else. The amount of details he gives allows the reader to be in his state of mind, and of course his peculiar speech makes it even more authentic. The journey of his crossing over is so incredible, and absolutely inspiring. The way he describes heaven blows expectations, and definitely promotes a completely different perspective of life and death.
Honestly, it is mind opening and should definitely be read by everyone looking for some comfort. He shows that there is still so much life outside our imagination. Recommended 100%.
This book taught me a lot of life lessons, things anyone and everyone could learn something from. I can’t tell you what you’ll understand from reading this book, but I can share what I gained by reading it. It is the most intimate view of a family struck with grief now loving and communicating in a brand new way. I cried, I laughed, I smiled and I had a lot of “ah hah” moments and a lot of yes yes yes ‘happy dance of joy’ moments. I no longer fear death, but the coolest thing is that I no longer fear LIFE either. Chaos to Peace. I fretted over writing a review because I lack the words to describe the mountains I climbed emotionally and the freedom I felt inside while reading this book. I wanted to think of myself and how to apply these things to my own life so that I can have the ‘peace’ on earth that Erik has found in heaven. I wanted to thank you Medhus family for the intimate relationships that you have and so willingly share so that I too can be intimate within my own relationships. Understanding the concept of love is not an easy understanding to have, but applying the concepts willingly gives us the ability to become the best of ourselves here now. That’s what this book is to me, this book is a book about the greatest of the greatest loves in life. Loving the people and relationships (Family, Friends, Lovers, Children, Strangers) who give us the information we seek in life and only understand in death. Here we are given an opportunity to understand in life what Erik (and so many others) struggle(d) so deeply with….this book is about more than just a dead guy with a story, this is a love story. Erik Medhus gave me an understanding of…the very things I was drowning in…misunderstood concepts of what love IS. He gave me back my life and desire to participate fully within it. He gave me a “PEACE” of heaven on earth. Thank you Erik for sharing your story, yourself, your family and your love. To the entire Medhus Family thank you for sharing your story from a big perspective. Elisa thank you for sharing yourself, your perspective, your grief and your love…you amaze me. I Love this book so much I bought multiple copies to give to people I know will gain so much from reading this book. Read the book, you’ll be happy you did.
This is a little book of insight, that everyone should read! Whether you are comfortable in your spiritual beliefs, or searching for some, Erik Medhus lays it down. I’ve read my fair share of metaphysical books- lots of Seth books especially. They are fascinating, but fairly complicated, and I’ve found myself taking years (yes, actual years) to finish reading some of them.
“My Life After Death” reads fluidly. So much so, that while I was reading it, I would force myself to stop after each chapter, so as to savor each morsel of goodness within its pages. I didn’t want it to be over…ever!
After losing my best friend last October, I began searching for answers. I already knew what I believed as far as death being physical and not spiritual…but I wanted to know what life “over there” was really like. I wanted specifics! I would ask Shennan, what he was doing, who he was with, what crazy, strange, amazing things he’d seen since passing. Of course, I’m not a Medium, so I wasn’t hearing anything in response. I ended up going to a Medium, on a whim. She told me that Shennan was holding out a book for me to read. It was called “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers…” It answered the questions I’d been asking. I began watching interviews with Annie Kagan, the author, and was lead to the Channeling Erik site…and now, here we are!
I tell everyone about Erik, Jamie and Elisa–They have opened a window with the most incredible view…and have invited all of us to peer through it 🙂
Love to you all <3
Doubt and skepticism are regular human traits. I have them. I always challenge any new idea in case it’s bullshit, as is sometimes the case. However, the more you get of Erik Medhus, the more you ‘get’ Erik Medhus. Whether it be via his Youtube videos, where I first encountered him, through the Channeling Erik website, where we can all stay in touch, or by reading his books – the voice and vernacular remains the same. But also, the story grows and expands and captivates. So does your mind as it is stretched by miraculous discoveries about the way things really are.
My mind still does challenge the concepts raised by and through the marvellous marvel of Erik Medhus, although not as frequently or as intensely as it did originally. That’s because of the consistency and sheer logic that prevails over time with each new exposure and discovery. Mind you, it helped to receive a stink bomb that suddenly arrived and departed soon after, with equal rapidity for no apparent reason. Everyone seems to enjoy a colourful array of experiences from Erik at the crucial analytical point of deciding whether to believe in the phenomenon of his eternal existence and for that matter, our own. In my view, Erik’s book ‘My Life after Death: A Memoir from Heaven’ seals the deal. Read it and see for yourself.
–Helene See
I came across Eriks’ first book “My son and the afterlife” early last year purely by accident while I was looking for an audiobook to download and listen to during our long drive I was planning to take with my son, who suffers from a horrible condition called Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa. Of course, now I know there are no accidents. Because my son was always so fearful of dying from his condition, I wanted him to know “this life” is not all there is. This is part of my journey of discovery that started 14 years ago when I was first introduced to the books by Brian Weiss and Michael Newton. Needless to say, we were looking forward to this new book, and imagine my surprise when I actually won a copy on a goodreads giveaway! I think Erik had a hand in that one. I have been reading this book to my son a few pages at a time since I received it, and my husband even downloaded it for his kindle. We all had lively and intriguing conversations about the subject and I feel we’re all better for it. Thank you Erik for an intriguing and insightful book! I wish my son Alex could be so forthcoming with me that is over there with you 😉 Tell him to come over and make my iTunes play on its on, will ya? <3 Thank you to Elisa and Jamie too! <3
–Silvia Corradin
WARNING! Box of tissue NOT included.
Get ready to devour this wonderfully vivid journey Erik takes you on. I felt as if he were there, holding my hand through each step of the way. I found myself holding onto every word and detail. Heart pounding. Heart soaring.
Erik takes you to the depths of his journey and the beyond the apex of this existence.
He has come to be a very special friend of mine before reading this book, and now after reading it, well he’s family to me. After all, one would only be so open to family as Erik was in this book. Calling it a book flattens out the experience, its more like a ride. A journey. A first class ticket to enlightenment!
Most captivating book I’ve ever read! I found, this book to be a very enlightening, spiritual bible for truth, knowledge and happiness. Yo, Erik! You, your mom, Jaime and Robert did an awesome job as well as everyone else involved. Truly a masterpiece, that I can’t wait to read again.
–K. McGonicle
Erik Medhus has changed my thinking on the life before and after this one in so many ways! I was in deep grief a year ago and found the blog that his mother, Elisa, has set up to teach us and expand our thinking about what this current life we are living is REALLY about. Reading the blog posts and her book, “My Son and the Afterlife” added depth and detail to what I already believed to be true about where we come from, why we’re here and where we are going after this life. Then I read this book, “My Life After Death” and I was touched to my core with what a gift Erik is giving to so many by sharing his experience of transitioning to the plane on which he now resides. I thought I was a spiritual and enlightened person before, but Erik and Elisa’s work, along with the mediums who bring us Erik’s message, have blown the universe wide open for our examination! This book is a must read for anyone who fears death, has lost a loved one and longs to know what they are experiencing, or those who are just seeking more understanding of what other planes of existence are like. Read this book with an open mind and I know you will be changed as I have been!
This is an amazing story that will bring hope to alot of families. The details of the story (real story) are just mind blowing, you get a picture of what the the afterlife is like thanks to Erik I myself have become more peaceful about death and more relieved to know that I really will see my loved ones again. Thank you to Elisa Jamie and Erik and everyone else that made this book possible. I highly recommend it to everyone especially those is great pain from grieving a loved one.
–Lisa Bragg
So real and raw, shows Erik’s personality out loud! I have a whole list of people waiting to borrow mine!!! I’m gonna buy his Mom’s first book now.
I have read the first book and found this one to be more profound. It gives me peace knowing how close we really are to our loved ones if we just open up hearts and mind to allow conversations to happen.
–Jeanette DiPasquale
This is a first hand account of what happens after we die, as told by Erik Medhus through a spirit translator. The channeling is authentic and Erik’s voice comes through clearly. This book provides unique insights I haven’t found in other books on the topic, and is an engaging, un-putdownable read. I highly recommend My Life after Death, especially for those who’ve lost loved ones to suicide.
I could not put this book down-I read it until I was done! We all will get here one day and Erik is THE man! Anything about life after death AND on earth, Erik has the answers. He and his mother, Elisa are incredible people and I am blessed to have found them. Do yourself a favor and purchase/read this book. You will be so glad that you did.
–Kindle Customer
Eric sparked a spiritual revival for me and I feel much gratitude to Elisa. Jamie, and Erik for being the catalyst.. On some very basic level this information really resonates with me and once you experience Akiane Kramerik stories you dare dream of all together amazing possibilities. I’m trying to live my life differently with an “Eric Perspective” and what a difference. I think about my communication with others and making a connection with more than just words. When I think about the value of authentic emotional experiences I observe my world looking for more meaning. When I think about all the cool things we can do in this east life it seems rare and precious. What can I say – I adore this author. Fan for life and death 😉
Written for the lay-human, this book is clear and easy to understand, the afterlife for dummies. I read it in one day, didn’t want to put it down!
–J. Farrier
I found this book to be very comforting. After my son was robbed and murdered delivering pizza for Papa John’s I needed comfort. I am also learning through the blog and Facebook group about loving myself first so that I can love others. Thank you Erik, Elisa and Jamie! ❤️❤️💘
–Thomas G. Jaftke
Loved it! I have been interested in metaphysics, the afterlife, etc. after I experienced a visitation dream from my sister who had just died (I was 6 and she was 9). Erik is a great tour guide for the afterlife and I enjoyed his descriptions of topics like time, trance mediumship, angels and signs from departed loved ones. It was a quick read for me and was very satisfying but I also could have read more and more!
One of the most honest and moving books of our time. If you’ve ever wondered what will happen when you die, start with “my son and the afterlife” and then read eriks book “my life after death”… inspirational is an understatement to say the least. These two books changed my way of thinking and I no longer fear the next chapter of my life after this one. For anyone who has ever lost someone close to them, this book will help to heal you. People with chronic illnesses or someone who has been given a terminal diagnosis, read this book. It will change your point of view! Thank you Erik and dr. Medhus, Jamie and all of the channeling Erik family for making me a true believer. I only hope that this book helps heal many others the way it did me.
A Memoir From Heaven, as told by Erik Medhus via a Spirit Translater, had me riveted and spellbound for 2 days solid!!! As Erik gently lifts the veil off the mysteries of Death and crossing over, you come to learn about the enormity of the afterlife and vastness of activities …and Erik does this with great humor! One also comes to a greater understanding and full realization of what total forgiveness and unconditional love could be like…so wow!! We are truly spiritual beings enjoying an earthly experience and death is mere portal to a far greater existance!! ….life is the journey, enjoy the ride!!! …and with Erik around, it could be no other way. Highly recommended.
–Daggi Lamaletie
I loved this book! Erik has an amazing way of explaining the afterlife so that anyone can understand. This is a very touching story and will give anyone who is struggling great hope. Also, such encouragement to everyone that we are never alone and that our loved ones, guides and Angels are ever present with us and would love to communicate with us and help us. Thank you Erik, Elisa and medium translator Jamie. God bless you all for your continued great work in helping others! One more thing, Erik, love your sense of humor!!!
I have read the Conversations with God series, Kryon series, Dolores Cannon series and many more ‘spiritual’ books, but this one lays out the other dimension in plain words and clear language. It is an honest straight forward description of the world we came from, and will return to. If you are searching for what is life, you will discover more answers with this testimony of a young man who took his life. Touching and tearful, honest and funny, pick it up and realize that the 2000 year old bible was never intended to be the only source of spiritual wisdom, love, forgiveness and knowledge.
–S. Cote
So real and raw, shows Erik’s personality out loud! I have a whole list of people waiting to borrow mine!!! I’m gonna buy his Mom’s first book now.
Erik and his family, including Jamie Butler, have taken the next step in helping humanity move forward. This book is a testimonial to the coming shift in consciousness!
–Chyrese Soubsis
Having read and owned over 40 books on the afterlife (home), I can confidently say this is the BEST, most accurate of them all. This book is really a must read!
–Lee G. Reavis
How amazing to get a glimpse at our human world through the lens of a spirit. Reminds us that we are all one and love is everything. This book changed my life.
It makes no difference to me if this fact or fiction, it brought me peace and hope. (Personally, I believe it’s true.) I would love to meet with the authors.
So real and raw, shows Erik’s personality out loud! I have a whole list of people waiting to borrow mine!!! I’m gonna buy his Mom’s first book now.
–Amazon Shopper
Elisa and Erik, thank you for walking me through your journey. I felt like I was in the book with Erik and experiencing every step in each page…..
–Steve Dallas
Written for the lay-human, this book is clear and easy to understand, the afterlife for dummies. I read it in one day, didn’t want to put it down!
–J. Farrier
Absolutely spell binding/I could not put this book down! What was once confusing and scary, now makes perfect sense and is rather calming.
The BEST book I have ever read describing the afterlife, and I’ve read a lot. Thank you, Erik, Dr. Medhus, and Jamie Butler.
–Kathy R.
This book is THE book about the transition to the afterlife and the afterlife itself. It’s a must read. It’s a work of art!
–Nancy Antia
I have been “knowing” Erik since February, 2014. He is direct and takes his work as a guide seriously. Please read his first book also “my son and the afterlife”. That book lays the groundwork for this one. They see everything. They hear everything. They see your struggles. They smell your pizza.:)) they are with you all the time. They are just waiting for you to ask…..
I love this book! If you ever wondered what happens when you die, this book will put your mind at ease. I love Erik and have followed his moms blog for almost a year but the book taught me so much! I bought three copies as gifts.
I loved this book. For non believers, even if only bits and pieces of this book are true it gives you lots of things to ponder and open your conscious to something different than you may be been told all of your life.
This book was a wonderful introduction to what it’s like after we die. I love Erik’s humor and down-to-earth descriptions. You can really see his personality and the continuing and deep love he has for his family.
–Bethany Ristoff
For anyone who wonders why we go through what we do in form and how we are guided by Spirit, this book provides an interesting explanation as a “first hand” account. Thanks Erik, Elise and Jamie for sharing.
–Amazon Customer
I love this book. I must have read every book there is about life after death and this is my favorite. What makes it so special is that it’s the story of someone who died and is now on the other side; not someone who died and came back. I learned so much fascinating information from Erik. I cried and and laughed out loud as I read, enjoying Erik’s wonderful personality. It’s terrific and inspirational; a must-read!!
–Heather P.
Worth the read. Amazing actually.
This book WILL change your life. If you are interested in the afterlife then this is the book for you. Warning: this book will change the way you look at life and death! ( in a good way)
–D. Fleming
This is a book that seems to tell it like it is. For myself, since Eric can be very blunt, I kind of mentally censored some of his verbal choices, but understand he has to be himself for his truth to come through. It is a GREAT book and easy to read. I think you will feel good about the things he shares for us. God bless you, Erik, Jamie and Mom 😘🌹
–Pat Bratton
I have read many books about the afterlife. I have researched online, watched YouTube videos, read blogs, listened to podcasts, you name it. My Life After Death is by far the most detailed, easy to understand, source of knowledge about the subject I have found. I have been a fan of the Channeling Erik Blog and listened to all of the YouTube videos posted by his mother Elisa Medhus and still learned MORE from reading this book. It felt truly amazing to read it and at the same time have a deep feeling of resonance with it. I highly recommend This book, the Channeling Erik Blog and the Channeling Erik videos on YouTube. If you check them out you will soon come to love Erik and his Mother along with the mediums they work with, especially Jamie Butler. I just finished reading it and I am going to re-read it because it is so fascinating and then I am going to pass it around to my family members it is that good!
I got a couple of these as gifts & will purchase more forever more as gifts — THIS BOOK IS A TREMENDOUSLY HELPFUL & EYE OPENING ACCOUNT OF LIFE AFTER DEATH… I don’t know anyone who isn;t interested in this information!
Erik and Elisa are special. Son and mother have gone through a mess together in the past. They now go through a priceless journey we all can partake in and enjoy. Erik is a gem. His wisdom and humor are much appreciated. This work is about continuing life not the end of it. If you ve ever wondered about crossing over this is one well written( or spoken) description from a firsthand participant. Erik is a cusser. The book would not be half as interesting without his foul mouth!! Carry on Erik and Elisa Medhus!! We all are the better for your efforts! Thank you. Yes, see you later Erik.
–Amazon Customer
This book is magnificent! It underlines all I believe is true about our life after we pass. Not only that, it helps me to life my life NOW in a more mindful and loving way. There aren’t enough words or adequate words to express the BLESSING this book has brought to me and a lot of my friends. Erik – I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
–Janaki Green
So simply and easy to read, couldn’t put it down. I watch the utube videos called Channeling Erik, with a K.
I am forever greatful for everything Erik, his mom Elisa and Jamie have done to comfort and enlighten people around the globe. Much love/M.P.S. Unfortunately my dog didn’t approve of my reading and I didn’t get to the end 🙁

I just graduated from Goddard College (Plainfield, Vermont) with an MFA in Creative Writing. The first book between you and Erik was chosen, by me, for my reading list of 45 books, artwork, and movie scripts to be annotated for the degree, two years ago. I wish I’d been able to add Erik’s My Life After Deathas one of the final readings for annotation. That is just how much I regard this second book, Erik’s first. His perspective in this book and the blog is humbling and spiritually consistent. It is the height of human arrogance and hubris to imagine that Erik’s work is anything other than deeply-informed from Our Highest Selves, or All That Is. We are not being asked to agree, but to listen. I, for one, will continue to listen.
I find Erik’s story about life on the Other Side(not stuck between dimensions, like earthbound spirits, or shadows—a.k.a. ghosts) to be incredibly inspiring, deep, thoughtful, and funny (Erik’s sense of humor actually rivals my own. Trust me. I have a dirty mind that could drink Erik’s under the table, any day). Thus, I am impressed and fueled by Erik’s ability to speak with an open tongue, to say what comes to mind and put it out there, the same way I teach my Composition and Writing courses in college. I am enthralled by the descriptions of energy fields, sensations and emotions within the Ethereal dimensions, our true home.
I take to heart Erik pointing out the affect that our words and actions, even the tiniest ones, have on others, to include those we think are hurting or bullying us. There is so much more real alternate spiritual history and story to every single individual on the planet (and everywhere, in every time-frame, in every dimension), that I find myself fighting backnormal judgments, in order to remember that many of the truths Erik writes about are self-evident. Not everything can be recreated and proven in a physical lab. We know certain things to be true in our hearts. I’ve always realized that we are all playing roles, not just on Earth, but in the entirety of the Multiverse.
It’s not always easy to see the true intent or motives behind people’s actions. Yet, Erik is able to put these understandings into as plain and simple words as possible in this book, as well as the blog and videos. That is not easy to do. I know. I teach the language of writing, and language tends to fail us much of the time; the written word, especially, can be a rather pernicious little tool. Yet, like any tool, it all depends on how we use it, not that it exists. We apply meaning to words, not the other way around.
In My Life After Death, the written word represents, to me, one of the most beautiful attempts at relaying theCommon Universal Spiritual Good I’ve ever seen attempted in this type of writing(and I’ve read a lot of them). There are only a few others that fit that profile. Erik is intentionally mindful with his words, while trying to get his thoughts and images across, without using much in the way of religious or psychological doublespeak, hyperbole, obtuseness or outright deception, like so much of our spoken and written life, as our politics of late continue to prove.
I find myself, at times, after reading or hearing something Erik has said, laughing the words, ‘I love you, Erik.’ I use those words in the sense of what Gene Roddenberry called The Commonality (from his mid-late 1990’s series, Earth: Final Conflict), that We Are All One. Yes. That sounds so damned cliché, yet is the one Universal Truth staring the Human Race in the Face. My Life After Death does so much to point th is out.
I am planing on designing a Paranormal Literature and Investigations class over the next year. I am hoping to include Erik’s My Life After Death as one of the required texts. Anyone in the course, for which I am hoping to teach through my college, will know why he or she is there. No one will be required to take the class. So, no one will be forcing students to believe anything, one way or another. This book offers a perspective that covers even the most resistant among us. Yet, if you are in the room, then you are meant to be in the room. You know why you are in the room.
My Life After Death is not meant to be left in the dark, just a part of a pile of books to be burned, or lost in some new age movement fad. No matter what happens in the physical realm, all thoughts last forever, all books, all stories, all ideas. It’s what we do with these ideas and understandings, some of these being what I call universal truths, that will make all the difference. I would like to make a difference with Erik’s words. That is how much this book has meant to me, Erik, Elisa, and Jamie. Thank you all so very much.
Be well and Go Carefully – Glennie F. Sewell;
Messenger Guardians Paranormal Group, Co-founder
Montpelier, Vermont.