I’m so excited to be leaving tomorrow for Los Angeles to go to the Channeling Erik Event. Can’t wait to get that Erik hug! I wish I could smuggle you all in my suitcase so you could attend and see how life changing these events are. You always have a chance to sign up for the one next year, though. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to post, but, you know me. If I can, I will. I’ll try to take some pics and videos!
Jamie: Hello, hello!
Me: Hello, hello back. Hi Erik.
Erik: Hi Mamacita. I love you!
Me: Whatcha doing?
Erik: Just sitting here.
Me: What are you wearing today.
Jamie: He’s got a white t-shirt on. There’s nothing on it. It’s just like a –
Me: Plain white?
Jamie: Yeah.
Me: No wife beater?
Jamie: No, it’s not a wife beater. It definitely has sleeves. I can see his shoulders, and he doesn’t have a hat on today.
Me: You’re showing your unruly hair, huh?
Jamie: Yep. Definitely not brushed.
(Pause as Jamie examines Erik)
Jamie: He doesn’t really have a part, does he?
Me: No, not really. He really doesn’t.
Jamie: Clean face. I can’t tell what he has on. He’s behind the table on the other side.
Me: Okay. Guess what we’re going to talk about, Erik? We’re going to talk about a little subject called humanity. Tell me about where you think humanity’s going. I mean, there seems to be so many shootings now; we’ve got the whole thing with ISIS; the political and governmental structure just sucks. Lay it on me! Tell me about it.
Erik: Humanity is going in the direction that marketing and the media wants it to go in.
Me: That’s not good.
Erik: No, it fucking sucks.
Jamie (smiling): He’s right behind the camera. His chin is on it.
Erik: Humanity is going like this: (He takes his fists, which are touching each other, and slowly pulls them apart.) It’s ripping. Half the people are going to get it and understand that what the media is presenting is not always the truth. We get one nugget of information and we go, “Ah, this is what is it. Blah, blah, blah.” Then we get a bunch of fucking people talking about it, and we get a bunch of fucking viewers going, (He tilts his head as if puzzled) “Huh. That sounds real. I’ll believe it.”
Me: Yeah.
Erik (looking from side to side in disbelief): What? This is really happening. Then, we have some people who are watching the media and going, “Yeah, I’m taking it with a grain of salt. I know they don’t know anything.” Then we have people who are posting on websites the real media, the real research. They don’t have game. They aren’t invested. They don’t have strings attached to the outcome either way, and they’re telling people both sides of the story, what they found out to be true and what they can’t find out accurately. They’re presenting with, “Oh shit, we got all this, but we can’t figure it out so we don’t know what to tell you, but we’re going to inform you that we can’t figure it out. This is what we can figure out, and you can come to your own conclusions.” So with this social media, TV kind of crappy casual news format going on, it’s kind of shaping what direction humanity’s going, and it’s going to be a 50:50 cut [between those that sign up for it and those who don’t.]
Me: You have the social media of the bad marketing, and you have the social media that’s more realistic.
Erik: Oh, Mom, Mom, Mom, we have to talk about that social media that presents itself to be—
Jamie (laughing): His hands are popping up behind the computer. I see fingers.
Me: Jazz fingers.
Jamie: Jazz hands.
Erik: They appear to be good and all-knowing and helping you, but really it’s run by some religious company that’s—
Jamie (To Erik): Say that again.
Erik: A religious company that’s backing it up, but they’re funding this company that’s funding this company who’s running that company who’s running the media. Domino effect. So, strings are attached. They’re taking what’s being put out there to meet their media needs. So you have to be aware of those that even appear to be kind of wholesome, more straight-talking news. But again, the media world is shaping where humanity is going.
Me: Well how do you discern what’s truthful media and what’s not?
Erik: There are regulated websites that are run by independent companies that don’t have any investments, and their books are open. They show you if they’re funded by certain parties, and they do the reporting.
Me: Well, I’m sure there’s some that are funded by this and that company that still give truthful information.
Erik: Yeah, some truthful information. If I had to take all the big news companies right now, I think I would pick the BBC above all of them as hitting more on what’s really happening, but I’m having a hard time with the American news and how it’s getting skewed.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: And even how they’re taking their markets and pitting them against each other. What kind of fucking news company does that shit?
Me: Yeah, that’s no good. So what do you do? Do you just feel what rings true in your heart?
Erik: I would definitely look at the company that the media is coming from. Look at the source. Do the research, and find out what the real news is.
Me: Will it ever change? Is there any way to change the way media and marketing feeds us disingenuous information?
Erik: Once we get done with the crash of our healthcare, government, laws, taxes, shit like that—
Me: Banking.
Erik: –then we’ll have more of a focus on what we’re able to report on. They’ll be more hard and fast rules on that.
Me: Are you telling me these things are going to implode, that these structures are going to be broken down?
Erik: Broken down. Implode? Not necessarily. Broken down? Yeah.
Me: To what degree? Apocalyptic?
Erik: No. No.
Me: Okay. So, for example, the government—what will happen to it? God knows something needs to happen.
Erik: Yes, something needs to happen.
Me: Politicians just vote for things that keep them in power and keep them in the money, not for what’s right, and we can’t introduce new legislation to stop that because it’s the fox guarding the henhouse, basically. But go ahead.
Erik: No, you’re right. It will have to break down from an outside source where other countries who are looking for us. It’s already started. It’s been happening for the last ten years, but we haven’t been able to really do anything about it. It started with all the outsourcing, and it started with our financial crash in ’08, and then it moved on to name shaming. Now people don’t like Americans, and we’re really prideful. We want to be liked.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: So therefore we’ll start to change so that we can be liked and prove that we’re growing. That’s when we’ll start to get to places where we won’t enjoy our government structure. We’ll really not have great things to say about it.
I see that already happening in a big way.
Erik: That will motivate it to change quicker.
Me: So we’ll vote in the proper people?
Erik: Prappa people? Are there really prappa people?
Jamie laughs.
Erik: Yes, we’ll get better people in and, might I say, more women!
Me: I know! So why do we have all of this chaos, and when is it going to dip to its lowest point before it starts to rebuild into hopefully something beautiful?
Erik: Yeah, it’s strange though, Mom, because the dips are just in each category. It’s not going to all dip at once to where we feel like a 3rd world country and we’re all going to hell in a hand basket.
Me: Oh good!
Erik (making peaks and dips with his hand): So it’ll be healthcare, then laws and regulations, the government, then the schools. So it won’t all happen at once.
Me: What time period are we looking at?
Erik: We’re already in it. God we’re definitely going to need at least two or three decades before we can really shape everything out.
Me: Yeah.
Just a reminder, peeps: Please write a review (even if it’s just one sentence) for Erik’s book HERE, and if you wouldn’t mind, share your feelings about it on your Facebook timeline or any other social media avenues. Thanks!
Here’s a recent review:
Eric sparked a spiritual revival for me and I feel much gratitude to Elisa. Jamie, and Erik for being the catalyst.. On some very basic level this information really resonates with me and once you experience Akiane Kramerik stories you dare dream of all together amazing possibilities. I’m trying to live my life differently with an “Eric Perspective” and what a difference. I think about my communication with others and making a connection with more than just words. When I think about the value of authentic emotional experiences I observe my world looking for more meaning. When I think about all the cool things we can do in this east life it seems rare and precious. What can I say – I adore this author. Fan for life and death 😉