Sherry, a member of our Channeling Erik family, asked me if I believe in reincarnation. Of course the answer is a resounding yes. But although most of my spiritual discovery unfolded after Erik’s death, the roots of my belief in past lives stems from an experience that occurred many, many years ago. I had almost forgotten all about this until Sherry jogged my “memory,” a term I use quite loosely.
My fourth child, now seventeen, suffered from a severe bout of pneumonia when he was only four years old. His fever was very high and he had only just started the antibiotics. I was cradling him in my arms sitting on the sofa waiting impatiently for the fever to respond to the Tylenol liquid I had just given him. Just as he was about to drift off to sleep, his eyes opened and he started to recount an amazing story. Fortunately, one of my daughters was there to witness the entire monologue and wrote much of it down. Here is what he said, nearly word for word.
“Mommy, I used to be a little girl, but I died.”
What the heck? First of all, My son has always been proud to be a boy and would never had volunteered this as fictitious information. If this had all been a “fever fantasy,” I would have expected him to say he was a boy, at the very least as a point of pride. No little boy would EVER admit to being a girl. Highly curious, I prompted him for details.
“Yes, I was a little girl, but Pappa was my mommy and Maria was my daddy.”
Maria is now our housekeeper. She’s been with the family as nanny and friend for twenty years, and only recently did I discover we have had many lifetimes together.
“We were in Jamaica and we grew stuff and sold it.”
Possibly plantation owners?
“I remember I had a pretty, new dress on, and I was twirling around.”
Yet another statement no self-respecting little boy would share unless it was the gospel truth.
“We were having a picnic by a pretty waterfall, and I was singing a song, twirling in my new dress.”
At this point, he started to sing parts of the song. It had something to do with sailing on a ship in the big blue sea. The details escape me.
“Then I fell into a big lake, and I remember seeing Mommy and Daddy looking down at me, and I saw little bubbles go up and up from my mouth. Mommy jumped in to try to get me, but she died. Then I woke up in a dark wet place. It was warm and cozy. Then I was me like I am now.”
In a channeling session with Kim months later, she verified everything my son said, except she said he suffered from epilepsy and fell because of a seizure.
From that point, I began to read everything I could on past lives, including anything having to do with Dr. Ian Stevenson’s research. Dr. Stevenson set out to prove or disprove the existence of reincarnation. He went all over the world, selecting subjects under the strictest of conditions. For one, they had to be under a certain age to decrease the probability that the person would be exposed to story elements that could be used in a fabrication. Second, the child would have to come from a small village with little or no communication with the outside world. Third, they cannot have traveled outside of that village. This helped avoid “contamination” of the subject with spurious facts, suggestions, etc. Fourth, the child’s family must demonstrate a shyness about the child’s claims of a past life, perhaps even ashamed. Fifth, of course the child must have made the claim of having been reincarnated.
The stories Stevenson shares are astounding, really. I especially like Carol Bowman’s book, Children’s Past Lives. Once I read that, given my son’s account of his life as a girl in Jamaica, there was no going back.
Now, if he had claimed he was the reincarnation of Napoleon, I might have had my doubts, but…
Thought I would share this with you. Don’t forget to share as many entries as you can via Facebook, etc. The more hits and readers, the more likely Kim and I can produce that radio show and channel and reach out to more, still for free, of course. Again, my hope is that you and I (with the help of Kim and Erik, of course) can help to comfort and enlighten as many souls as we can. There’s a lot of hurt out there.