Every night, I listen to audiobooks on headphones as I fall asleep. They usually play through the night as I sleep. Friday night, I was listening to “My Life After Death: A Memoir…”. I seemed to hear every word while I was sleeping while simultaneously having a vivid nightmare about some floating head orb things pop up near my bed after my husband got out of the bed to use the bathroom. I really thought I was awake. Freaked out by the floating head thing, I was trying to call out to my husband, but couldn’t get a word out. Guess I was just making loud, indistinguishable noises…so loud I woke my husband who actually hadn’t left the bed as I dreamed he had. Took him awhile to wake me from my hysterics. As I drifted back to sleep and into another dream, time Erik was there. He was mocking my hysterical response to the previous nightmare, mimicking the noises I made. He wasn’t being cruel–just having fun with me. He gave me a friendly hug as if to say everything was cool. Maybe it was just a dream, a coincidence because I’d been listening to his words in my sleep all night. Guess I’ll never know. But I thought I’d share.
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