***NOTE**** This post was intended for Sunday 7th October but glitches made it the 9th. More gremlins at work; none of them might be named Erik. Nope. Not. No way. Not possible.

Ashley moves a step closer to that Nobel Prize with this next post. The fence building continues.
Psychic development is a lot like spirituality in that there is no right way, there is only your way. So a big part of developing your abilities is figuring out what works for you. Some of us need to be in a meditative state to receive information. In other words, we need to turn it on and then we need to turn it off. Others are just on all the time and can’t help it. If you’re just starting out – I suggesting working in a calm environment and starting off with a quick meditation. Ground yourself, center yourself, and always make your intentions clear – only for the highest good. Open yourself up… each chakra, one at a time. Once you’ve reached your comfortable state – you’re ready to work. Have you determined what your modus operandi is yet? If so, that’s how you can expect to receive the majority of your information. Typically, with any psychic task, you’ll start off simply by focusing on it. Let’s say, for example, your goal is to remote view a person or a place. You’ll focus on it and then just watch, listen, and feel. This is more or less how’d you’d start out no matter what you’re doing, whether it’s remote viewing, predicting an outcome, determining something that happened in the past, etc. I’ll give you a particular example from a class I did. Our teacher would choose pictures from various places and events throughout history – could be anywhere in the world. She had them on a powerpoint and she’d insert a blank slide in between each picture. Our task was to predict what the event or place was on the next slide. We’d each take out a piece of paper, do our thing, and write down any thoughts that came to mind. She’d go around the room and ask us to read what we got and write the descriptions on the board. It was rare that anyone ever said, “It’s the Coliseum in Rome!” Instead, we’d be able to give particular details. I see a crowd of people – there’s a lot of people there – it may be a public place. It feels older, ancient. I see a round shape – more like a ring. I hear people yelling. I smell sweat and dirt. These are the sorts of cues you can expect to get. And they may not even be THAT specific. For example, another one of those slides, the first thing that popped into my head was Martin Luther King. Then, when I closed my eyes, I could see what looked like trees – but as though I were laying on the ground, looking up at them against the sky. The first thought I had about that was, “This is what it would look like to someone who was shot and lying on the ground.” As we went around the room, another woman described seeing a space shuttle. Well obviously Martin Luther King was assassinated so what I had gotten made sense to me, but there was no where in there that a space shuttle would fit in. The event, as it turns out, Martin Luther King provided the time period – 1960s. The space shuttle provided clues to the location – NASA is located in Texas. The point of view I had and the connection with being shot was spot on. The event itself was the Kennedy assassination, which took place in 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
This is what I mean when I say that psychic information is very subjective and it’s not always easy to interpret. It gets easier the more senses you can use – sight combined with sound, feeling combined with knowing, etc. and the more familiar you get with recognizing that intuitive feeling.
You can test out your precognition skills at home by putting things in envelopes, mixing them up, and then attempting to determine which object is in which envelope (playing cards and Tarot cards are great for this). You can also use psychometry this way – by picking up the envelope, feeling it (literally rub it between your hands for a minute), and seeing what comes to mind.
The biggest thing is to just be open, don’t get frustrated, don’t try ‘too hard’ (let it flow) and don’t be afraid to be wrong.
Let’s try an exercise today. I stole this idea from Anna Conlan’s site, PsychicButSane, a great resource for anyone who wants to keep working on their development. I’m going to post a photo of a random person, and you guys comment and tell me what your intuitive impressions are of this person. And then tomorrow, I’ll post a short bio and you can see how you did. No googling! No cheating! 
As you look at her photo, ask yourself: What is the first impression I get of this person? Does she remind me of anyone I know? What kind of person do I think she is? Are there any sounds, smells, or other things that come to mind when you look at her photo? Remember – even the most random, seemingly unrelated thing may actually be something (space shuttle!). Just record your “stream of consciousness” as you process the picture…and don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments section! And tomorrow, after I’ve told you how you all did – we’ll talk telepathy.

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