The radio show went very well last night, apparently. Since I’m in Deer Valley for my husband’s business trip at the welcome dinner at that very time, Kim took over for me and did a splendid time. I know some of you have been trying to get on to ask questions several times, so I want to extend an offer. If you’ve tried more than 5 times to get on with no luck, email me you telephone number and I’ll try to pick it off the list. I don’t want you to get disheartened. I know a couple of people have even gotten chosen twice, lucky devils. Anyway, I’ll try to upload the show today or tomorrow so you can click on the button on the right that says something like “Play the latest episode.” God I hope I’m not making a bunch of typos. The air here is so dry that it’s wreaking havoc on my astigmatism.
Yesterday, Rune and I went on a 5 hour hike. The views were breath taken. Today, we’re going to Park City to check things out and to buy more shampoo for Rune who, for reasons that escape me, packed his big-ass shampoo and conditioner bottles in his carry-on. And he had just bought them! Oh well. Tonight, we won’t be eating with the company. Instead, we’re free to dine on our own. I’ve loved meeting Rune’s colleagues, but it’ll be nice to be alone this evening.
Speaking of meeting people. in every one of these trips, invariably someone asks me what I do for a living. I tell them I;m a physician now retired. “What do you do now?” Gulp. “I don’t know if I want to open up that can of worms.” Their eyes widen because curiosity has gotten the best of them. So, with trepidation, I tell them the whole story, and I mean the WHOLE story, even his pranks, his EVPs, etc. The woman I told last night thank god wasn’t a Bible thumping Baptist. In fact, she has had a couple of strong psychic experiences and considers herself spiritual, not religious. We talked each other’s ears off, and she kept saying over and over how meeting me and hearing my story was one of the best things that has ever happened to her. Meeting an open-minded soul like her was one of the best things that has happened to me on this trip. That said, it’s amazing how many people hide their spirituality in the closet. The rest of the evening, she was very helpful to warn me about those at our table who were deeply religious and would be offended by my story.
Enough of that. Let’s see what else Erik has to share about the Sphinx.
Me: When will we find the stuff under the paw?
Robert: When will we find it?
Me: Yeah. Why don’t we frigging dig up that shit now? I mean, seriously?
Erik: The only way we’ll get to it physically is if something happens to the Sphinx to break it open.
Me: Oh!
Erik: But that doesn’t mean we’ll never get to it. Eventually, we’ll develop technology to be able to see into it and exploring it without actually damaging it.
Me: Okay. That’s fine.
Erik: Because it’s part of history. Human beings hold “things” in reverence especially like the Sphinx, Mom. There are thousands upon thousands of years of history there, and the objects, themselves, remind us of that history.
Me: Now, they say on Mars, when the Land Rover—whatever. Not Land Rover—the little thing, the little remote control car that went around there, found evidence of what could be the mirror image of the Necropolis with the three Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. Is that the case?
Erik: What they’re referring to there is that Mars had water on it and it carved caves and openings everywhere.
Me: Well, some people say aliens created canals to divert water from the poles to other parts of the planet.
Erik: That’s true, Mom, but what I was talking about right now, that particular example was naturally occurring. Aliens were there a long time ago. Billions of years ago.
Yep, Mars is over 4.5 billion years old.
Me: Wow.
Erik: Before Earth was able to be inhabited. Mars was habitable for a period of time.
Me: So, it had an atmosphere?
Erik: Yeah, it had an atmosphere that was a little thinner than Earth’s, and it was a little cooler than Earth. It didn’t have a lot of plants, only a few of them, so most of those were imported. What happened on Mars is what made Earth possible.
Me: What happened?
Erik: Mars was inhabitable for around 15 million years.
Me: That’s a pretty good run.
Robert: Yeah, not compared to Earth, but…
Robert: Okay, he shows me like a rock, an asteroid. Mars wasn’t quite as protected as Earth is. It’s actually a little more open to receiving debris.
Maybe because of the thinner atmosphere?
Robert: I guess it’s because of the way its path is around the sun.
Who knows?
Robert: So a big rock hit it a long, long time ago, blew off a lot of debris.
Me: Not good!
Robert: But this happened more than once, and some of the debris landed on Earth. Some of the material in that, because Mars had organic material, set it up for Earth.
Me: Ah, for life on Earth!
Erik: Yeah, but Earth would have already been slightly infused with some of that. It just needed more [organic material] to take hold.
Me: Well is there a mirror of the Necropolis on Mars?
Erik: No.
Me: Okay, because they thought that the Sphinx could have been the guardian for this subterranean entrance on Mars, and that really, [the inhabitants] I guess when the atmosphere started to go, lived subterraneally.
I think I made up a new word. Call Daniel Webster.
Me: So, does that exist? Is there this subterranean existence in Mars?
Erik: The species that lived there had the ability to leave when it was time to leave. They didn’t get trapped there.
Me: Was there a subterranean civilization?
I’m kinda slow today.
Erik: At the southern pole.
Robert: I don’t know why that would have been the warmest part, but I guess 100s of millions of years ago, that could have been in a different trajectory.
And could have been the closest part to the sun.
Erik: That’s where it is now, at the southern pole.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Yes, you would find something there, but I wouldn’t say it’s like the Necropolis, a mirror image of that, but I suppose you could say it looks like its twin.
I need clarification!
Me: So there were no alien inhabitants who built three pyramids and a Sphinx to mirror the one on Earth?
Erik: No.
Me: And is there a civilization living inside of Mars right now?
Erik: No.
Me: Was there?
Erik: There was, yes.
Me: Okay, was Mars, for a while, a way station to Earth that Osiris, the alien, would use to, you know…
Robert: Like as a stopping point?
Me: Yeah, you know like you stop off at Bucc-ee’s for some beef jerky and popcorn.
Robert (laughing): Like a rest stop!
Me: Yeah!
Me: I love Bucc-ee’s, by the way!
Erik: Earth is like one of those planets that this particular alien race—and Osiris was different from the ones living on Mars like we were talking about earlier—
Me: Oh, okay.
Erik: Yeah, Mars was long gone by then.
Me: Okay.
Erik: The race of Osiris is different, but well, they’re connected to them, like they’re descendants of them. (The Martians) This is how Osiris found Earth in the first place. It was because of Mars.
Robert: As I’m saying this, it just sounds crazy to me!
He laughs.
Me: Don’t even think about it. Let it fly! We used to think the earth was flat, so…
Erik: So, basically what happened on Mars, because they were pretty advanced, they were able to get that far. They would have had to have been very advanced. A race eventually gets to the point where they can tell—not because they’re like, you know, able to see through dimensions. Well there is some of that—but they’re able to tell based on what is going on right now what will happen in the future. So Osiris knew Earth would become what it became. Descendants of those people is how Osiris got here. Because of what happened on Mars, they knew that Earth was eventually going to develop life, and that that life was going to be intelligent. So Earth is looked at like a nursery, and they aliens wanted to help raise or guide that species but without too much interference, you know?
Me: Yeah.
Erik: A guide doesn’t sit there and say, “You do this, and you do that.” It’s like a teacher. There are times they’re here with us, help guide us and set things in motion with our psychology and medical and all that stuff, but then they just let us go and do our own thing. We have to grow and do things on our own so we won’t become dependent as a species. They don’t want that.
Me: So the aliens, Osiris being one of them, in 12,500 B.C. were here to guide us.
Erik: Right. They were here to guide.
Me: Were they here to change us like through our DNA?
Erik: You know, this is the interesting thing about it. There has been some of that going on, but DNA, itself, when you inject—
Robert (looking surprised): One of them is here now!
Me: Whoa!
Robert laughs.
Me: Hi!
Robert: He’s explaining it to me.
Alien who we later discover to be Osiris himself: DNA can be molded based on what information it’s provided, and that information doesn’t have to be provided through manipulation of it literally. It can be provided by the words you use, by the energy you bring to an experience. That molds your DNA.
Ah! Hence the fact that seeds planted in the distant past were meant to sprout later, possibly by changing our DNA.
Osiris: You, yourself, are an example of that. Your entire life has been molded by the experiences you have had. Robert is no different. A lot of the people watching, they’re all that same way. We’re changing because of that.
Me: Interesting. Well, thought creates reality, and I guess part of that reality is DNA.
Robert: He just said –
Me: That’s fascinating. Well, we have to close now because people don’t have the attention span to last more than 30 minutes.
Actually, 15 minutes is a stretch for many, me included.
Me: Thank you, Robert! Thank you, Erik!
Robert: By the way, that was Osiris, himself.
I scream.
Me: Hi, Osiris!
I didn’t wake up this morning expecting to say hey to the jackal man-god!
Osiris bows.
Me: How they hanging?
Osiris: I don’t know that phrase.
Oh, the things I could teach you, jackal man-god. It’d be a reward for all the ways you’ve helped humanity.
Me: Well, okay. Go Google it, and you’ll find out.
Robert laughs.
Me: Bye, everybody. Stay tuned for what follows!

‘On second thought, let’s try it the other way around… My head on a lion’s body.’

‘The client’s not too happy with the way I interpreted the brief.’