The deluge here in Houston is coming to an end, and it promises to be good weather for the big CE event. I’m so excited, but I’m nervous, too, because there will be so many people there, and I’m actually a little shy. Plus, I’m going to be interviewed for the documentary, so that’s a little scary. I’m just so used to life as a quasi-recluse, cozied up with a laptop that this will be quite a change.
We have had a lot of last minute registrations for the event so over 40 are coming. I’m pretty sure we’ll have to hold it outside, but this is Kim’s gig, and I’m just one of the attendees so we’ll see what she wants to do. I also plan to heat up the pool and hot tub so if any of you guys who are coming read this, please bring your swimsuit and a towel if you want to get wet!
I’m also planning to raffle off some of Erik’s belongings. I haven’t cleared any of his things away because every time I think of doing that, I feel panicky, like I’m losing a part of him. But I need to start eventually so I plan on selecting 10 or so things of his, drawing names from a bowl and giving those away. These things still have his energy on them, so it might make it easier to connect with him.
Note that because I’ll be busy with the event and filming the documentary, I won’t be posting tomorrow or Saturday, so if you still want your daily dose of CE, you can browse the archives.
Also, we’re still working on the glitch in the mobile app. Everything works except for the blog posts so you can still get the YouTubes, Instagram posts, tweets and radio shows as they come up. I sure hope they can find a fix. It was working at first, so I don’t know what the heck is going on!
Enjoy the last post of our Success series!
Me: Talk some more about people who think success means material possessions and power and status.
Erik: Well, Mom, for people who are pursuing it from a place that’s not sustainable, it’s about power, about proving that they’re worthy.
Me: Is it because they don’t feel like they’re worthy, themselves?
Erik: If you get down to the very core of it, it’s that. It’s not feeling like they’re worthy. The power makes them feel like maybe they are. It’s just a façade, though.
Me: Yeah, like Ferraris and yachts is the little man’s syndrome.
Erik: Yeah, status and that kind of thing, but I don’t knock people who have those things.
Me: Yeah, some people are probably fine and love themselves, are very spiritual and wonderful, and it’s okay for them to have abundance, right?
Erik: Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that. Abundance, from the spiritual perspective, is about knowing that scarcity doesn’t exist.
Me: That’s right. Scarcity is an illusion.
Erik: Right, and you have to feel that within yourself. Abundance is related to this unending, infinite supply of love that you’re immersed in.
Robert: There was a great quote by this poet names Rumi—
Me: I love him!
Robert: He has become one of my favorites. I’m just paraphrasing, but it’s something like, “Your task is not to seek love but to remove the obstacles that keep you from receiving it.”
Erik: That’s what we’re here to do. That’s when we live in abundance, when we remove those obstacles, and as a soul, it knows that the process of living that we go through as human beings is what we’re doing.
Me: Erik once said, “We are here to remember that we are Love.” That’s kind of the same as Rumi’s.
Erik: Yeah.
Me: We are love. Get the obstacles away. Remove the camouflage.
Erik: Mom, I need to hire a publicist.
Me: Yeah! We already have love in our lives. We just don’t recognize it.
Erik: Let’s get this shit out there. Love is everything!
Me: Right! Anything else about success?
Erik: You know, it’s really so simple, Mom, so I can’t really elaborate too much more. We covered the main two topics: It’s about abundance and the material stuff can be a representation of that for you, but if you don’t embrace that on a soul level, which then gets reflected onto an emotional place, then, the material things won’t matter.
Okay, I totally don’t get that last sentence. I must have committed a major typo?
Me: They won’t satisfy you.
Erik: They won’t satisfy you, right.
Me: So you keep trying to get more and more and more.
Erik: Right, more power, more status, more stuff. So that’s pretty much it.
Me: All right, that’s great. Thank you, Robert!
Robert: You’re welcome.
Me: Next, we’re going to talk about how to manifest your intentions or goals, and that kind of goes along with this topic of success. That’s going to be a good one!
Robert: Yeah, these are all kind of tied into one another.
Me: They really are. We talked about love and what that really is, and then success, which has a lot to do with self-love, and then intentions and how to manifest, basically. So we’ll talk in a little bit. Bye, Robert. Bye, Erik. Love you!
Erik: Bye, Mom.
Me: See ya.

Scarcity is an illusion, so I’ll take two, please!