For fans of synchronicity and numerology, the latter a way to analyze and predict, here’s a quick look at the substitute teacher’s final scheduled posts, for today’s date, the 19th and tomorrow, the 20th. (In numerology, all sums are reduced to the single digit for basic interpretation; there are nine and the cycle repeats.) I didn’t choose today and tomorrow based on numerology, yet look at what the numbers show:
Date: 19-1-2013 Add up the digits; 1+9+1+2+1+3 = 17 Reduce to a single number, 7+1 = 8
Date: 20-1-2013 2+1+2+1+3 = 9
This leads to today’s topic, synchronicity.
ST = substitute teacher C = The Committee and Erik
ST: Our esteemed Committee, we know mathematics measures and calculates values along fixed lines and in different directions also, like the “x” and “y” axis and straights lines going off at angles. Then there’s calculus, with sines, cosines, tangents and all sorts of beasts and goblins that measure curves. Are these just number representations of the universe?
C: Yes; mathematics is art and it is beauty. The numbers reveal all of the characteristics of everything you see and feel around you and within you.
ST: Is this the reason we use mathematics and calculation in engineering, to build things and create substances and all that stuff?
C: Certainly, and as you exist where you are, you perform these operations in reverse; you do them in an unnatural order, backwards to the process of the natural way through the universe.
ST: So we’re all backwards on Earth?
C: By comparison to yourselves, no. If everyone is crazy, the one sane person is deemed to be out of alignment. What then is crazy and what is aligned? The relativity of each when compared are what create the effect you observe. This was Albert Einstein’s purpose in his life, to introduce this concept.
ST: Then what is done a certain way that we humans perform backwards?
C: Creation involves the energy of thought, the most powerful force in the universe. Thought, an ideal word in your language of Earth for this concept, creates the force to control the energy to coalesce what you would call a particle. The larger and thus more influential a particle, the larger its effect upon surroundings, by relation of the sizes of the one to the other. This is Einstein’s relativity; what something is, related to another thing, where there is shared effect between them. This is the basis of love; two people feeling this attraction and bliss across the Earth affect you not, but for your observation if you know of it. You the one loved and loving, for this occurs to all involved, feel much effect for your position relative to the person or group where this love is felt and expressed. What we mean to say is cold, hard and impersonal science and deep love, affection and desire are the same thing, but for compartmentalization of aspects into each area. This is as a house or building is compartmentalized into rooms and sections, yet all remain a part of the building and create it. An apartment block is its load bearing columns and walls and plumbing and electrical service and it is the families within and their emotions and interactions and activities. The building exists without the humans and the humans without the building but as we observe you, we see the creation of all of this, the steel, concrete and wood and skin and organs and hair and above all, the most important of every thing in it and around it, the creation it all represents together. You who could live in this apartment block would believe you do not know your neighbours (Erik alert, Erik alert…British spelling spotted on the horizon, Cap’n…..) but your approximation makes you all a relative of the others in the creation.
ST: The backwards part to this is?
C: The particles that create the particles that create the systems that create the blocks that create the assemblies that create the grids that create the crystals that create the substances that create the materials are not assembles in this order, as we have just spoken them. These creations have taken their place among you and alongside you in your existence; you assemble them and then shape the materials to the form you need. They are connected, these pieces and components and out of them comes your apartment block. Elsewhere in the universe, the apartment block must first exist in your mind, in your thoughts and then desire from thoughts gathers, orients and assembles the particles and so on along patterns to create the object, this apartment block if you will, or any other thing you imagine. Your mind on Earth, not a part of the dense existence of your environment, also commences the creation with the thought. From this juncture, your environment requires backwardness. As you shall all remember upon your return home, you shall all see your ability to create by the pattern of energy and thought, and the backwards sections and segments of creation in your world will be revealed and understood, relative to elsewhere.
ST: Let’s fit this into synchronicity.
C: This word of Earth describes the fit and the coordination. As you can measure, you can project. Synchronicity comes from your word of Greek chronos, time. Its passage and perception are, in part, created by the alignment of events.
ST: Why alignment?
C: It would be more correct to invent a word “acurvement” yet this concept is not yet recognized to such level where a word for it shall be created, yet this comes soon. There are few straight lines in the universe, and we say, as you might observe a hologram, a line or series of things to create it, they can be seen as straight or curved. The same sequence can be viewed in many ways, by relation to the place of view. The straightening of something seen as curved , warped or bent also rearranges all things around it to make its appearance and function this way. An obvious example is wood; the curved trunk of a tree is cut to extract and then create a straight piece; there will be produced more pieces and shavings, what you call sawdust. This straightened piece’s creation has affected surroundings. The straightening of a series of book entries in accounting, done to sort figures to make them add and sum up, is a numerical process of similarity.
The synchronicity of the universe, and of your existence, results from the effort and plan to create intersections of lines, curved and straight, to cause interaction of the forces, effects and energies carried by these routings.
ST: Can the intersections of these lines – which I understand can include the meeting of people or the encounter with events – be predicted precisely?
C: Yes, certainly and the prediction is the planning. To say there is a prediction is an Earth term of use and meaning to the artificial sequence of events. This word, predict, means to say in advance. It means no more than a look at the intersection. For you to look closely at the junction you approach can mean the approach is no more; the more precise the “look” the closer to its arrival you are. To answer your question, to predict is simply to see what surrounds you.
ST: Can the day and time be predicted?
C: Yes, as these are planned, not predicted. Your word scheduled is a good one. There is a schedule of precision you cannot fathom but by your design you neither want nor might you need to. You are not on Earth to do this, and your existence is admired and marveled at by the observers of your course through life without prediction. Your encounters with the intersections of events is truly amazing, there are no words to describe these things as they are seen and felt by observers not on the journey.
ST: You know, Esteemed Committee, we the denizens of Earth are often desperate to know outcomes, places, people and most of all, relief and contentment and where or when we might seek, find and have them. You are saying this is available.
Erik: Yeah, dynamite’s available, too. Go get some and light it up.
ST: So if we get this detail, we get a dynamite explosion?
Erik: Ka blooie, ka boom! Yeah. Hell yeah, ka POOFEROO.
C: We offer an example; your money. A lottery for obtainment by chance is popular. If the winning numbers were offered, how many would play them, if belief of their certainty were high? The effect would dilute winnings to have little significance to the many, and soon, belief of the certainty of this information would cause, in just a few cycles of the lottery’s drawing, universal participation and disappointment, and the lottery process would not attract participation, fading from use and no longer offered. Shall this be done? Then we suggest the provision of winning numbers to just a few, such that a large jackpot is awarded them. What would the few of these winners do in advance of the jackpot, with certainty of knowledge these funds were coming? The promises, obligations and activities planned in anticipation of the use would affect the winner and all people involved, from the mansion builder, to the luxury car salesman to the jet aircraft dealer. Why would these events be more beneficial if anticipated and arranged in advance, as compared to undertaken after the monies are available? Would the expectation place the well being of a winner at risk? Distort relations with family and friends?
ST: So synchronicity is important and is coordinated precisely.
C: All things of your life that are important to you and around you are they synchronized in this way. You can alter them, yet your desire to alter certain things can bring reluctance and even fear. Often these emotions are scheduled by you, and you desire to experience the fear. This is the beauty and the value of your life and it is the reason you choose it. The synchronicity of events serves a platter of opportunity the value of which has no objective measure in the universe.
ST: To a person passing through an experience of discomfort or distress, it’s a tough sell to suggest it’s a crumpet on some opportunity platter.
C: It must be seen this way, for it great value to have. This is succinctly the summary of your life; that you truly believe what surrounds you is real. It is, thus we say, all that is around you is real and exists in absolute reality. Common it is to hear spoken or written that you live an illusion; it is possible to see your life in this way. We would select your word completion to describe your existence. You are very real, as real as anything in the universe yet what around you is, is not complete. The entirety of the universe offers more and will soon be seen by you as offering more than what you have within, before and around you all, as you see them for the moment.
ST: Erik, last and bad words before we close until tomorrow?
Erik: Poem? I’m in the mood to write a poem, since you do it.
ST: Shoot.
Erik: There once was a punk from Texas, whose driving so bad it did wreck us, we hopped out real quick, pulled a fast trick and got away before cops could lick us.
ST: This couldn’t refer to any real world motor vehicle activity you ever saw, could it?
Erik: No, probably not.
ST: Probably not?!?!? OK, slide that aside, let’s get a bad joke.
Erik: A biker couple goes into a bar, one asks the other, “Did my wheel touch the curb?” and the other one says “In here, just curb your touch, wheel man.”
ST: That wasn’t too funny.
Erik: You said bad joke, dude. You want a good one?
ST: Oui, monsieur.
Erik: What do you get when you mix a Guardian Angel with dog poop?
ST: (Uh oh…..)
Erik: A heavenly mess.
ST: See y’all tomorrow…….