I hope you find this interview as powerful as I did, because it addresses a subject that you and me struggle with daily: forgiveness. A woman, one of Bundy’s victims, graciously agrees to speak for the rest of his victims, bestowing many invaluable pearls of wisdom.
Me: I thought it’d be interesting to interview one of Ted Bundy’s victims.
Jamie (whispering): Why?
Me: Well, maybe we can learn a lot. We can ask if they’ve forgiven him and if so why and how. We can learn how to forgive people like him. It seems like there’d be a lot of good lessons to be learned from that kind of interview.
(Long pause)
Me: Now if you feel uncomfortable about it, Jamie, we can just forget about it.
Jamie (chuckling): No, it’s Erik saying, “Why do you want to do that one?”
Me: Well, I don’t know, it might be interesting.
Jamie: I don’t know what he’s doing. He’s not talking to me though. It looks like he’s talking to somebody else, but I don’t see anyone in the room, so… I just wonder if he’s talking to –
Jamie (laughing): He just looked at me and said, “Give me a moment!” I told him I usually do play by play. I said, ‘Talk about what you’re doing!’
(Very long pause)
Jamie: Um, I know he’s talking to someone. It’s clearly conversation. He said that even though it would be—
Erik: Mom, even though it’d be great to realize that you can have forgiveness in the beyond, that is just a place where people have too much opinion wrapped up into it, and they can’t understand why they would forgive and love him. I just don’t think humans are ready for it. Spiritual people? Hell, yeah. But humans are going to get their hands on this information and—
Me: Well what about knowing something about their spiritual contracts, whether they gained anything from them, what happened when they met Bundy in the afterlife. So, no? Do you think it would do more harm than good? The blog members really want this interview.
Erik: I only have one woman who wants to talk.
Me: Okay. Hi! Is she here?
Jamie: I can’t see her. I can’t hear her talking either.
Me: Well Erik, can you help translate for us?
Erik: Yeah, I can translate for her.
Me: Is she just a little shy? Why can’t Jamie see or hear her, Baby?
Erik: She says she wants to be anonymous.
Me: Oh, okay.
Erik: She says she’s going to speak for the group.
Jamie: Were there kids there as well?
Me: I don’t know?
Jamie: Was this in Texas?
Me: Again, I don’t know. I can’t remember, to tell you the truth. It could be since we have the death penalty here.
Erik: You can go ahead and ask your questions, Mom.
Me: Okay. First I want to know if you had some sort of spiritual contract with Bundy.
Erik: She says yes.
Me: What was that agreement?
Erik: She says that those who interacted with him were part of his story. The contract was—
Jamie: I—Can I just hear her, Erik, instead of you translating? I mean, I’m not going to recognize her voice. I don’t even know—do you know what I mean?
Erik talks to Jamie.
Jamie (to Erik) I don’t, uh, yeah. Yeah.
Me: Is he talking to her?
Jamie: Mm hm. Yeah he is. (whispering) He is such a good person.
Me: Yeah, he’s a sweetie, isn’t he?
Jamie: He’s so funny and so loving and—I’m so impressed.
Me: That’s how he always was. (pause) And is.
Jamie: Okay. So, I’m going to listen to her. She says hi.
Me: Hi. Thank you so much for coming. I know we’re going to learn so much from you.
Victim: Thank you.
Me: So you were telling Erik a little bit about the spiritual contract you all had with Bundy, and it was all wrapped around his personal story. Can you tell me more?
Jamie: Oh, I get why she didn’t want me to hear her at all. It’s weird. If I’m listening to her voice, I’m getting glimpses of her face. That’s so weird how that works!
Me: Hm!
Jamie: But I told her I wouldn’t say anything about what she looks like out loud.
Me: Yeah.
Victim: There were dozens of people with similar contracts like hers that come across to be—
Jamie: She’s pausing. Erik’s talking to her about what a contract is. He’s asking her what she got out of it spiritually or did it allow other people to see and witness. She’s talking to me about the duality on Earth—how to understand joy we must first understand suffering and pain, because the man’s—I’m sure that’s Ted—the man’s story was to be publicized.
Victim: Having many people on Earth who do not want to experience pain, who do not need to experience it, just witness it or see it and come to their own way of healing from reading the story. You know how a book can change your life?
Me: Yeah.
Victim: Our story was meant to change people’s lives—change women’s lives—
Jamie: She’s specifically focusing on women.
Victim: –how to be stronger and wiser and how to trust instincts and not charm, not to trust other people’s wooing words but to trust how their bodies feel. It was part of the feminist movement.
Jamie: I thought—hm, I think I have the wrong guy in my head .The way she’s showing it is that it was individual deaths.
Me: Yes it was.
Jamie: Who’s the guy who killed a lot of people all at once?
Me: Do you mean the Oklahoma City bomber?
Jamie: Yeah, that’s it.
Me: Okay, were you here for any personal gains or just to sacrifice yourself for the greater good?
Victim: It was mostly to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good because of the publicity of the story.
One important announcement: If you go to Jamie’s site and search the calendar for May and June, you’ll see that she’s opened up registration for future channeling conference calls so be sure to sign up as soon as you can! I know many of you missed out, because the May 3rd session filled out in a matter of a couple of hours. Here is the calendar for May. You can use the pulldown menu to access June. https://withloveandlight.com/events/2012-05/