A good reminder from a Blog Member’s letter!
I lost a deep love to suicide, Eric has been my validation that I know what I know and how I know it. My love came to me in a visitation two days before Mother’s Day he gave me a trail of pieces to put together. In effort to comfort me he did in fact what Eric does, therefore I know he knows Eric! Everything from songs, to random drinks in my fridge, to yes even a license plate that made me laugh cry because I knew it was my Wonderful Alan. It’s been an intense and interesting collection of messages. When you hear spirit it’s hard to distinguish your own loved ones because of the influx of emotion Eric writes about in his book. So you search and search for someone who can hear them better with a little more clarity. When you receive that validation my my my it’s lovely! Then it goes away just like Eric says it the emotion that blocks us. I feel like I’m rambling but Eric says go on. So when that happened to me I began to feel down, completely confused and almost abandoned. My love for my Alan knows he will feel what I feel so I’ve tried releasing every time I can think of it, then I release more. “I’m sorry I hurt you when…”whatever the random thing is and then I forgive myself! Sounds arrogant but it’s healing on both souls I believe. So get to the Eric part…Eric came to me more pronounced at a Spirit Circle we all sit in a semi circle go into a deep meditation state and see what messages we receive. Eric was smart he came before the circle in conversation I had shared my many synchronicities with the group and continued relating them messages to my Alan. When all of a sudden one of the members said this sounds like the book our friend was reviewing. He went on to give the narrative and instantly I knew I had to have the book! The evening went well for those who wanted messages from their loved ones and I forgot to purchase the book. I grabbed my phone and start searching for the book I had no clue as to the name so I searched my friends website to see the description of the class and bam there it was….I went to the go to source practically everyone using for books and saw it was available in audio..jackpot I downloaded it and have been listening in bits and pieces. The other night as I listened all my encounters with my Alan had been validated down to the energy drink in my fridge! Of course I began to binge listen which is not a good idea because if you’re like me you don’t like being disturbed, I snapped at my son when he walked in- he was only coming with his soft knock at my door to tell me good night. He startled me because of my deep mental state connecting with the book. I felt really bad, I call him angel boy because I feel like he was born to save my life -that had he not been born I know I would have taken my life. So after I said goodnight to him…on to chapter 27 “Little Shit” wait 15 sec skip back did Eric just say little shit?! Immediately my mind did a rewind like the kind in movies and tv shows! It was ERIC!!! Eric my goodness you’re the best kid ever! Your mom…I love love love her for writing your books together! Three nights ago I received a random FaceTime call at 12am my phone sleeps at 10 so I didn’t see it until the morning “missed FaceTime call from Little Shit” I searched my phone I don’t have a little shit in my contacts so how the hell did that number pop up?! Then I started thinking omg I’ve been cussing like a sailor…f’ing This f’ing that….the orb that flew past me one night I caught it go straight past my bed I was waking up to do what??? Search my phone for comfort!! I pulled up a photo of my wonderful Alan came across a youtube or two all of which made me want to do what I know how to do which is hear and feel spirit so I went to class! I’m not very confident that I can do it on demand as you see on these tv shows so I stay in my comfort zone which is the circle. All of those were clearly steerings orchestrated by Eric! Eric is so smart he knows I’m the kind of person that researches everything before I pass it along to others…nothing is more irritating than the whole of us passing along lifetimes of untruthful information; so here I am doing what he knew I would do come to he and his moms site for validation. This is absolutely lovely. I hope in my long novel of a comment that I am indeed helping someone who may be struggling. In writing this last comment as I began to write…I see a smiling Eric with my Alan drinking a Red Bull clicking the cans and I just got goosebumps so thank you Eric for guiding my Alan along and Eric’s mom for your courage to put this blog together the love of a child can move us to do so much, don’t forget to rest and take care of yourself. Thank you to all that took the time to read my long post you’re stronger than you think never forget to just “ask”.