I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was great with the exception of babysitting my grandsons, Easton (almost 3), Liam (4 months) and their cousin, Phoenix. Don’t get me wrong! I LOVE my grandkids and I adore taking care of them, but it was really rough because Liam was very sick. He struggles so hard to breathe, had a terrible cough and a respiratory rate of a bit over 60 per minute. When someone has to work hard to breathe, they’ll have something called, “Retractions” meaning certain areas seem to suck in when they take a breath. You can get subcostal retractions (right under the ribs,) substernal retractions (right under the breast bone (sternum), intracostal retractions (between the ribs) and supraclavicular retractions (just above the clavicle). Jesus, I can’t remember the layman’s term for clavicle! In this picture of Liam, you can see retractions under his ribs and sternum.
Today, he tested positive for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) which is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in that age group. One symptom can be apnea (in other words, stopping breathing) so it’s nothing you want to mess around with. Send healing energy his way!
On another note, cousin Phoenix (aka Pheenie) was adorable. When he was looking at a photo of Erik, I asked him, “Do you know Uncle Erik?” He replied, “Yes, he went Home.” I mean, that’s crazy because he knows nothing about Erik. I don’t even think he knows that he died! Here’s Phoenix playing with Easton along with some pics of little Liam:
Phoenix is the son of Nick’s twin sister, Nicole. Nick is married to my daughter, Michelle. I think Phoenix’s daddy is from the Congo because when he plays with a toy telephone, I sometimes hear him say, “Hello, welcome to Congo Airlines!” LOL.
And now for the interview of one of my favorite actors, Bill Paxton. I was very sad when he died so young. I felt he was a very kind man. Raylene did an excellent job channeling him. My friend and one of Paxton’s besties, Rich Martini, confirmed that. Check out Raylene HERE. Sorry, but Raylene doesn’t get her sessions transcribed but you can use the transcribe function on YouTube.
Featured image courtesy of Hello Magazine