Some of you wondered why, at times, Erik’s answers seem to contradict themselves at times. Whether palmistry is a valid tool or not, for instance. If you look back at both posts, you’ll see that there was no contradiction. He says that the shape of the hand is more telling than the lines. As for the mythical creatures, two different mediums were used and I trust Jamie’s lack of filters over all other mediums’. But I did ask Erik if he’s ever wrong. I’ll post his answer in greater detail when I get to that channeling session, but in a nutshell he said, “Hell yeah.” Only “God Source” holds the Absolute Truth. When you are separate from it, you have opinions and filters, etc. But, unlike us, Erik is able to tap into the vast, infinite body of information of the Universe. In the end, though, he’s not omniscient. He’s a boy without a body with a great deal of wisdom, an enormous capacity for love, a passion for his work, and the ultimate Google system.
Before we go on to the Bubble Boy, I want to share another experience I’ve noticed since I’ve started the exercise to match my vibration with that of the Earth’s. Before, when I tried to channel Erik, I could only his his voice in tiny bits mixed in with my own or someone else’s. Now, I can hear his much more clearly. So, to practice, I ask him to repeat small sentences like, “I love you.” If I hear his voice, I choose another sentence. If not, I ask him to try again, but at a faster pace so I don’t lose my concentration (which is akin to a gnat’s embryo.) With practice, it seems to have been working! But it wouldn’t have happened without my daily exercises. Now, I’ve been able to decrease those exercises to once a week, just for maintenance purposes.
Me: Let’s talk about the Bubble Boy. You know the Bubble Boy who had no functioning immune system, and he had to live in a bubble?
Jamie: Yeah, I remember.
Me: What was he here to learn and to teach? What was his spiritual mission?
(Long pause)
Jamie (giggling): I heard, “Checking on it!”
I laugh.
Jamie: There’s another gentleman that’s here today, and I don’t know who he is. He’s older, kind of like, uh, late 40s to mid-50s, and he’s dressed really nice: black pants, belted, sports jacket, you know, like a suit.
Me: Okay. What does his face look like?
Jamie: It’s kind of, um, squ—you don’t say square. How do you say that? It’s definitely not round. He’s got a good jawline, and the way his hairline is on his on his forehead, it makes it look square.
Me: Mm hm. Can you ask him who he is?
Jamie (to the mystery man): Who are you?
Jamie: I’ve been telling him to talk to me the whole time. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t shift his weight. He almost looks like a full size photograph.
Me: Oh my god!
Jamie: It’s really weird. He’s not angry or anything. He has a little smile on his face, and he’s watching me because I can see his eyes have been following me. Erik doesn’t engage with him. He’s just doing his own thing.
Me: Erik, who is he? Do you know him?
Erik: Yeah.
Jamie (frustrated with Erik): Okay, well who is it, and why wouldn’t you tell me before?
Jamie: Oh whatever! He goes, “You didn’t ask me.”
Me: Is he a family member? (I’m wondering when the hell we’re going to get to the Bubble Boy. Sorry guys.)
Jamie: He says he’s your grandfather—your dad’s dad.
Me: Oh! Abuelito. Are you here to tell me anything, Abuelito?
Jamie (to Erik): Erik, tell him he can talk, Buddy!
(Long pause)
Jamie: He just wants to say hello, and he likes hanging out with Erik.
Me: Well, thank you, Abuelito. You’re welcome here anytime.
Me: Now Erik, did you find anything about the Bubble Boy?
Erik: Yeah. The Bubble Boy’s lesson wasn’t about anything concerning the media or telling a story. It was a personal lesson in knowing the struggles of being human. In other words, not being able to have—
Jamie (to Erik): How would you say that, Erik? Put it in a simpler way.
Erik: Tangible relations. Grounding. Touch sensation went away and pretty much the same with his smell.
Me: Yeah.
Erik: A lot of how you would interact with life got pulled from him.
Me: So, he denied himself, by spiritual contract I guess, the full experience of being human. I wonder why. Is that just because he wanted to experience that missing element or was it a past life thing? Did he want to appreciate more what it’s like to be human in the fullest sense? In every facet of the experience?
Erik: From what I can read up on it, it wasn’t carried over from any other lifetime. This was something he came in and created, and a lot of what his life was encouraged doctors to learn more about immunodeficiencies and actually helped create answers, solutions for other diseases. So, in many ways, he was such a grand inspiration to science, yet his lesson was really not to come in to do that. His lesson was how can you be removed and still have a successful and productive life, a full human experience.