Hey all. take a look at Julie Gray’s book on grieving after the suicide of a loved one:
Channeling Transcript
Erik: I’m teaching others who have crossed over how to connect, Mom. That’s one of the things I do now.
Me: Good, Baby!
Erik: During the radio show, when you’re speaking, call on me to be a liaison between you and spirits who aren’t able to communicate that clearly. A lot of ‘em don’t know how to lower their vibration to the right level so they can communicate with their loved ones on the earthly plane.
Me: Oh, yeah that’s right! I’ve heard you’re going to do that.
Veronica: Everyone can channel to some degree. It’s just that we’ve shut it down either by programming or from religions, parents or our own programming. But it’s a natural thing to communicate with God, the angels, and those who have passed away. But when you sleep, that’s a time when you can learn things—there’s a freedom then when you can go anywhere you want. You can ask to go play as you sleep.
Me: Erik, you told me once that we’re approaching this kind of smoldering financial collapse and this plan to be off the grid and learn to connect again and enjoy the simplicity of life. You said they’ll be problems with food shortages, money shortages, etc. Days, weeks, even months at a time we’ll be knocked off the grid: solar flares, weird weather, magnetic pole shifts—this will knock some of our satellites out so we’ll be out of communication. Can I verify that?
Veronica: You can. You heard clearly from Erik. This is the truth. It is indeed part of the plan, and it’s part of the earth going through its shift as many people predicted for 2012. It doesn’t mean that it’s all going to happen in 2012, but it means it’s all part of this shifting.
Me: Sure.
Veronica: It doesn’t mean it’s all going to happen in 2012; it just means it’s all part of the whole shifting. Computers will also be out of whack. Everything’s going to be kind of shut down. People will have to rely on each other as neighbors helping neighbors and friends.
Me: Isn’t that nice! What a wonderful change. Well, some of the channeling Erik community has bounced around the idea of starting some sort of self-sustaining community together. Some of them want us to all come together somewhere—I don’t know where-, my house is certainly not big enough for everyone—but to be able to grow our own food, hunt our own meat, you know, just—but if we do that, how will we be able to do good across the world? How can we stay in communication other than just locally—or will we not be able to?
Erik: You’ll find a way. That’s also part of the plan. In this group of followers, or this groups of spiritual seekers, there are people who are technicians or scientists who are gifted in many ways. They’ll find a way to create some kind of radio communication or some sort of way to get the word out.
Me: Yeah, and there are organic gardeners, all sorts of people with a variety of skills in the Channeling Erik family.
Erik: You’re part, as a medical doctor, you have that to offer along with the spiritual channeling that you will be doing. So you see, everything that you’ve done in your life—everything—leads up to what you will be doing in the future.
Me: So will we, uh, will many of the blog members get together somewhere and live for a while together in a self-sustaining community?
Erik: Yes, you probably will.
Me: Jeannie, where will you be when all this happens? Will you come with us?
Jeannie: You know, I don’t know. I only know that I’ve been guided to Denver. I’m from Minnesota. But my channeling actually, it was God that got me here. It was kind of bizarre. Right before we moved is when I started speaking in this language.
Me: Yeah.
Jeannie: And I know it had to do something with the move. And I think I may probably be here, but I don’t know. I don’t know.
Me: Time will tell. So, where will the Channeling Erik community be? Do you see some place yet?
Jeannie: It’ll be somewhere near mountains or hills.
Me: Good! Maybe we’ll come to Denver and hang out at your place, Jeannie!