Second post of the day! Here is a wonderful article courtesy of Tammy De Mirza! But first, check this out. A YouTube about Erik on a show on Daily Motion. Very entertaining.
What is the correlation between being physically or emotionally sick?
Years ago, when I was around 13 years old, I was walking down the driveway to retrieve my parent’s mail and started asking God, as soon as I got outside, why I was experiencing an uncomfortable feeling. I could not figure out what I had to be melancholy about, or why I was feeling ill at ease with this sense of heaviness.
I was talking aloud to God as I walked the drive, telling Him that I was previously having a good day and that I did not know why I was upset, but knew something felt awful. I talked about how sudden this was and how overwhelming the feelings were and yet, there was no way for me to know what caused it and therefore, what I was supposed to do with it. All I knew in that moment was that I was not feeling good and knew I had to get some relief.
The truth is that I had experienced this before, but had chalked it up to – it’s just a thing that happens from time-to-time. However, this time I was talking to God about it, because I really wanted to understand why this kept occurring. The answer I got was profound. I will share it with you now.
Spirit said to me: “Tammy, when you are running a fever and you do not feel well, the fever tells you that your body needs your attention and because of this, you know you have to go to the doctor to get the help that you need to get well again. This is a gift from me to everyone so they know they need some assistance. The emotional realm is the same, in that when you know you don’t feel good inside, you know you need to get some help. They operate in the same way and are gifts to assist you and is set up on purpose to help. If you will ask me what is causing you this discomfort, I will give you the answer.” I will share later what I was told and how it changed my life.
When the body is sharing with us that it needs our attention with a health issue, the symptoms are typically sudden and catch us off guard. One of the quickest I have personally experienced was strep throat. I remember bathing and the instant fever, coupled with other symptoms was one of the most significant things I have experienced in sudden trauma.
Well…, I have to take that back, because as I’m writing this to you, there is another memory that has arisen and I must add that having a few kidney stones was immediate pain that occurred that screamed so loudly, that I knew I had to get some help. These symptoms are triggers and gifts to help us to know that something needs our attention, care and assistance.
In the same way, from time to time, we all experience feelings that suddenly appear either when we awaken or while we are going about our daily activities where there is something that arises within us that is heavy feeling or emotionally uncomfortable. We become stressed even more, because we do not know why it occurred, much less how to get through it. This also is a gift to us to let us know that there is something that is out of alignment with our emotional realm and this is in fact, your emotional intelligence speaking to you letting you know the same thing that the physical body giving you the symptoms does that requires a course of action to resolve. The emotional body is operating on the same spiritual laws that the physical body operates on.
If we know what gifts we have been given and we understand the process of it all, then we can start to do the work, or get the assistance that we need much faster and take care of the reason the symptoms are appearing for us. They are truly blessings in disguise and once we understand that everything is here to serve us in some capacity, then being in pain whether it is through an illness, or something emotional, we experience them on purpose to overcome it.
I’ll share with you what I heard was my issue from the situation above once I asked God for the truth. I was told that I was in a good mood and frame of mind UNTIL my friend Teri called and when she did, because she was distraught and upset, she began to unload her feelings and frustrations in the conversation. She wanted to voice her thoughts and feelings in a safe environment. During the conversation however, I had started to feel uneasy, uncomfortable and was puzzled by this, but I ignored my feelings and engaged myself again to what Teri needed.
When the conversation was over, she hung up elated, thanking me profusely for listening and being a friend and I was distraught and feeling off. I had taken on her energy and instead of being her witness and just listening, I did what all empaths/overly sensitive people do. I took it on and because of me not understanding how energy affected me, I was now in the same position Teri had been when she called and she was now relieved.
I was then relieved to find out that I had caused the issue, not knowing any better, but from that moment forward, I would no longer take on the energy of the person who was using my time to complain or unload. I could be a friend, but I would no longer take something from them that belonged to them emotionally. I learned a great lesson that day and the awareness that I received was worth what I had gone through and all of the discomfort I had experienced. The feelings of heaviness and confusion were completely immediately gone.
The next time a family member or friend had an issue, I put myself into a different position of just listening, but not engaging in the issues they were having. I was freer than I had been. I had not realized that I was taking on so much energy from other people who I loved and cared for and that ultimately did not belong to me, nor was I supposed to take it on.
This is just one example of how pain in the emotional realm is working for our good. The physicality of the world in which we live is truly conspiring to be of service to us in all things and if we understand that, then we can use it for healing. Not using this as a tool and embracing it, creates a buildup that causes all kinds of issues in our lives, including repetitive patterns. Understanding them and why you have these issues, will set you free.
If you want to know more, come to the “Healing Workshop With Tammy De Mirza – The Freedom Alchemist ™” on May the 3rd, 4thand 5th, in the home of Elisa Medhus. Think about this, you get Elisa and me at one time, it doesn’t get much better than that!
In this workshop, you will walk away with more awareness of how you function and what you typically do with the symptoms and why they are there. You will become more aware of what predicaments you have gotten yourself into personally, and how to overcome them, empowering you to change the course of your life. You simply have things programmed in your inner GPS and the exposure of them is the beginning of healing.
Click on the following link to learn more about this workshop:
If you want to know more about Tammy De Mirza, go to her website at:
Her Radio Show: which starts April the 7th
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