I bought a cool iPhone app today called Aura. It uses something akin to Kirilian photography to capture a person’s auric energy field. Anyway, while I was transcribing this next part of the April 5th session with Jeannie and Erik, I felt that intense goosebumps sensation on my left leg which is usually how Erik says hello or gives me an affirmation on something I’m considering or wondering about. Quickly, I snapped a picture of where I thought he must have been standing, and here’s what I got:
Of course, now I can’t get that 311 song our of my mind: “Amber is the color of your energy.” Sigh.
Speaking of Mister Goosebumps, Michelle was riding shotgun with me in my rental car in Los Angeles when all of a sudden, I felt those same intense “Erik Goosebumps,” this time on my right arm. It happens so frequently, I didn’t mention it to her. But a second later, Michelle exclaimed: “I feel strong goosebumps on my left arm!” It was Erik sitting right between us, straddling the center console, being silly.
Channeling Transcript
Me: Okay now. I’d like to ask about the spiritual basis of humor. For me, humor seems like a very spiritual experience. And it seems like a lot of highly enlightened, spiritual entities—incarnate or discarnate—have such a great sense of humor.
Erik: Yes, and I can tell you this, something I’ve learned. A lot of times guides that people have, if that person has a great sense of humor, their guide will usually match that. It’s like they attract people who kinda have a similar personality or sense of humor. Joy and laughter are always spiritual in nature. I mean, think about it, Mom. What’s the opposite of joy?
Me: Sadness, I guess.
Erik: Hell yeah. These are polar opposites like light/dark, happy/sad. So it takes humor and joy to balance out life as you know it. People who have crossed over, um, when you’re on THIS side, Mom, there’s just so much joy and happiness that it’s easy, so easy to have that sense of humor. Practical jokes that are harmless add to the fun that I can have here.
Me: Well, duh. We see that side of you all the time now!
Erik: Some things you’ve heard from other people, like tickling. It’s just a freakin’ riot! It brings ME joy as well as the people over there.
I chuckle.
Me: Well, I think it raises our vibration, too, both to have the sense of humor or to be on the receiving side of it!
Erik: Yeah, that’s right, Mom, and as a physician, you know and have read lots of stuff about how laughter heals.
Me: Oh yeah, exactly!
Erik: It releases so much tension.
Me: Um hm!
Now, enjoy the infectious humor of none other than His Holiness Himself. Gotta love the man!
And this one may have fallen a bit flat. Still, it’s hilarious!
One last thing: Is anyone out there interested in having another phone conference with other blog members, including the CE channelers?