Today, Kim and I had an amazing session. In it, Erik spoke about why some people can’t achieve and maintain happiness and how to do so. He also talked about why we humans control, how guiding is a better option and how to achieve that. In the last session, Kim trance channeled him, and it was incredible to see all his familiar mannerisms, especially the way he lets his hands fly all over the place! I was thankful that Erik was respectful and kept his hands to himself! Phew! I can’t wait to share all of this with you guys! It was a little hard saying goodbye to him as he began to leave Kim’s body, though. It sort of reminded me of how he left his own body the first time, but I know I haven’t lost him and I never will.
I’m looking forward to our second radio show tomorrow night at 5 PM PT/7 PM CT/8 PM ET. All you have to do is click on the radio show icon to the right. Hopefully, it’ll go without a hitch this time. Y’all be sure to get some questions ready. Try to call in a little early (619-639-4606) if you want to be toward the top of the queue. If you already asked a question during the last show, please try to give others a chance to do so this time.
Me: We say, “They’re in a better place,” and we let them “rest in peace.” That means no interaction in our culture because they need peace, which means we need to stay out of their “lives.”
Erik: Yes. That’s completely messed up for our emotional needs and connection—our need for growth, to move forward. That’s like clipping our wings off and saying, “Okay, stay here now. You’re good. No, they died, but you get to stay here.” It feels fucking horrible. We don’t have a day to celebrate ancestors. Halloween, our Day of the Dead, has turned into some fucking Hallmark experience with candy and ghouls. Even Memorial Day is not for the everyday person. Not everyone fought in a war or was a hero. That’s nice for them, but what about average day Joe? What do we get? Well, when the birthday comes around or the death day, the humans go, “Oh, now I’m super sad because that was the day that they liked. That’s what they liked and now I can’t connect to it anymore because they’re not here because they’re dead, and I have to be taught that when they’re dead, everything they liked has to be dead, too.” Then everything becomes fucking scary along the way because it’s all associated with them, and they’re gone.
Jamie: Wow.
Me: Yeah, he’s on a soapbox, today.
Jamie: Yeah. I didn’t see it that way, either.
Erik: But it’s true. When somebody leaves, you create a new relationship with them. It’s not over.
Me: That’s right. It’ll be different because you don’t have that physical part, and it may be different in other ways, too. For example, our relationship: we were very close, but a lot of our relationship centered around your misery and how to end it, you know, how I could help you. Now, it’s healthier even without the physical, which I miss. So it can be different, but it will be just as real.
Erik: Yes, it’s just as real. New memories are made. Of course you’re going to have to find your way and grieve through the physical absence. You know, we just made a video on ego, and grief is an ego driven emotion because you’re grieving about the separation. The “I” can no longer experience the “you” so the “I” is very sad. But when we get into the emotional being and contact higher consciousness rather than human consciousness or ego, we start to associate to the emotional being and realize that the “I” is still connected with “you.” (Slapping his hands) Just not in a physical way.
Me: What do you recommend to people who have lost someone as far as how to continue to have a relationship? What do they do?
Jamie (smiling): And the realistic answer, Erik?
Me: What was the unrealistic one?
Jamie: Well, he first started out with smoking pot.
Of course.
Jamie: Then he hit masturbation. I think he’s just really trying to push my buttons hardcore.
Me: Of course. He’ll never stop that.
Erik: Well, I’m just trying to highlight things that create joy and happiness!
Jamie (laughing hard): That says a lot about Erik!
Me: Yes, it does!
Erik: Well, they’re examples.
Jamie (looking away and waving him off): I can’t look at you. Go away. Just talk. I’m going to have one of these giggle fits in a second.
Me: Uh oh.
Jamie: He knows it, too. He’s just going to push my buttons.
Erik: Okay, some steps to finding that new relationship: definitely allow happiness to creep in and know that when it does begin to creep in, it’s okay. You haven’t buried your loved one all over again because you had this glimmer of joy.
Me: It’s like when you feel happy, you think, “How can I be happy? That must hurt my dead person’s feelings because that means I’m happy in spite of them being gone.”
Erik: Yeah. Gotta change that view. Just stop. You gotta let that one fucking go because we’re not tethered that way. Your actions don’t create sadness or joy or anything like that for me. They just don’t. You don’t have a governing choice over what I do. I still have my free will. I can, however, feel what you feel when you think of me. That comes like an email. It just hits me all over. I can read it, and I can feel it. I don’t own it. It doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to you, but the way I communicate best now, in spirit, is to process what you’re going through. So if you’re sobbing and sobbing and sobbing, and you’re thinking of me, I can feel that. I don’t own it. It doesn’t make me sad, but I feel it, and I know how to kind of help you. I can empathize with you as you go through those moments. When you smile or show glimmers of joy or happiness, the vibration in your energetic body is higher. It’s a quality that makes it easier for me to touch, communicate, leave you a sign, and so it kind of just gets the ball rolling. As soon as you’re smiling and I can reach out and give you a sign, then that’s something else to be joyful about. Then, we’re building a new relationship. The pitfalls that commonly happen is after you get the sign, your head, which is still fucked up from the whole death thing, goes, “That wasn’t fucking real. That’s just my head doing it because it didn’t sustain.” Well, if I was alive and I was your friend and we talked about something awesome and then hung up the phone, I’m not still on the phone with you. It’s not like I can be on the phone with you 24 hours a day telling you pretty awesome fucking news. No, it’s just like being human! We have moments. We have a great meal, and then it’s over. We don’t eat 24 hours a day. It just doesn’t work. So I give you a sign, and then you get happy, but then you get upset that it didn’t last. It didn’t happen again in the same way. Then, all of a sudden, you start putting expectations and assumptions in the mix and you’re not totally open.
Me: Then you’re vibrational frequency goes way down with those expectations.
Erik: Yeah.
Me: So one last piece of advice before we close of what the best way of continuing that relationship looks like? What do they do?
Me: What can they start doing today? Everybody can learn to channel. Some are more gifted than others. Jamie taught us a lot about that during the weekend: How to channel and how to discern the difference between your own thought creation and channeled information. But what can we tell the viewers as far as what they can start doing right now—to start that party with their loved one?
Jamie (chuckling): Start that party!
Erik: I would suggest that they set up a time in their own calendar to talk to their loved one and they let them know, you know, Tuesday at four. Thursday at one. Tell them that’s the time you’re going to have a conversation, and when you start that conversation, jump out of your logical head and get into creative mode like your imagination where everything is possible for just a short amount of time. You can set a fucking bell if you want if you’re worried that you’re not going to snap out of being creative. Set it for three minutes, five minutes, whatever, and hold the conversation. “Hi. I invite you to come here. I uninvited everybody else.” Just make it a very exclusive party in your head. Make sure you’re very clear about who can show up and who can’t. Then ask very simple questions. “Are you here?” Yes and no. Ask yes and no questions for 3-5 minutes and allow yes and no to come through. Whatever way it shows up, believe that it’s real.
Me: Yeah, don’t let your logical mind second-guess or analyze. Just have faith that yes, it’s real.
Erik: Yep, and then when the bell goes off, you can look at your notes and go totally fucking logical on it if you need to. Sometimes you don’t need to. Sometimes, when the bell goes off, you just go, “Holy shit! That’s unexplainable. I don’t know how that happened!” and you let it be what it is, but sometimes, the logical head has to get in there so you can build trust in your ability to communicate with the Beyond. It might take a little while. It’s kind of like your training wheels, but you eventually have to take those training wheels off and get out of logic into creative mode. That’s the space where intuitive gifts thrive.
Me: Okay. What about automatic writing? Is that a good way to communicate?
Erik: I like automatic writing, but I don’t think a lot of people—I think what might be easier is them going to EVPs, electronic voice phenomenon.
Me: Oh, setting out a digital recorder, put it on voice activated so you don’t have to listen to it for hours and hours. Yeah, that works really well. I recommend that. All right, thank you guys. Erik, come haunt me later—and everyone that’s listening.
Erik: I love you, I love you, I love you. Thanks, everyone, for watching. I’ll haunt you later!
Here’s another review for Erik’s book, My Life After Death. Don’t forget it’s in audiobook, Audible, Nook, Kindle and paperback. If you have read it, please write a review. Even a short one is appreciated.
Erik Medhus has changed my thinking on the life before and after this one in so many ways! I was in deep grief a year ago and found the blog that his mother, Elisa, has set up to teach us and expand our thinking about what this current life we are living is REALLY about. Reading the blog posts and her book, “My Son and the Afterlife” added depth and detail to what I already believed to be true about where we come from, why we’re here and where we are going after this life. Then I read this book, “My Life After Death” and I was touched to my core with what a gift Erik is giving to so many by sharing his experience of transitioning to the plane on which he now resides. I thought I was a spiritual and enlightened person before, but Erik and Elisa’s work, along with the mediums who bring us Erik’s message, have blown the universe wide open for our examination! This book is a must read for anyone who fears death, has lost a loved one and longs to know what they are experiencing, or those who are just seeking more understanding of what other planes of existence are like. Read this book with an open mind and I know you will be changed as I have been!”