Erik has been poking me on the shoulder all week to post this on the blog! For those of you that do not know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Michelle Gray, and I am one of the Channeling Erik mediums that works with Erik. There are many of us that work with Erik, and from what he has been telling me, there are many more to come! Maybe that is you!! We all have something in common. Somehow, in someway, Erik has touched our lives. We were all brought here, and it has changed our world. Our perspective, and we have Erik, Elisa, and the Medhus family to thank for the gift we share! As many of you already know, Channeling Erik is going through some changes. As Erik has always taught us, any change is awesome opportunity for something better, and is inevitable in our lives. It is at times an adventure into the unknown, and involves some learning curves, practice and patience. If we practice trust, and add a little faith, we can experience something better than we ever imagined! Erik has been encouraging all of us to not get caught up in the drama and fear, but rather to push our own limits, and to continue seeing better versions of ourselves. He has a lot up his sleeve in regard to Channeling Erik, and where we are headed. He wants to see us grow, learn, and spread that goodness out into the world! Erik has been talking about finding different ways to reach you. To help motivate you! Help you grow, heal and be the best version of you! We know many of you have been through, are going through challenging times. It is our intent to be here for you, and to encourage you. Erik is spreading his goodness around everywhere. I hear many stories from clients, and blog members, about his visits and ways he shows his support. Just yesterday, I had a client share with me that Erik froze her phone with a picture of him. Not only was her phone frozen on Erik, but when it finally unfroze, he had filled her photo gallery with screen shots of his face!! He loves using the cell phone to connect with us, so be on the look out! If you are wondering if it was him that was messing with your phone, it was! (that was a message for someone by the way!) Once a month we will be publishing an ASK ERIK blog. Answers channeled through me, and some of our other awesome mediums! If you are looking for guidance or have a metaphysical question that you are curious about, please email me at We will select a few questions each month and post them here. Erik wants to leave you with a few words today……
Hey Everybody! I want you all to know that we are all here on the side of spirit rooting for you! We may not be in the physical body, but we know how hard sometimes life can be. How cruel it can feel.
It can be tempting to sit back and pull the covers over your head and hide until it’s all over. That will not work for long. We encourage you to remember that you came into this life with a strength, a superpower that can get you through what your mind may believe is impossible. Everyone of you did.
All you have to do is believe and be willing to take steps each day towards feeling better. Call my name, and call your angels, guides and loved ones in spirit! We can all hear you, and we want you to know it is impossible to be separate from you. If you are feeling down, do something kind for yourself. Do something kind for someone else. We promise, it will get better!
Love Erik xo