This is a question that haunts all of humanity and it isn’t answered in the ways we like, but here is the simple truth about it.
We come into this realm to experience pain and suffering, good and bad, right and wrong, basically the dichotomies of life. We are not here to escape it, we are not here to try to ignore, deny or conceal it, we are here to use it to grow.
We arrive and typically are crying immediately after taking our first breath. The shock of being in the spiritual realm where we are encapsulated in love and being thrust into this reality is such a difficult transition, that your guides/team of non-physical beings are very close by our side. Have you ever seen a baby looking up and smiling, engaged in communication and nothing you do hinders that connection? Babies are relating to, noticing and communicating with their non-physical team. It is beautiful to watch when you understand what is occurring.
From the time we are little children, we experience pain, whether it is falling down while learning to walk, or being hit emotionally or physically by another being. We hurt ourselves and others unintentionally and, we get hurt by others. This is the game we are playing here in this reality. If you can accept that in this life, we hurt and get hurt, then you are well on your way to purposefully creating something different, something that envelopes the very reason you are here – TO GROW!
So many of us spend our time developing coping mechanisms for the emotional or physical pain we experience and deny ourselves. The movie Frozen is such a great example of that. Let me share with you the creation of one of the most famous songs ever written – Let it Go. The cast was set and the movie was in production and Disney had commissioned the famous couple Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez to write the music.
They were working separate from each other in order to concentrate and would meet to discuss what they had created and collectively work together on songs that needed help. One day, Kristen told her husband that she had written a song that didn’t go with the movie, but it was haunting her. She couldn’t get the song out of her head and it was disturbing her greatly because it wouldn’t fit into the scope of the movie at all and yet, she was stalemated and couldn’t move forward with any other songs.
When he asked her to share it with him, he had the same reaction. For days they both were singing Let it Go and couldn’t write or work on anything other than this song that was plaguing their minds. They were approached by the Producer and when they shared their dilemma, he asked to listen to the song and had the exact reaction – days of singing this one song. He approached the Director of the Movie and he had the same reaction. They decided to allow the song to be an integral part of the movie and this changed the entire scope of the movie itself. Elsa had been written to be a villain and now was going to be someone we know and love who struggled with her own identity and finally gave herself permission to be her – to let it go.
When I first watched this movie, I only got to the part where her father was essentially telling her to hide it, conceal it, don’t feel it. It tore my heart out and I realized this is what most of us are doing in this lifetime, hiding who we are, trying to fit into a pattern of being who others are more comfortable with, not being authentic and not allowing ourselves to be known because we are afraid of being rejected or hurting someone else. We HAVE to be ourselves, it all that we came here with – so be YOU!
In the movie, the most suffering that Elsa and her sister Anna suffered was the disconnection with self. Elsa was hiding because of her fear of hurting the person she loved the most and the hiding was a form of rejection for Anna who longed to be connected to the only person she had left in her family.
This idea, this movie portrays the essence of human suffering. We disconnect from that which we came here to experience, to be, to learn from and that is the source of most pain we encounter in this life – separation of self, which leads us to separate from others.
This pain grows until the physical body manifests that something is off and needs our attention. God/Source gave us laws that are most beneficial in that when we need to pay attention to something, the physical will always give us the symptoms of the issues we are going through in order to get us to heal it. That is why we suffer. That is why there is pain. That is why there are physical illnesses and issues in this life. It is all to get us to know Thyself, to embrace that we experience pain and bliss. We came here to have it all.
If you want to know more, sign up now for the following class being offered at Elisa’s home in Houston Texas on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of May of 2019. I will be giving personal messages to you during this time to assist you in accepting the predicament you find yourself in, and once you accept it, the resistance is gone and then you can heal your life. Space is limited, so sign up soon: by clicking HERE.
Tammy De Mirza
Twitter: @tammydemirza
Instagram: @tammydemirza
YouTube Channel: Tammy De Mirza
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