Afraid of the Dark (Matter)?

Me: Here’s one from a gentleman. “I’ve often wondered if dark matter, the majority of space that puzzles scientists so much, what it is? Is it thought/consciousness/spirit? Can I get an amen from Erik?” What is dark matter, Erik? I think we’ve covered this long ago.

Jamie: Yes, I think we did.

Erik: The gray matter—

Me: Gray matter’s in the brain! I’m talking about out in the Universe. There’s dark matter and dark energy.

Erik: Mom, the guy’s asking whether dark matter is spirit and energy. I’m saying that here on Earth, it’s absolutely just that. Multi-dimensional sharing of space. Now the dark matter “out there” (said in a mysterious voice)—

Jamie: It’s interesting. The way he’s showing it to me is that it clumps together.

Me: Oh!

Jamie: Do we know that about dark matter?

Me: I don’t know anything about it now. I read about it before, but I just don’t remember.

Erik: That’s how it collects to each other. There are definitely multi-dimensional planes that have complete life forces of it’s own.

Me: Do dimensions, when they touch each other, create other dimensions?

Long pause

Jamie: Yeah, the way he shows me, if we lay a bunch of papers on top of each other—say a hundred pages—when we look at it, we only experience page one. We can’t experience page 100 without lifting all of these layers and becoming involved in the next page.

Erik: Yeah. So this dark matter is tightly layered. I don’t believe that humans, even with their science, will be able to peel back the layers and be able to communicate to whom or what is existing in that layer.

Me: So, are we on one of the pages? Our dimension?

Erik: Yeah. So if we just say that every page is a dimension—what are we up to? Like 16 pages where we live?

Me: Who is we? You?

Erik: Humans.

Me: So, what does thought, consciousness or spirit have to do with this? Are those the things that puts the dark matter together? Makes them clump?

Erik: No.

Me: Does it have anything to do with dark matter? Is it the dark matter? Is that what you’re saying?

I’m SOOO confused now.

Erik: No.

Me: Okay. So, it really has nothing to do with consciousness. Maybe energy. Obviously everything is energy.

Erik: With energy, yes. That’s involved. But getting deeper into it than that? No.

Jamie: He’s saying it’s different dimensional levels, and those levels have intelligence.

Me: Well, thought creates reality. Does thought create these dimensions? Does thought create dark matter at all?

Erik: No.

I’m really getting frustrated now.

Me: So dark matter is where dimensions touch.

Erik: Yeah.

This creates a lot of other questions for me, but sadly I didn’t think of them until I started transcribing this. Can we go between dimensions by going through the dark matter that connects the dimension? Does it even connect them or do the dimensions just touch and create a free clump of dark matter? Argh!


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Also, friend both Erik and me on Facebook.


Dear Reader,

The journey on which you’re about to embark will take you through stories that are deeply personal and involves a relationship between a mother and her son.

As a physician raised by two atheists, I had no personal belief system about life after death. In a word, I was a confirmed skeptic. As my journey progressed, my mind opened. It is my sincerest hope that yours will open as well and that you will have a greater understanding of your own life and what’s to come ahead.

Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my book is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources for help when you find yourself considering taking your own life. Know that they are readily available when you feel that hopelessness and despair that many of us feel from time to time in our lives.

I refuse all donations and ad revenue on the blog. It is my dream to one day establish a nonprofit organization that delivers a variety of spiritual services for those who have lost loved ones to suicide and cannot afford that assistance on their own. It’s a mission of love, sacrifice, and dedication.

Love and light,


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Elisa Medhus

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