Gimme, Gimme, Part Two

Let’s start out with a fun poll:

Erik: So behind their backs, wrap them in white light and say a little something like, “God, Higher Self, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus—whoever you say your prayer to or have your belief system into—when they go to sleep at night, please show them the destruction. Please show them how careless they’ve been.”

And now, Part Two.

Me: Can we do that on a mass basis by sending that white energy to wrap everybody who has those, I mean, visualizing—

I’m stumbling on my words.

Me: —visualize it wrapping around everybody that has that disregard for the environment, Mother Earth?

Erik: Oh my god. That would be fantastic! Let’s do that! As you’re doing your meditation or your intent for the day, just say, “Hey, Mother, Father, God, Jesus, Buddha—

Jamie stumbles on the words and starts cracking up.

Jamie: I can’t say it fast like that!

I laugh.

Jamie tries again.

Erik: “Buddha, Jesus Christ, Father, Krishna—

Me (referring to how fast she’s having to spout off the list): Oh, that’s awful!

Erik: —go to those who are careless and, in their restful state, show them what they have done.” Let’s just do that every day and watch how the world changes.

Me: Okay. That’s on my to-do list every day.

Erik: At the top of the list!

Me: You know there are some people who seem lucky and money just pours into their lap. Things just pour into their lap. But some people have trouble finding abundance. What can you say about that?

Erik: When you try, try, try, it’s never going to come to you. Life’s not about trying. It’s about doing. For those who have less focus on the abundance goal, like less trying, life tends to say, “Hey, I’m going to hand it to you.” Other reasons why some people have more abundance than others is maybe they have set different goals. They have a different relationship with money; they see it as energy. They see it as beneficial and useful. Some people, when you get down to the bottom of why they can’t find abundance, they see money as being bad, as being evil or for the use of things that aren’t good or are ego-fulfilling. So they deny themselves the abundance even though they’re asking for it because they don’t want it to seem like they’re feeding their ego.

Me: Oh, I see.

Erik: There are a thousand different reasons, but, overall, looking at money as energy and knowing how you want to use that energy, that right there will create your abundance.

Me: But you have to try! I mean, you have to work your way up to a management position and—

Erik: No, no, Mom. You don’t have to try. You do it. You don’t try. You do it. You set your goals, and you do it.

Me: Well, what’s the difference between trying and doing?

Erik: Trying keeps you focused on a single task. “I want that one million dollars, so I’m going to try to get it. I’m going to try it; I’m going to try it; I’m going to try.” But when you’re using the term, “trying” and even when you fail you try again, it’s not working. The energy wrapped around “try” is being able to do the task but not succeed. You’re just going to try it.

Me: Okay.

Erik: It’s the word, itself.

Me: That makes sense because the Universe reflects our words literally, so if you try, the Universe will put you in that perpetual state of trying, but if you act like you already have money like, “I am wealthy,” then that’s what the Universe gives you.

Erik: Yes.

Me: Something like that. I don’t know if I explained it too well.

I hear Lukas brushing his teeth, gargling and hawking up God only knows what.

Jamie: Kind of sounds like me a minute ago thanks to those visuals of Erik.

Lukas is even louder.

Me: Do you hear that?

Jamie: That was my first time gagging on camera. (She toasts herself with her mug.) Yay!

Me: Oh that is awful! A first. We love those firsts! I bet we had people in the audience gagging too, just watching you gag. That was sad.

Jamie laughs.

Me: So, let’s see, is scarcity an illusion? Talk about that. People are all wrapped up in this, “There’s not enough! There’s not going to be enough for me!”

Erik: Scarcity is an illusion, absolutely, because you can manifest whatever you need. If you believe in scarcity, then you believe you can’t manifest. They contradict themselves. If you have both on the plate, null and void.

Me: Okay, anything else? Anything else on abundance? What advice do you have? Just one more piece of advice for people who want more in their lives. And it doesn’t have to be about money. It can be about more friends, about more love, more to do.

Erik: I like things in threes or fives.

Jamie (smiling): Apparently he likes odd numbers.

Me: Okay. Sit down and look at your abundance and however you’re defining it, whether it’s love, friendship, money, and clothing, whatever it is, and write down the top three to five ways that you can receive it. Just write it down. I’m not looking at you to do these things, but I just want you to write them down. When you get it clearly—because some of you are visual rather than auditory—and if you’re visual, and you keep the thoughts wrapped up in your head, it’s not going to be manifested in any way. If you put it down and see it, then you’ll be able to follow through with it. A lot of times, something on that list of 3 to 5 things will be “ask for help.” Ask for others to support you, to give you, to teach you, and be willing to accept that help not as a failure or a weakness but as a strength. When you do that, then look at what you’re needing, what your abundance thing is, and see it as being energy—very malleable, very usable—

Jamie: USER FRIENDLY! He just shouted.

Erik: And see this energy coming to you. Then identify where you’re putting that energy. Most people go, “I want money, money, money,” and if they got the money, they’d be like, “Oh my god. What am I going to do? Do I save it? Do I do this? Do I just go buy ten Cadillacs?” They get stumped. So if you want all the friendship and the love, what are your goals with that? What would fulfill you more with the money? Would you tithe? Would you donate? Would you create your own nonprofit? What would those things look like? So when the energy comes to you, you can keep it moving and place it into these areas. If abundance comes to you and you hold onto it, it’ll hit a wall, and it might not continue to flow to you. It’ll puddle up and then become a burden and not what you really wanted. Then you get frustrated with yourself, and it goes downhill.

Jamie and I laugh.

Me: You’re on a rant!

Jamie (nodding): He’s on a rant.

Me: I remember when you were little, Erik—gosh, you must have been about three—we asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And you said, “I want to be a king.” Then we asked, “Well how are you going to make money doing that?” and you held out your little hand and said, “Like this.” So you have the right idea. When you open your life to abundance, ye shall receive.”

Erik: That would be a great t-shirt.

Me: I know! Right! With Erik’s little face going like” (I put my hand out, palm up.)

Erik: That’s when I was cute.

Me: You’re still cute!



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Elisa Medhus

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