Out of respect for the family, given the content of this post, I chose to make it nearly impossible to google Susan P’s name.
Me: Okay. Susan P., you know the one who’s missing still?
Erik: Yeah.
Me: And her husband, Josh P. blew up himself and his adorable kids recently in the house. Is she around so that we can talk to her? Can you find her, Erik? I’m pretty sure she’s passed over.
Jamie: He said she has.
Me: Yeah. I never felt safe asking until her husband died, of course. Now, I would like to know where she is. It would be nice if the family could have some sort of closure to their loss if only we could help them locate the body.
Jamie clears her throat uncomfortably.
Erik: She’s alright, but her body is kind of mangled and buried.
Jamie: He’s showing me that the body is under something, and it’s not water. It’s compacted. It’s not concrete. It’d have to be dirt or soil.
Me: Like a landfill maybe?
Jamie: That would make more sense, because I’m not seeing a forest or anything.
Me: Okay, so compacted in some way.
Jamie: Yeah, you know like when you put someone in a coffin laid straight out? She’s not laid straight out.
Me: Not laid straight out. Like in a junk yard, how they compact cars?
Jamie: Junk yard. No, it’d have to be something with more soil.
Me: Oh, more soil. Okay.
Jamie: So, a landfill would fit better with that. Did they bury it or something?
Me: I don’t know. Maybe. Did he bury her there or —
Erik: He put her in a big bag.
Me: Oh, he put her in a big bag, took her out to a trash can or dumpster?
Erik: No, not a dumpster.
Jamie: When was this?
Me: Oh, it was a while back.
Jamie: I’m happy I don’t watch the news. She’s not coming in. Erik’s not able to get her now, but he knows she’s just fine.
Here’s a note from blog member Betty who, as an author, goes under the pseudonym, E.J. Daniel. She and Erik wrote the fantastic novel, Same Sky, Same Moon, and it appears Erik has his fingerprints all over this one, entitled SECOND CHANCES, too. If you’d like a free copy, here’s your chance. I suggest you don’t miss this one or Erik just might “prank” you! Here’s a note from Betty:
Anyone who wants to read my novel, SECOND CHANCES, for FREE, send your request to me at: ejdaniel@q.com
Below you can read the PREFACE which tells you the premise of the story. You will receive the manuscript as a PDF. This novel is NOT a sequel to SAME MOON, SAME SKY.
Life, Death, Near Death, and Places In Between
E.J.Daniel with Erik Medhus
Most of the information in this novel about the Other Side was supplied by Erik Medhus. As members of the Channeling Erik blog, you already know Erik died October 2009 and made contact with his family shortly after his death and that his Mother, Elisa Medhus, M.D. established the blog where Erik continues to share what he’s learned and which encourages the blog members to contribute their stories and ask Erik questions about the afterlife.
My own experiences with supernatural events are worked into this novel where appropriate, and of course, the main characters, Erik, and his Mom, are my fictionalized versions of the real people.
I have often wondered where the soul goes in patients who are in a coma, have Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, or other illnesses which make them unable to communicate.
In this novel, Erik’s spirit is the one who makes contact with the incapacitated patients. I don’t know if this premise is mine or came from Erik. See what you think.