Our second radio show is tonight at 7:00 PM CT, and I’m hoping we have smooth sailing. We might try to screen callers in the chatroom HERE so if you want to ask Erik a question, please type in your name, city, question and last four digits of your phone number. Then, just before the show, call in to 619-639-4606. You can start 15 minutes before the show.
Whether you have a question or not, join the show by clicking HERE or on the icon in the righthand sidebar of the blog. Invite your friends and family to join, too. If you miss it, you can listen to the podcast at your leisure by clicking on that icon in the sidebar.
We had a caller during the last show who was clearly struggling in life. Her name is Lily. Can we all stop for a moment right now and send her love, prayers and light? Lily, we’re here for you. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
One more thing: Please join Kim, Erik and me tomorrow night at 8:00 PM CT (6:00 PM PT/9:00 PM ET) on The Outlander Show with Heidi Hollis. If you want to participate, you can do so in the chatroom HERE. Go HERE to listen live or access the podcast after it’s archived. With Erik in the mix, it should be fun.
Me: Hello.
Jamie: Good morning!
Me: How is everybody? Jamie, are you okay?
Jamie: I’m doing good, thank you!
Me: Did you have a nice time on your cruise?
Jamie: It was a lot of exercise, chasing children, watching shows, but it was wonderful.
Me: Oh, that’s awesome! How are you doing, Erik?
Jamie: Erik’s doing wonderful. He just flashed the screen. Did you see it?
Me: Yeah, I did see that.
Jamie: It went blank. It was weird.
Me: Erik! Up to your fun stuff. Keep it coming. We can take it. This is actually a question from your brother, Lukas. Thousands of years ago, how were we different? Were we more in tuned with our spirituality and spiritual gifts?
Erik: We’re only going a thousand years back?
Me: Okay, we can go more, and was there a point when we were totally in tuned with our spiritual gifts?
Erik: Yes. Yes, big time, but then when we started to learn that measuring the external world for survival needs was creating a safer environment so we could live longer, we started putting all the efforts outside of us, and we started to ditch what was inside. Then when we got into the medieval times, past all the Greek shit and so forth—
Jamie laughs.
Erik: –those were the Dark Ages, pretty much. The religious groups got together and decided that we really needed to remove people’s individual power, individual power to perceive and know more than what God knows. That started turning the tables so that [our gifts] were considered evil, bad, not good, something to be ashamed of. They started to use church rules and laws to oppress those abilities. So we turned the lights off and everything went dark. Now, we’re coming out of it.
Me: Of course, material science probably didn’t help. Did it?
Erik: At the beginning, no, because it was reinforcing the external world rather than the internal one, but now, as it’s growing, it’s getting more into the internal world. That’s cool as shit.
Me: Yeah, we’re getting into the nature of consciousness and things like that so yeah, that is pretty cool. How long ago were you talking about before we changed?
Erik: What do you mean, Mom?
Me: Thousands of years ago? Is that when we had our gifts and then changed?
Erik: Oh, like caveman people and shit like that?
Me: Was it then?
Erik: We all knew how to communicate without language. We didn’t even fucking have language then! So we had telepathic skills; we relied on body cues, energetic cues, that’s just how we were born. Like you have your children today and you go, “Wow, they’re so fucking intuitive. They just know everything.” “He sees right through the soul!”
Jamie laughs at the way he said the last sentence.
Erik: That’s how we were [back then,] and that’s how we stayed all the way through adulthood. Then the Dark Ages started shaping things, and we came up with this brilliant fucking idea called school, which—
Jamie grimaces at what he said next.
Me: Which you loved, Erik!
Sarcasm noted?
Erik: That just restructured children to get out of that [spiritual] mode into what society stated to be appropriate. You have to know how I fucking feel about that!
Jamie (smiling): Ooo, now he’s pacing.
Me: Uh oh. The anger pacing. You don’t get angry, though.
Erik: No, I just get frustrated.
Me: Frustrated. Okay. All right. Well what other gifts did we have besides telepathy?
Erik: Way back then?
Me: Mm hm.
Erik: Telepathy human-to-human, human to plant, human to animal. We also could communicate to The Beyond and we had the instinct of knowing. We could discern what the weather was going to be. We didn’t need –
(Long pause)
Jamie (chuckling): I don’t think that’s a word, Erik!
Erik: We didn’t need a weather station to give us the wrong idea like, “It’s going to rain today,” but then it doesn’t.
I laugh.
Erik: That’s because we knew. We could feel it in our bodies. We knew how to prepare. It’s more about the fact that we were in tuned to Mother Earth. So many people, when they hear that phrase, “being in tuned to Mother Earth,” man it just triggers them to go down [with their thoughts] this hippie path, this, “I gotta have dirty feet and not cut my hair and be a white dude with dreads to be able to do it.”
Me: That’s the picture I got in my head before you said it!
Erik: But it’s not that way. We can be business people and wear Italian leather shoes and a bowtie and be so in tuned with the earth. It’s a respect thing, not a worship thing.
Me: So we can hug trees in bowties?
Erik: That’s the title of our next children’s book.
Me: There we go! “Wear a bowtie and hug a tree.”
Jamie giggles.
Me: When will we be like that again? I mean, completely.
Erik: We’re growing into it right now, Mom. Yeah, we’re totally getting there right now, but this time, when we get into it, we’re going to have science behind us, and 2015 was the big year where that started coming forward. All the work they’ve been doing for the past 10-15 years is coming out now, and it’s all about quantum physics and energy science and how it can explain spiritual topics, time, space, and things of that nature. We have instruments that can read energy in new ways, and we are finding that there are conversations going on without people in the room. (With mock awe, putting the fingertips of both hands on his temples, then opening up his arms) What?
Jamie and I laugh.
Jamie: That was really funny!
Me: Erik, you’re a case. Was there anything else different about cave people?
Erik: Besides the lack of human language and that there were better communication skills? Aw, they had a really fucking hard time, man!
Me: Yeah, they did! And they didn’t live long. Their whole human experience was about what?
Erik: Survival!
Me: So basically, the delicious ability to survive.
Erik: Yes.
Me: What was their afterlife like?
Erik: It’s just like ours.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Remember, we don’t have that “time is linear” shit here.
Me: I know. I know. You have to work with me sometimes!
Erik: You wanna jump right back into caveman right now? We can do that for you.
He moves his head from side to side in the funniest way.
Erik: No?
Me: No. No, no saber toothed tigers for me.
Jamie laughs.
Erik: You forgot the cool part, Mom like the caveman to the switch of—
(Long pause)
Jamie (scratching her head): I don’t understand what you’re saying. He’s not calling it enlightenment.
Jamie: Where aliens and other multidimensional beings kind of cross the barrier to inhabit certain parts of Earth to check it out, kind of help out with civilizations and shit like that. That was going on back then, and there was a lot of intellectual knowledge passed down, tools, things like that, and there was a lot of DNA support, but not a complete redesign. It’s not like that. We still had evolution happening.
Me: How did they do that?
Jamie smiles and shakes her head, clearly not happy with the way Erik was explain things.
Me: Was it bred into us, or—
Jamie: Thank you. That’s a great way of saying it.
She looks relieved. I bet Erik had a less savory way of explaining it.
Erik: It was bred.
Me: So we bred with aliens?
Jamie wiggles in her chair in discomfort and smiles.
Me: That’s kind of kinky! Is that what our junk DNA is or is that something different?
Erik: Some of it.
Me: Okay.
Erik: But some of the junk DNA is just from evolution, you know—
Me: Trashcan.
Erik: Yeah.
Me: Okay. Anything else about us from thousands and thousands of years ago?
Erik: Nope.
Me: All right Erik, Jamie, I’ll see you guys later, and we’re going to talk about something you’re really going to enjoy enlightening us about, Erik.
Erik (singing): So special, so special!
Me: God, I wish I could hear that! You had a terrible voice. Oh my god. Your brother has the ear. He’s got the ear, but you could really play the guitar. Oh, he’s learning how to play the guitar, Erik! Your guitar!
Jamie: Oh, that’s great!
Me: That’s kind of cool.
Jamie: Oh, he loves that.
Me: All right, I will see you later! Bye, everybody! Stay until the end of the video!
Jamie and Erik: Bye.
Hope to hear you on the show, guys!