Check out this message from Tammy DeMirza, peeps! Oh, and I’m still in Norway and haven’t died yet! LOL! Miss you all!!
Tapping into Heart Energy
In today’s world, we spend most of our time coping or trying to cope with what life is throwing at us, instead of knowing what we want and following our own guidance system. This is a very frustrating place to be when you know that you came here to do something with your life, but have no idea what it is or how to achieve it.
Knowing what your inner guidance system is, how to use it, how to get your own answers and know, therefore, be and do, is paramount to peace of mind. Not only that, but feeling that your life has meaning, purpose and that there is a clear direction, makes life exciting, fun, exhilarating and fulfilled.
Did you know that only 3% of people on the planet know what they want and that only 1% of those are happy when they get it? The issue isn’t that we know that there is something missing, but that we don’t know how to tap into the heart energy to figure it out; to know how to get the clarity and answers and to feel comfortable with what we are pursuing and knowing why we are pursuing it.
We spend much of our time catching up, making up for, and little of it is about moving in a conscious way to create what resonates and what doesn’t, knowing what boundaries to have and what to do and not to do to fulfill our values. Most of us do not even know that our values are what governs our actions and we are typically unconsciously walking around very busy, but wondering why we feel disconnected, discontent and with a lack of clarity because we are filling our lies with things that we don’t value or want, thinking that at some point, it will – like lightening – strike us and we will get the revealing of what it is and what we do about it.
Unless you have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend with a private mentor who can work with you individually to extract what you value and how your life is reflecting or not reflecting that, you will find yourself stuck, feeling a little lost, frustrated and concerned about your future. Learning how to tap into that energy, that supreme intelligence is paramount to your getting your own answers.
In the workshop that I am offering in Houston, at Elisa Medhus’ home, you will get the clarity to know when something resonates and when it doesn’t, the tools to use to be authentic and how it feels, finding the “sweet spot” of your heart energy when it feels right – in alignment. You will be able to change your life with this weekend of having me work with you and seeing me work with others and getting the concepts and principles engrained because of the many examples. It is like going to an Abraham Hicks event and hearing the principles and seeing them talked about with a lot of different scenarios and finally getting it because of the repetition. You will have your own breakthroughs and “aha” moments that are so personally designed for you in your scenario. Come and let’s fellowship, bring your questions of what you really want to know and get the assistance you want to move forward with an intuitive who can read past what your mind says and into the soul and heart of what you really want to know.
To sign up, go to:
When: October 11 – 13, 2019 and you can attend in person and have a personal session with me or remotely view with your phone, iPad, tablet or computer and be able to schedule a session with me remotely at a great discounted price.
Only love for you – Tammy
Elisa here. I sure hope you guys can come, either in person or remotely!