Here’s the remainder of the Stephen Paddock interview courtesy of Joao Pedro C.!
Elisa: Well, did you have any physical problems, like a brain tumor or some physical problem that contributed, at least, to this?
Stephen Paddock: No and my IQ was very high.
Veronica: I’m having like a severe pain in my head right here so I want to just ask ‘did you suffer too?’. He’s telling me he suffered from headaches cuz I actually have it right in my temporal lobe, up here. So, he’s saying to me there would be times when he would just get these intense throbbing like a knife in the side here (pointing to the left temporal lobe) headaches but he’s telling me about the prescription medicine for what they called migraines.
Elisa: Okay, all right. Now, you were booked at a different hotel before apparently, perhaps you were planning to gun down at different events. Is that true? So, why did you change to Mandalay?
Stephen Paddock: I always knew what I was going to do and where I was going to do it. I have roots with that hotel. It was… I did my dry run at the other place to feel it out but I always knew it was going to be that hotel and I looked at the calendar of venues.
Elisa: Okay, why did you pick country music? ‘Cause it was gonna be a larger crowd or… I don’t know. Maybe you hate country folks because Republicans love the, I don’t know.
Veronica: So, why? Why the country music?
Stephen Paddock: Honestly, it had nothing to do with what venue it was. It was the date that was more significant.
Elisa: What was the significance of the date?
Stephen Paddock: That’s personal.
Elisa: Oh, that’s personal. Alright. Now, what did your girlfriend know and why did you send her away?
Stephen Paddock: I wanted to protect her, she is not involved in this in any way, shape or form. She is innocent.
Elisa: How do you feel about the suffering she’s going through now?
Stephen Paddock: It’ll come out that she had nothing to do with this. I can’t help what she’s going through right now.
Elisa: How will she feel about it?
Stephen Paddock: She’ll be fine.
Elisa: Did you love her?
Stephen Paddock: In the way that I know how to love.
Elisa: Have you met your victims? And if you did, how did that go?
Stephen Paddock: I have not.
Elisa: Okay.
Stephen Paddock: I am coming through here probably for egotistical reasons because I really want everybody to know why I did what I did, and I really want people to know the bigger spiritual picture here is mental illness.
Elisa: Okay. Have you gone through your life review yet?
Stephen Paddock: No.
Elisa: Oh boy, that will be a little though. Now, tell me your ideas on gun control. What do you think about the issue being the fact that gun control was brought up immediately, right after this happened?
Stephen Paddock: I think it’s ridiculous. I think it’s ridiculous that people think that you can control the guns and how people get them. It’s not possible, it’s not possible to do that. I think we have all of our little systems in place and our checks and balances but, obviously, there’s loopholes and no matter what you do, you’re never going to get people profiled that are really stable to have guns; you’re just not gonna have that happen. It’s not gonna happen.
Elisa: So, how do you fell about banning those bump stops that are used to make a semi-automatic into a automatic weapon? Will that help or are banning semi-automatic weapons would that help at all?
Stephen Paddock: There’s a way to get anything and everything.
Elisa: I know, like that the dark web
Stephen Paddock: Anything and everything.
Elisa: What about doing psychological testing on anybody before they could buy a gun so that you can pick up middle illness and help people that way? Do you think that would help?
Stephen Paddock: I’m a huge proponent of that, yes.
Elisa: What’s easy should be done?
Stephen Paddock: I think that it should start early in life education, so there’s two parts to it. Educate about non-violence to your children, give your children a foundation of love and they will go out and be of love. Notice what your child is doing, when they’re doing it. Notice if they have symptoms. What are the symptoms of ‘maybe my child’s a little left to center?’ Look at your kids! The answer can’t come from us, right now, right here in this generation; we’ve got to start over. We’ve got to start with the little ones, the little ones, the little ones.
Elisa: But look, you’ve hidden your mental illness from everybody. What’s to say that won’t happen with other people too?
Stephen Paddock: It could, it could but if we don’t take a stand and we don’t start somewhere and we don’t educate you know, that’s the only hope there is, because, really, do you have the answer on how we’re gonna get the guns cleaned up.
Elisa: Yeah, no.
Stephen Paddock: Nobody does! You can pass a bill, you can have this and the referendum. Whatever you’re gonna do, it’s gonna work.
Elisa: Now, so you have the soul contract to shed light on mental illness. Were the victims, their families and the survivors a part of that contract?
Stephen Paddock: Mm-hmm, yes and and if the truth be told, a lot of those victims suffered some form of mental illness – depression, anxiety – and a lot of their families struggled with it.
Elisa: Okay, all right. So, that’s why they wanted to…
Stephen Paddock: Mm-hmm. There’s a spiritual reason for everything; humans can’t wrap their head around why but there is a spiritual actual reason for it.
Elisa: Yeah, alright. So, from your point of view now how would you have reacted if an event like this happened and you or one of the people in the concert audience? I mean, also, would you have been the one who would have reacted to protect another or would you be the coward that ran away?
Stephen Paddock: I would be the coward that ran away. I have nothing to lose at this point by admitting that. And I never put myself in that position.
Veronica: That seems very egotistical but that’s what he said.
Elisa: Okay, okay. Here’s another one from a blog number: ‘Did you ever consider how would you feel walking in another’s shoes during event like this and how it would change the fate of families forever?’. I don’t get that you’re the person that has that kind of empathy to put yourself in another person’s shoes.
Stephen Paddock: I never considered any of that. I never thought about it. I just knew that I came here with a mission and a plan and it had to be carried out. The beauty of all of this is nobody’s ever gonna really know why, except when they listen to this, so…
Elisa: Okay. Here’s another one: ‘are you undergoing any healing to your energy and if so are you still able to comfort your family at the same time? My husband just died and I’m hoping he is receiving the healing he needs even though I know he has been around us’.
Stephen Paddock: I am in seclusion, I am in shutdown it’s like…
Veronica: So Erik’s gonna chime in here because Erik is telling me it’s like this Stephen is just hanging out right now, he hasn’t gone through the process yet. Erik is saying ‘it’s not like we don’t know what’s gonna happen to him or where he’s gonna go, he just hasn’t been “processed” yet’. Is what the word is. That’s Erik can give me, “he hasn’t been processed yet”.
Elisa: Stephen, is that of your own choosing?
Stephen Paddock: No, no, I just I just I have no choice but to follow the rules here.
Elisa: Okay, so what’s it gonna take for you to get processed and get your healing some people say you have to ask for help…
Veronica: Erik is saying he has to want it. He has to realize where he’s at and this, you know, this “limbo-like” state, you know? It’s kind of like he has to understand that he can say ‘look, I’m ready to look at this, I’m ready to go and have a deeper understanding of this’ and for most people, Erik is saying, it just happens naturally. We pass over and it just happens for people who are of dense heavy energy…
Elisa: Like Stephen?
Veronica: Right! There’s a whole different process that happens and they themselves hold it up.
Elisa: I see, all right. Does the anger directed at you now impact your energy over there?
Stephen Paddock: It’s like water off a duck’s back.
Elisa: Apparently, there was some guy who flipped you off. Did you see that? I don’t know why someone wants to know that…
Stephen Paddock: No, I didn’t see it. I didn’t, I wasn’t aware… I wasn’t aware of anybody seeing me.
Elisa: Okay. What life circumstances are believed influenced you to do this – we’ve already talked about your father – and how does it feel to see its impact from your current perspective – you said water off a duck’s back. Well, you know ‘I honored my spiritual contract to help the collective draw attention to mental illness’, is that why you feel the way you did?
Stephen Paddock: If you can understand this, and in my mind, I feel I did the right thing. I was taking orders, I was given direction.
Elisa: From whom?
Stephen Paddock: From the voices in my head, from when I was condition to believe, what I know it was right. Some people will call me crazy, some people will call me demonic; everybody will have a label for me but I truly was doing what I heard was needing to be done at this time.
Elisa: Because there’s nobody in heaven that makes you fulfill spiritual contracts that’s of your own choosing? So these were other voices in your head, right? From whom?
Stephen Paddock: Yeah, I… It goes way back, I would play with my playmates in my head, growing up.
Elisa: Were these actual spirits or are you just making up, voices in your head?
Stephen Paddock: It was me, it was me. I didn’t have any demonic energy attached to me, I didn’t I didn’t have any dark attach to me and listen, really, this is me just giving you in hindsight. I’m, you know, I’m kind… maybe… I’m kind of doing my life review right now, maybe that’s what this is about maybe, maybe that’s why I’m here right now, because I’m kind of looking at this and I’m doing a life review and God knows I never did it while I was alive.
Elisa: How easy it is to purchase automatic weapons? I mean, what do you do? You go on to he dark web? How did you how do you get some of these things?
Stephen Paddock: I got a guy.
Elisa: it’s very easy, hum?
Stephen Paddock: It’s very easy to hook up and here’s the thing, this is (gesticulating money) what gets it for you right here this, and I had a lot of that.
Elisa: You, apparently, go to the dark web and purchase, purchase anything you want with Bitcoin, so it’s untraceable. So, it’s a problem.
Stephen Paddock: And you know what? Walk the streets, walk the streets of Vegas. The dark crevices of Vegas gangs, I mean, you know? And here I come, this normal looking man who’s, you know, walking the streets. I also had a predilection for prostitutes, so I would frequent these dark danky places.
Elisa: All right. Also, here’s one: ‘did others know what was about to happen? There were reports early on of a woman to the front rows telling people they were going to die’. Oh my god.
Stephen Paddock: She’s this, she’s crazy. She’s scary. Nobody, nobody without a doubt, nobody knew this, okay? So, if you say they’re knowing, they’re making up stories, okay? I’ve gotten this far with anyone knowing it.
Elisa: Okay. Who was or were your role models growing up and why?
Stephen Paddock: I really have a hard time with that. I don’t I didn’t attach to anybody. I didn’t… I wasn’t able to bond or attach. I wasn’t able to form any sort of mentor relationship. I just kind of went through life, I watched TV shows but, you know, I didn’t really relate to humanity in the way that everybody else does.
Elisa: Why is that?
Stephen Paddock: I was always disconnected, I always felt like an outsider and I learned early on the people closest to you were the people that would hurt you the most.
Elisa: Is that why you would have a hard time establishing attachments to people or was it because of your childhood or was it nurture or nature? Your mental illness or your upbringing?
Stephen Paddock: It was both and people ask that question and it’s more often than not a combination of both. So, it was definitely both.
Elisa: So, I guess there was no father figure for you. Why did you choose to become an accountant?
Stephen Paddock: It was easy for me, numbers come very easy to me and I love money.
Elisa: What kind of music did you listen to?
Stephen Paddock: When I was the darkest, I preferred classical. Loud, raging classical.
Elisa: Okay. Here’s another one for the same person: ‘from your higher-self what do you want people to learn from that gesture?’ and I guess we’ve already covered that, that’s a whole mental illness shedding light on mental illness, right?
Stephen Paddock: It seems like a really hard way to open the door and turn on the light to mental illness but in this spiritual sense, this was meant to happen, it is part contract.
Elisa: Did you lose a lot of money gambling?
Stephen Paddock: A lot of money.
Elisa: I mean, did you lose almost everything? How well were you, financially, at the very end of your life?
Stephen Paddock: That’s a very nosey, intrusive question.
Elisa: You don’t have to answer it, that’s okay.
Stephen Paddock: Finances are really no one’s business, I had enough to do what I needed to do with.
Veronica: He is indicating he lost big sums of money. I also can tell you this right: now, sometimes he comes in me and sometimes he’s over here (to the right), right. Now, he’s over here and he’s pacing back and forth and he’s doing (grabbing the head, shaking). So, I don’t… We can see how much more you have to go…
Elisa: Okay, I’m almost finished. You said you had no regrets. Do you have any message for victims’ families or society at large?
Stephen Paddock: Pay attention to your kids! Pay attention to your kids and understand the signs of mental illness.
Elisa: Were you here to learn anything?
Stephen Paddock: If I was, I don’t think I learned it. This is hindsight but, you know, I can see now: I was very narcissistic, I was very self-centric. It was all about me and I want to say I want to feel remorseful and I should be sorry, but I’m not there yet.
Elisa: So, you don’t have any other regrets?
Stephen Paddock: No, no.
Elisa: Can you share, first of all… The message you gave seems to be for the collective as a whole, do you have any message for the families of the victims? The families and friends of the victims? Or not.
Stephen Paddock: No.
Veronica: I keep getting one name that keeps coming. I keep that in one name that keeps coming, and I’ll confirm it with either him or Erik, I keep getting the name Jenny. So, Stephen, does Jenny does mean anything? Erik, can you help me? Stephen shut down but I keep getting the name Jenny, so if there is a family member who lost a Jenny or if there is a Jenny who lost a family member, just know that there’s something there’s a tie with this man and Jenny. I’m sorry it’s so vague but that’s what I got.
Elisa: Stephen, or Erik if he’s to shut down, can you share another life that most influenced your one is Stephen Paddock? We’re almost finished, I’m just gonna ask one more question.
Veronica: He’s showing me, Erik is showing me, the revolutionary gear. So, it’s a warrior-type gear, revolutionary, lots of guns, lots of dismay, destruction. He’s showing me, and Stephen is again pacing back and forth and just kind of getting uncomfortable, and Erik is saying that it was he was a very prolific murderer elsewhere.
Elisa: Was it the revolutionary America war or elsewhere?
Veronica: Elsewhere. I’m not sure where, but it’s out there. He was a very prolific and Erik is saying very prolific murderer because of Erik’s, perhaps point of view on war, I don’t know.
Elisa: Is there anything, Stephen or through Erik, that can be shared about Stephen that nobody really knows about?
Veronica: He softened up with that question.
Stephen Paddock: Very silly, but I liked ice cream and I liked animals.
Elisa: Wow. Erik do you want to ask any questions before we close or Veronica do you have anything for him?
Veronica: There’s so many questions, Erik is saying that we just we could drill into and drill into but and Erik and I are in alignment, because we talk all the time and I think the connection that we have is depression and suffering with the family with it, and Erik and Erik is very adamant about shining light on mental illness so, from that perspective, I think we both agreed that this would be a good interview to do. So, I want people watching this, we want people watching this to take mental illness seriously and really take the emphasis off of guns are bad, okay? I mean, there’s so much of that, I mean let’s be honest a gun doesn’t shoot itself.
Elisa: That’s true, the person pulls a trigger and the root of gun violence is a mental illness.
Veronica: And it’s in its anger and it’s pressure and you know, now Stephen’s chiming in and he’s saying ‘the way that the world is it’s just gonna get worse because the reality of this is’, God forgive me, this is him, ‘it’s easier to get rid of somebody than it is to deal with their bullshit’.
Elisa: Wow.
Veronica: And I’m sorry I just I think I need to be done.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s fine. How’s your head?
Veronica: It went away the minute he addressed that, it went away and I’m gonna be honest and tell you I was scared. Erik knows I didn’t know if I can do this.
Elisa: You always could say “nope, let’s pull the plug, I’m done”. That was very, very brave of you Veronica, I really appreciate it. You guys, I’m going to put her website up so you can get in touch with her. It’s Thank you so much Veronica, thank you Erik.
Erik: I love you mom, bye.
Veronica: I’m gonna stay with Erik.
Elisa: Thank you, Mr. Paddock for doing this and Erik give Veronica a big hug to take care of. I love you Erik.
Erik: Love you, Mommy.
Elisa: Bye.
