My poor baby, Annika, has come down with a severe case of mononucleosis. She can barely swallow her own spit. So, I drove to College Station to pick her up and take her home where, in that Mom Cave, I can dote on her to the point of nausea. Too bad our kids have to get sick for us to smother them with love and attention.
For those of you who haven’t already done so, this is another reminder to join the Channeling Erik Facebook Group. Go HERE and ask for an invite. The peeps there are fun, insightful and supportive.
For those of you who weren’t able to participate in last night’s trance channeling event, let me just say that Erik was in fine form teasing the attendees, harassing poor Amy and, thankfully, keeping his hands off of Jamie. He shared so much Erik wisdom, too. In a word, the evening was a-ma-zing, right guys?
Now, enjoy Part Two of the Alien interview.
Me: Do you have bases here like in the ocean, under Antarctica, anything like that?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: So there are no alien bases here?
Alien: Not of our kind.
Me: Oh, so maybe another type of alien has them, but not [the Tall Whites].
Jamie nods.
Me: What amazing technologies do you have that we don’t? Maybe you can name one or two.
Jamie: They’re talking about time travel.
Me: Mm hm.
(Long pause. Jamie has a very confused look on her face.)
Jamie: Um, Erik, what does that mean?
(Pause while Erik explains)
Jamie: Interdimensional travel.
Me: Okay. Yeah, Erik, maybe you can help her. Maybe you speak alien.
Jamie: Throw me a bone, Erik!
Jamie bows her head down and shakes it.
Me: Oh no. I know where he went with that.
Jamie: Actually, it’s not hard. Like I mentioned before, you feel hypnotized.
Me: I’m surprised he’s not making a joke out of that, too.
Bone? Hard? C’mon Erik.
Jamie smiles.
Jamie (patting her chest): Everything is good. You feel really good. I feel really, really calm, but I feel like I don’t have enough energy to make a joke or to banter back and forth with Erik. I just feel very—
Me: Chill.
Jamie: Very chill.
Me: Okay. He can’t ruffle your feathers.
Jamie shakes her head, smiling.
Me: Well, you ought to have aliens in your room every week. They could be your bodyguard against Erik’s [pestering.] Okay. Let’s go on. Why do you abduct us, and what’s the mechanism of that, or do you?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: So, is it the short grays or some other race that does that?
Jamie nods.
Me: Do you think it would be safe—and I’m talking to the aliens—do you think it would be safe to interview a short gray?
Aliens: It depends on what race of them. Within the tall grays they have different species, and within the short grays, they have different species.
Me: Okay, you mean they have different species in the tall whites?
Alien: Tall grays and small grays.
Me: Tall grays? I thought they were short grays.
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: So, there are tall grays and short grays.
Jamie nods.
Me: The tall grays are the ones we want to talk to?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: The short grays are the ones we want to talk to?
Jamie nods.
Me: All right. So, you don’t abduct us?
Jamie shakes her head. She’s eerily silent.
Me: Are you working with the government?
Aliens: Yes.
Me: What’s going on with that? What’s the nature of your alliance?
Jamie: Elisa, when you say, “government,” they show me united nations.
She might mean “United Nations” as in the organization. Not sure.
Me: Oh, okay. So, a global government.
Jamie (nodding): Global government.
Me: Okay, and what’s the nature of your work with them?
Alien: Peace talks.
Me: Oh. How nice. Are you sharing technologies and other things with them?
Aliens: Not—
Jamie is really struggling here. She shakes her head in frustration, then looks up at the aliens with a pleading look saying, “Argh.”
Aliens: Not technologies of war, but only technologies that can’t be abused
Jamie: They don’t have a lot of trust in us right now, because we’re still in conflict. There are only a few thousand people on Earth that they have complete, open communication with. They know these people don’t have any conflict within them, so the information that is shared with them is going to be for the benefit of the whole Earth. They’re interested in keeping the Earth protected and keeping it whole.
Me: That’s so nice. Well, what are you trying to tell our government? What advice are you giving them—you can give me one example—to help us experience peace?
(Pause. Jamie has her eyes closed, and you can tell she’s trying hard to concentrate.)
Jamie: I know. I’m not talking out loud.
Me (laughing): I know! I’m part of this conversation, too!
Jamie (Head in hands): Uh huh. They’re complimenting Earth on being, or having inter-species, so what they’re helping us with now is to communicate with and respect all species: animals of any kind, air, land or water. This would also relate directly to our living plant life. Not only is this enabling us to survive on the Earth as a whole, but it’s also giving us the ability to comprehend that there are different life forces out in the universes and galaxies so that when we come across them, we don’t have to mimic a human shape or a human perspective to seem intelligent. This is important to us as Earth’s, as we would call, “future tense.” It has a great purpose in peacekeeping which is a part of their overall goal and interest for us.
Me: So, basically, what you’re saying is that they think we’re doing well as far as engaging interracially? (to the aliens) Is that what you’re saying? But we need to learn to see everything with a life force as our equals rather than lesser than us?
Aliens: Every species has a way of communicating. It’s your job to learn what that is so that you can use it at a future date for interdimensional beings.
Me: And you’re saying it would also help if we didn’t see plants, for example, as being less intelligent.
Jamie nods.
Me: Okay. What about the Church? Are you working with the powerful Church elite?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: Okay. How much and what does the government know, and why are they keeping this all a secret?
(Long pause)
Aliens: First of all, the government doesn’t have all of the information, even though the great leaders of the world have been told very clearly what our purpose is. It’s part of the human ignorance to want to remain separated, to feel like they have a separate identity and to be in control.
Jamie: But the Tall White race, as we’re identifying them, they don’t have any needs from us. They’re really coming through as teachers, as Erik just said.
Me: Okay. Well, what about the contracts? Tell me about those, when they’ll end and why they’re in place—the contract to protect us.
(Long pause)
Jamie: The contract is not just for Earth. It seems like whenever a universe is born, there’s a law provided or a law stated that –
(Long pause)
Jamie: Erik, help.
I chuckle.
(Pause as Erik talks to her)
Jamie: That the universe is protected so that the life force that’s growing on it can evolve at its own pace, and until that life force reaches out to ask questions, they will not interfere. They’ve come several times, but they’ve realized the entire Earth was not ready for them to be present. That’s why they’ve come to certain cultures at certain times to help enhance. They’re really not interested in interfering with our human growth.
Me: They say that the contract is going to end soon, possibly.
Aliens: Yes.
Me: So, what will happen? Will we be in danger from other alien species?
Aliens: No. You’ll have the ability to communicate with them.
Me: All right, so it’s not all about, “Okay. We’re not going to protect you anymore. Here come the bad guys. They’re going to abduct you all!”
Jamie smiles and shakes her head.
Me: It’s nothing like that?
Aliens: Correct.
Me: Well, that’s good! What do you want from us? Anything?
Jamie: No, they don’t need anything from US.
Me: Okay. What interests do you have with the earth, itself, if any? Getting minerals, gold, anything? (Pause) Or any kind of interest with the earth.
Aliens: These minerals are useful, but they’re not needed for our race. Again, we have no need from Earth.
Me: So, no interest.
Aliens: No. Our only benefit is that when you reach your future as you see it that you’ll also be a big voice in peacekeeping in other universes.
Me: Okay, good! Do you have any relationship with Lemuria, Atlantis and other civilizations that we find mythical?
Aliens: We do know these places.
Me: Do you have any interaction with these now or in the past?
Aliens: Yes, because these were civilizations that had no conflict.
Me: Was your reason for interacting with them, yeah, what was it?
Aliens: To enhance their abilities.
Me: Just like with us, basically.
Jamie nods.
Me: Okay. Can you influence the weather?
Aliens: Yes.
Me: Interesting. Have you done that before with us?
Jamie shakes her head.
Aliens: Not intentionally.
Me: Okay. How do you reproduce?
(Long pause)
Jamie: Um, the image in my head is like a plant. When a plant reaches a certain maturity, it fruits. So, it’s as if, when they reach a certain maturity, they –
Jamie sighs in frustration.
Me: Help her, Erik!
Jamie: Yeah, because you don’t, it’s not really like giving birth. You’re not pregnant for 9 months, and then you push it out. This is more like a growth, like a plant.
Me: Okay, so like a growth from their bodies?
Jamie: It sounds horrible. It doesn’t look horrible in my head, though.
Me: Oh, that’s interesting. Wow. Doesn’t sound like much fun, but…
Aliens: It’s really a beautiful part of life that everyone goes through. There are no distinct male or females [with us]. Everyone has the chance to procreate.
Me: Okay. Can you manipulate energy at all?
Me: Just like Erik does—thought creates reality, etc.?
Jamie (smiling): There seems to be some humor wrapped around the question.
Aliens: That is what we are. We’re manipulated energy.
Me: Ah!
Aliens: So, it’s—
Me: Well, everything is energy. Erik’s energy, and he can create a surfboard if he wants to.
Aliens: Yes, and that’s a power of every entity. Every life force has that power.
Throughout these interviews, I’ve learned that these alien dudes are not big talkers. I could learn from them! Well, back to pampering!